
The movie

(The screen shows Kimi: a woman who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a silver dress fighting with a sword tail, Charlie: a man who has short brown hair, wearing a black tux kicking down men, Rey: a woman who has long red hair wearing a white dress shooting with two guns, Lady J: a woman who has long brown hair, wearing a white dress is fighting a sword, and Little Tiger: a teenager girl who has brown hair in two ponytails, with wearing a white dress with a rose on it using magic)

Kimi (while fighting): I must bet you're wondering how I am with them all

Rey: Well, it's a very interesting story

Charlie: It starts with in a room that possess science and magic

Little tiger: And most people wouldn't believe it

Lady J: But, you probably would, since you are fans of our series

(The screen switches to inside Lady J's mansion, seeing Rey wearing a blue jacket, red shirt, blue jeans, and shoes walking in the hallway, while listening to music)

(Rey starts dancing, then she pass a door)

(Inside the room is Little Tiger wearing glasses, white shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes reading a book on her bed)

Little tiger: I have finally found the solution

(Little tiger opens the door and heads to Rey, then taps her)

Rey: (takes off her headphones) (turns around to see Little tiger) Yes

Little tiger: It's time

Rey (looks shocked): Positive?!

Little tiger: Absolutely

Rey (speed dials): It's time. Code Red

(The screen switches to Starblood, who is wearing a white jumpsuit behind a desk eating a donut, then drops the donut)

Starblood: Understood (looks at Nashio) It's time

(Nashio is wearing a red hat, white shirt, red pants, and shoes)

Nashio: Got it

Starblood: We will be there

Rey: Good (Phone hangs up)

Starblood (speed dials): It's time

Tisa: Understood

Kia: We will be there

(Tisa is wearing a purple dress and Kia is wearing a yellow dress)

Tisa: You ready?

Kia: Always

(The screen switches to Charlie wearing goggles on his face, a white lab coat, red shirt, blue jeans, and shoes putting red liquid in a test tube that had a little amount of blue liquid)

Charlie (lifts the test tube): Perfect (phone rings) yes

Little tiger (on the phone): Is the vile ready?

Charlie: Yup

Little tiger (on the phone): Good, we'll be there

Charlie: Alright, and thanks

Little tiger (on the phone): No need, she is my sister

(The screen switches to Aaron and Michelle typing on the computers in a dark room that is full of more computers and two printers)

Aaron: Have you almost finished the website?

Michelle: Yup, what about the scripts?

Aaron: It's almost done, just one more sentence

Michelle: Perfect

(A round robot comes, opens the phone, and puts it above Michelle and Aaron)

Aaron: What's up?

Rey (on the phone): It's time

Michelle: Really?

Rey (on the phone): Yeah, Little Tiger has a face of determination

Aaron: We will be right there

Rey (on the phone): Good, and Aaron I can't wait for your next script.

Aaron: Thanks

(The robot hangs up the phone)

(The screen switches to Lady J who is wearing a white dress being surrounded by cameras)

Lady J: Alright, let's get this show on the road

(A man who has a black tux named Gabe walks into the room to Lady J)

(Lady J phone rings)

Lady J: Cut! Cut! (Puts her phone to her ear) Hello, what's up sweetie (runs) I'll be there

Gabe: Where are you going?

Lady J: Home, it's important (runs out of the door)

Gabe: Good luck

Lady J (while running): We won't need it

(The screen switches to Marcus wearing a ranger outfit and walking around)

Marcus: Look good everyone (phone rings) yes

Starblood (on the phone): It's time

Marcus: I'll be

Starblood (on the phone): Okay

Marcus (looks a figure): Can you cover my shift?

The figure: You will owe me a date

Marcus: Fine, restaurant or park

The figure: Park

Marcus: Alright, Text the day and I'll make a picnic

The figure: Good

Marcus (runs): Thank you (blows a kiss)

The figure: He's too cute

(The screen switches to Sciencia, Dumbra, Kisa, Alex, Max, Ahihko, and Hayuki: a boy who has long blue hair with black streaks, black skin, wearing a goth outfit fighting sand worms)

Dumbra (phone to her ear): What's up?

