

Just as Everyone was looking at door that they heard a roar coming from outside the

The shelter

"Camander there is a horde of monsters coming this way" said a soldier to their chief

"Ask everyone to gather at the gate" said the chief

20 minutes later everyone is at the gate waiting to know what happened "everyone the commotion just now seems to have agitated the monsters that ware nearby and now they are attacking us" said the chief then continued "and look's like we don't have enough manpower to repeal them so I ask you to help us" after saying that the chief left and everyone started talking among themselves

Kartik standing near Praveen says "what do you think should we go" Praveen nods and says "let's go we should at least see what they are capable of" and started walking

When he sees the someone from before

"Hi khusbu" said Praveen to the girl helping the injured people "Do I know you" the girl asks "sorry you look like someone I know" said Praveen and left with kartik

After getting some distance from there kartik asks "tell me honestly Praveen" and continued " is it her because I know you won't mistake her for someone else doesn't matter how much time has passed" Praveen looking at kartik said "yes it is her but she doesn't remember me I guess" and started going towards the gate

Outside the gate in some distance there can be seen some 'blood hounds' running towards them

Praveen seeing them says "I think we need to take part in this" and left with kartik

At the chief's post "we would like to join as well" said Praveen to chief "you do know that you can die there right" said chief "yes chief" said Praveen

Chief looking at Praveen nods his head and says "ok then do you know how to handle a gun" asks chief " no chief " says Praveen then continued "but we have some swords and knifes we can use them" listening to this the chief nodded and said to an officer "get there name and ragister them in team 1"

The officer look's at Praveen and nods

After Praveen left "chief the first team will fight in the front line are you sure you want to send some kids there" said the officer "it doesn't matter"said the chief then continued "we just need to know what kind of creature we are facing this time and for that we need to sacrifice something and that is not going to be my people" the officer nodded

Praveen alongside kartik is now standing in front of a camp where the first team is entering everyone looked at them and asked "what are you doing here" Praveen answered "we were assigned to this team by chief to fight alongside you" listening to this the same person asked "what are your name" Praveen introduced himself and kartik and asked "and what about you what is your names" the person looked at everyone and nodded "my name is raj this here is rakhi and this one is called khushbu" Praveen looked at everyone and nodded then asked "who is the team leader" raj answered "I am and khushbu is the second in command" Praveen nods and says "what about weapon's what are you using" raj look's at Praveen and answered "we have some guns and some kitchen knifes" Praveen nods and says "I have seen the monsters that are coming this way and I don't think guns are going to work on them"

After saying that he continued "I have some swords that may work if you want I can give them to you" after saying that he left with kartik

Raj looking at everyone says "what are you guys thinking" khushbu looking at everyone says "I think we should ask for some swords even if our guns work having an extra weapon for security is not a bad idia" after that everyone started arguing with eachother and in the end only 7 out of 30 people agreed to get a sword including raj khushbu and rakhi

About 2 hours later everyone is standing at the gate and the monster raid is starting