

Hidden in plain sight, Martial masters wielding beyond human abilities continue to walk among us hiding in the fading shadows, Till they wouldn't. Raven Voss a young teenage boy average in every sense is slowly pulled into the world beyond by forces far outside his control. Follow his journey in his bid for survival as he tries to juggle a normal teenage life, managing two bodies while struggling beyond his means to survive the ever melancholic world of the Martial masters. The stakes heighten, the plots thicken, and startling truths begin and continue to unravel. Observe as the martial world and the normal one slowly collide and descend into madness. Is his involvement by the works of fate? Destiny perhaps? Or by the works of Man?. Ultimately! my friends. is there really any difference?.

Richard_J_Bruce · Acción
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150 Chs


Harold grins, tilting his chin up signaling for Raven to come at him, Raven obliges, his Combination technique bursting to power, Striker and Enforcer, his bones protrude as a sheering chill takes hold, the cold, his bones nigh reflective, winter white, his pure white orbs watching with calculative intent, Raven blurs to left over head of Harold, his fist whips against the opponents skull with a sickening bang. As expected, Harold remains unmoved, with the recoiling force if impact Raven spins, centered in his armoured leg is the culmination of copious amounts of 'Force', compressing further to his heel, willed with his striker his free leg finds balance as his body springs up with his heel connecting with Harold's jaw, again the hulk of a man remains infallible, a mountain, nevertheless Raven presses on, having taken note of the lessons objective and coupled with his uncanny natural ability and his combination empowered Auxiliary 'Force' arts, with what would seem to another as practiced ease he infuses the winter white bones of his body with constantly compressed force, Raven's weight rapidly increases, the cold around him follows with similar practice, the 'Force' compounds till saturation, till his bones could hold no more, 

(I see) Raven mules, a certain realization donning on him, he'd inadvertently stepped upon the first step to Conceptualisation, with an explosive bang and a speed almost matching that of Jayson's, his figure blurs, mid air he executes on memorial command a one thousand and eighty and at the bearest of seconds from connecting Raven compresses every ounce if 'Force' which his body held into his armoured shin, the blow connects with an explosion if 'Force' to follow, almost.

Harold in a feat clear of his boundless superiority in terms of realms if advancement hand caught the blow and with the bearest exercision of his will wrestled the explosion to nothing, 

(This kid) he ponders, (like father like son, it's like seeing that bastard all over again) he smiles, 

"I win" Raven declares,

"Well" Harold coughs, "that doesn't count as a win i suppose" he concedes, "as far as i can see you already have things figured out, but that begs a question",

"Which is?" Raven inquires,

"Your defensive technique, do you not have one?" Harold questions,

"I do, but my transition to a cold Shifter was a rather recent one" Raven replies,

"I see, your task differs then, focus singularly on achieving being ATTUNED" he states, 

{Agreed} Silver chips, Raven acquiesces with a nod, Harold's eye's widen slightly in shock after Silver's telepathic exchange, nevertheless he refrains from question, at least at the moment, now, get to work boys.

Mari and Dennis are escorted through the Young's behemoth of mansion by non other than Roger, 

"This way please" he states 

Mari at her level immediately subconsciously picks up on Roger's strength,

(He's at least as strong as i am?, With his level of ability why stay with the Youngs?, Money would certainly never be the issue should he join an organisation" Mari ponders momentarily. Leading them into the elevator that carries them to their decent,

"Well, i know where well of but this..." Mari exclaims, "this is a different type type of rich". Eventually the elevator comes to a halt, Roger takes lead guiding them through the maze like structure, eventually coming to a halt the eye scanner and finger print security system is unlocked, Roger waves Dennis in,

"After you young man" he specifies,

"Why him alone?" Mari questions with a displeased tone, 

"Forgive me for not explaining, this is where the young master and his friends are currently being trained by his uncle, you however are to go assist the two young ladies who have chosen to walk the path of KINETIC SHIFTING" he concludes,

"Maya and Laura?" She questions with momentary disbelief,

(Though i am curious about who this 'uncle' is  im needed with my girls, i'll probably get to meet him eventually) she mules, "very well" she nods watching as Dennis blast down the bunker hall, the last sight his rapidly shrinking back as the reinforced doors close shut. Roger turns to her signalling for her to follow,

"After you Ms. Hie" he states.

Dennis connect's with the titanium reinforced flooring with a bang, his vision sights the mountain of a man before Raven, 

"And who are you?" Harold questions,

"He's with us" Raven replies,

"Then he's next" the man follows, "show me what you've got kid".

Dennis picks up quick, empowering his combination technique, Striker: Rot (Heat) and Enforcer : Shroud, a thick film of 'Force' steam enshrouds him while gaining ground through rapid expansion, Dennis reabsorbes the steam and with visible effect his muscles bloat and compress to tenses states, he blurs away from his position, knowing that to execute a judo throw or submission lock is virtually impossible Dennis moves wasting no time to strike Harold with a vicious kick right between the legs, nevertheless the mountain stays unmoved, with his head toping at the chest of the six eight behemoth he piles on the strikes making for a quite comical scene, 

"Enough!" Harold commands with visible irritation, "Bone control, tell me punk, how do you think you can incorporate your advancement level into your 'Force' arts?" He questions, Dennis contemplates momentarily before giving a reply,

"I've got nothing",

"As expected" Harold quips, "try again kid, this time with a little more imagination, try using you brain" Harold states,

"I've already told you i've got nothing old man!" Dennis replies,

"It seems i've asked too much if you" Harold sighs, "it was clearly to much a task for your level of intelligence l" he follows, Dennis's teeth grind against each other as he launches a kick a down ward fist crashes against his into his skull like a court's judge, he's slammed against the titanium flooring with a seeking pang, 

"If you want to remain in one piece i suggest you learn some respect" Harold replies in apathy, "noe let's do this again, think" he states, minutes tick by as Dennis who'd eventually found his feet was left to ponder,

"Well, i do have an idea, but it's fucking insane" Dennis grins,

"Elaborate" Harold follows,

"Using my Striker i could combine the it's destructive nature with my Enforcer then have my bones eject the through my muscles with pressurised blasts" Dennis states,

{Ingenious} Silver states,

(Shockingly so) Raven concurs similar thoughts follow in the heads of all present,

"Bastard want's to become an air bender" Jayson quips causing the group to erupt in laughter, 

"Truly an ingenious idea, the question is, are you capable of pulling it off?" Harold questions with ample skepticism,

"I'm Dennis old man, incase you haven't heared, there ain't nothing i can't do" he boats,

"Except have sense" Jayson follows ,

"You're really having fun running your mouth, care to put you fists up instead?" Dennis questions squaring up,

"Anytime anyplace, i could take you in my sleep" Jayson sneers,

"Seems the only thing you spent the month's doing was growing a mouth" Dennis quips back,

"Oh trust me, my fists are just as big" Jayson sneers in reply,

"Show me!" Dennis sneers igniting his combination technique and letting fly, 

"Enough!" Harold states, you two can always fight when you've actually achieved something, infact let's make it a bloody tournament, winner gets to be leader" Harold declares with a manaical smile, hus eyes, trained on Raven's whites.