Charlie: We sate going to do it

Sciencia: We'll be there (slices the sand worm)

Hayuki: What's going on?

Kisa: We will be reunited with a close friend

Hayuki: Great, let's go

(The screen switches to Qin wearing a blue suit and Grace in a flying bubble)

Grace: Is it really true?

Qin: Indeed, it is time

Grace: I have missed her so much

Qin: We all have

(The screen switches to Lady J, Nashio, Tisa, Starblood, Kia, Marcus, Qin, Grace, Charlie, Little Tiger, Michelle, Aaron, Sciencia, Dumbra, Kisa, Alex, Ahihko, Max, and Hayuki in a huge laboratory)

(Charlie clip a switch, and pours the liquid in a machine)

(Little tiger speaks in ten different languages, which translates to 'Kimi, wake up!')

(Michelle type all of Kimi's powers into the supercomputer and upload)

(Rey set off all kind of weapons in three big tubes that are close together)

(Sciencia makes twenty test tubes fly and made her body glow blue)

(Kisa is making a black dress with a sewing machine)

(Alex is putting on a magic show)

(Ahihko is fighting other robots)

(Hayuki is reading poetry, while a camera is facing him)

(Max is dancing with a red spotlight on her)

(Aaron is drawing a blonde character and writing a story on the person with three cameras around him)

(Qin is reading a journal, while blushing)

(Grace is singing, while swimming and a microphone with a camera is above her)

(Nashio is creating a wind storm)

(Tisa and Starblood is fighting each other)

(Marcus slices a bunch of fruit)

(Lady J is playing a dramatic role)

(Dumbra is fighting monsters)

(Their doing all the stuff in tech bubbles that hooked to a machine, the machine takes some of their auras and it glowing; the glowing beams enter a bazooka that is pointing to Kimi's chamber, the chamber glows and it moved)

(Everyone got out their bubbles, enter the chamber, and sees the chamber destroyed; they see Kimi on the floor)

(Charlie and Rey help Kimi up, Kimi is shown with glowing eyes and then she gets up)

(Kimi looks at everybody slowly, then smiles, looks at Charlie, Charlie holds out his arm)

(Kimi jump into Charlie's arms)

Everybody: Awww!

Rey: (shakes her head) Hey (takes Kimi and put her in her arms) Don't Hog her (hugs Kimi tightly)

Kimi: May I suggest something

Lady J: Absolutely

Kimi: Group hug

(Everybody hugs Kimi)

Kimi: So (looking at everybody) Ten years

Charlie: Yeah, it took longer than expected

Nashio: Plus messing the time had a few things to do with it

Kimi (sparkling eyes): You broke the law for me

Tisa: Yup

Starblood: More importantly, how's your heart?

(Kimi puts Starblood's hand on her chest, Starblood feels Kimi's heart)

Starblood (smiles): I can feel it! (looks at everybody) I can feel it!

Kimi: Everything is good

Charlie: Almost

Marcus: Say it!

Lady J: It's time for a party

Little tiger: To the mansion

(The screen switches to everyone in the mansion talking and having drinks of all different sorts)

Lady J: You know I just thought of a good idea, a wedding

Little tiger: That's perfect

Charlie: She got back!

Kimi: True, but what are the chances we will ever get to plan something like this

Tisa: True, but are we going to do this, let me pick the wedding dress

Starblood: Absolutely not, I have to do that

Kisa: No way!

Kimi: Girls! You all can help

Charlie: Hello, isn't we getting to ahead of ourselves

Rey: Charlie, we spent ten years making a machine to bring our sleeping friend back to life plus you love her enough to be thinking of a marriage and I saw you looking at rings, so stop with this act

Charlie: You are too good at your old job

Rey: That is true, but admit it (turns him to Kimi)

(Kimi smiles)

Charlie: Uh, Kimi?

Kimi: Yes

Charlie: Would you marry me?

