
King Adventure

A queen who lost her home A hero wanting to prove himself a lord who is ambitious a king who has gone mad a hero with new ambition

ihatepower_45 · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Last Hope

I awoke to the sound of Melodic breathing, it was Catherine. Her blond hair is all tangled up on her face and her small nose raise and fall gently. 

She's quite beautiful maybe spending my last days with her wouldn't be so bad after all. Yes, I was told by my doctor that sometime before the year ends I will perish.

My parents have been avoiding me since they have heard that news, too heartbroken to see me. Maybe it would be better if I went with her.

I gently rub her head and she awakes rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning Lord William." She says going back to sleep on my lap.

"It's time to wake up and get dress." She lets out a big sigh then gets up and prepare to get dress. 

"Take a bath with me first then you can get into a new dress." I say getting up and ignoring the heavy feeling on my chest. 

"I only have one dress my lord and it's rude to stay any longer with you." She says taking up her dress but I stop her. 

"I insist besides I would love to visit your home." She blushes at my words but still tries and put on her dress.

"I'm very serious." She looks at me then puts down her dress and follows me into the bathroom.

After our little bath and extra, I have a maid prepare a beautiful dress and shoes for her. Both are purple although she seems uncomfortable in the dress. 

"My lord why is this dress so short?" Because I wanted to see you in it.

"It's the latest fashion in our city, the young ladies no longer want to wear the stuffy dresses of old and young men love it." It's partial true yes it's a new trend but some women are against it while others embrace it.

"So you want me to be eye candy?" She's smart and straight forward I like it.

"Yes but not for other people, I will be visiting your home for the next two weeks." She stops moving forward and turn towards me.

"My home isn't anything fancy, we don't have any fancy shiny nights lights or fancy automatic stove or even decent running water." She's awfully brutally honest with her words still that's the place I want somewhere away from home.

"That settles it then." I say taking one of her hands and walking with her. 

"You're a very weird person." I've heard that many times now.

After that, we have tea with a light breakfast and I told Edward about my plan. He smiles then he helps me pack and he insists I take five guards with me. I gave up and bring them along.

"Alright, mister fancy pants listen here, since you insist on coming along you can't complain about any inconvenience that is happening at my home, okay." She says while blushing.

"I told you that won't be a problem for me." My hands fall on her leg and her face turns even redder. 

I should mention we are in a model of auto carriage called Grande due to its size and all the armour on it. Plus it has a feature that blocks out the driver from the sounds and vision from the passenger.

"Are you sure because I don't want to have you hate me for being low class." My hands go deeper into her dress almost touching her panties.

"You're still a woman whether or not you are born low class." My fingers begin to slowly rub across her panties and she squeezes her legs together. 

"That's very true my lord." My hand flicks her bud and she lets out a sweet moan which she tries to suppress. 

I then kiss her on the lips and trace her neck with my tongue. My middle finger then slowly enters her vagina.

"Not here my lord." She says has my finger gets faster and faster. 

"Please not here." She then begins to hold my hands tightly and move around erratically. 

"Don't hold it just release everything." She then takes my head and forcefully kisses me while my fingers now two play around in her pussy.

"Just relax and think about all the pleasure inside you." Her body begins to convulse and she falls on top of me

"See how was that." I say wiping my fingers with a towel.

"It felt weird like my inside was on fire." She looks on at me with a fiery passion while I look on with a smirk.