Kimi: Absolutely, if you feel you are ready

Charlie: I have been ready for a long time

(Kimi hugs Charlie)

Charlie: I have missed you so much

Kimi: So, have I

Little tiger: Let's plan their wedding

Lady J (puts the phone to her ear): I'm calling a bunch of cake shops

Dumbra: Actually (takes Lady J's phone) I can help with that, I'm quite a baker

Lady J: Good idea, Kimi?

Kimi: She's a brilliant baker, I love the idea

Dumbra: Chocolate I presume

Kimi: Of course (looks at Charlie) you

Charlie: Vanilla and maybe some strawberry

Dumbra: Multi Layered cake (sparkle eyes) perfect

Lady J: Can I help?

Dumbra: Of course, this cake has to be perfect

Starblood: You know, I realized that even if it wasn't ten years later, Kimi still wouldn't have grown up, since she is immortal

(Everyone nodded)

Kimi: Then, how do I graduate?

Qin: No need, you made the ultimate sacrifice, so that deserves (gives Kimi a bage) a reward

Grace: I agree

(Kimi hug Grace)

Grace: So, what was it like?

Kimi: It was like sleeping, but I also saw a doorway it was fun, but scary

Grace: So, something like heaven

Kimi: Yeah, but I didn't stay long and then went through different dimensions.

Tisa: Seriously, so you have an out of body experience

Kimi: Yup

Charlie: Did you see god?

Kimi: He was the one that convinced me to come back as I felt like I was losing hope.

Rey: Well, you don't have to worry about that.

Kimi: What time is it?

Lady J (looks at her watch): 3:00, why?

Kimi: Charlie, let's take a walk, no limousine

Charlie: You sure?

Kimi: Absolutely, let's go (speeds out of the room)

Little tiger: Somebody is energetic

Rey: I am too (runs after Kimi) wait for me

(Kimi and Charlie are putting on their shoes)

Kimi: You want to come?

Rey: Absolutely, is it okay?

Kimi: Of course, I never said it is a date

Charlie: Very true, but why are you so energetic?

Kimi: I don't know, I just feel so alive.

Rey: Then, let's burn off that energy, my friend (kisses her on the cheek)

(Kimi kisses Rey back on the cheek and rubs her hair)

Kimi: I missed you too

Rey: Let's go

(Rey, Charlie, and Kimi walk out of the door)

(Outside, Rey and Charlie are walking, while Kimi jumping building to building, like a cat)

Rey: So adorable, I've haven't seen her so happy

Charlie: She almost seem like how she was in elementary school

Rey: True, I wonder if this good, I mean what if she was supposed to stay asleep

Charlie: I thought out of everybody you would never consider that.

Rey: Sorry, that's my secret agent self talking after all when time travelers do something like kill somebody there is a reason; and through all these years we never figured out.

(Kimi stops on one building, Rey stops Charlie from walking and notice Kimi is staring at something)

Rey: (looks and sees an ice cream truck) I got this (taps on the counter)

(An 17-year-old boy who has light brown hair, white skin, wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Derek)

Derek (looking at Rey): Yes, what can I get you?

Rey: Oh no, this is friend, a double chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and can you put the two ice creams in a bowl with the cones still on?

Derek: Oh, okay, you sure you don't want anything?

Rey (looks at her wallet): Fine two strawberries with a vanilla swirl in a bowl the same as my friend (looks at Charlie) want anything, brother? (laughs)

Charlie: No, I'll pay for it.

Rey: It's okay, you can repay (winks) later

Charlie: Uh okay, a chocolate ice cream with vanilla and strawberry

Derek: Got it

(The screen switches to Derek giving Rey her order and Charlie his)

(Rey heads behind a building, Kimi gets her ice cream, and walks back up the building)

Rey: How cute (eats her ice cream)

(Charlie nods, then eats his ice cream)

(While on top of building, Kimi is eating a cone, when she smells smoke, then turns her eyes purple and sees a factory on fire)

(Kimi swallowed her Ice cream, then hops to the building)

(Rey notice Kimi hopping away, she grabs a keychain, and throws it to Charlie; then they start running)

Charlie: What this is for ?

Rey (while running): To protect yourself, it's a magic relic, just say 'keys to the unknown guide me'.

Charlie: Okay

(Kimi, Charlie, and Rey make it to the building, but instead of the building of fire, it being eaten by a fire monster)

Charlie: Hmmm

Rey: Well

Kimi: I say what we are all thinking, I didn't expect to see that

(Charlie and Rey nodded)

Kimi: And we let's get this monster out of here.

A voice: Wait!

(They see a 6-year-old girl with two blond braided ponytail, wearing a black shirt, black gloves, white pants, and shoes)

Rey: Sweetie, what are you doing here, it's not safe?

The girl: My name is Katie, please don't hurt my friend he's misunderstood

Kimi: Don't worry, Katie, we're just going to send him away.

Katie: But, will I be able to see him?

(There was a moment of silence)

Kimi: I got

(Kimi's hands glow and makes a necklace appear, and she puts around Katie's neck)

Katie: You know magic?! (Looks at the necklace) What is it?

Kimi: It's a portal, it takes to where your friend will be.

Katie: Thank you, what's your name?

Kimi: Kimi

Katie (hugs Kimi): Thank you Kimi

Rey: Charlie, now

Charlie: Keys to the unknown guide me

(The Keychain glows, a golden key lands in Charlie's hands, the key opens a portal)

(Kimi turns into a body of lava, which leads the fire monster to the portal, Katie waves goodbye, The fire monster smiles, Kimi comes out of the portal and Charlie closes it)

Kimi: There he's safe.

A voice: Katie, where are you?

Katie: I'm outside mom

Kimi: Well, we better go

Rey: Be safe

Charlie: Bye

(Katie waves goodbye)

(Charlie, Kimi, and Rey run from the house, before Katie's mother comes)

(The screen switches to Kimi playing with birds, dogs, and squirrels at the park)

Rey: Animals seem to love you

Kimi (spins): Crazy right now

Charlie (holding a camera to his face): I think it is absolutely adorable

(A Dalmatian pulls on Kimi's dress)

Kimi: Hey, what's wrong?

The Dalmatian: Something is coming

(Kimi sees red lightning heading towards the park, she flies into the air, absorbs the lightning, spits out a ball that is holding the lightning; then opens a portal and throws the ball into the portal)

Kimi: Thanks (sees giant flowers surrounding the animals) hold on

(Rey uses a scythe to slice the flowers, but spit acid which destroys Rey's scythe, so she jumps away from the acid spitting flowers)

(Charlie helps the animals escape with shields that he is carrying)

(Kimi takes Rey from the flowers)

Kimi: We need a better strategy

Rey: Agree, otherwise I'm going to die, plus no park

Kimi: Got it, tie up the flowers

Rey: Got it

(Rey uses her rope, and ties up the rope, without getting hit with acid)

(Kimi turns into a flaming ball and destroys all the flowers)

(Another moment of silence, and they see the flowers are gone)

Rey: Yeah

Kimi: To make sure they don't come back (punches into the ground and freezes the seeds of those flowers, take them out of the seeds) Charlie, now!

(Charlie opens a portal to a desert, Kimi throws the seeds into there, and Charlie closes the portal)

Kimi (flies down): Well, that's over

Charlie: I'm surprised you are so positive

Kimi: Why wouldn't I be? Nobody is treating me harsh, we're together, and look out (pushes Charlie and Rey out of the way)

(A rocket hit the ground, which makes a huge hole)

Rey and Charlie: Kimi!

(Kimi gives a thumbs up and gets up)

Kimi: That was crazy, plus I can taste somebody used vegetable oil for fuel

Charlie: At least it is environmentally safe

Kimi: I agree, but I don't like being hit with a rocket

(Kimi tail/bazooka releases a bunch of axes that destroy all the rockets coming)

Rey: How long did it take you to calculate all the rockets?

Kimi: ten seconds

(Rey and Charlie)

Little tiger: So, my guess was right

Rey: Where the heck did you come from?

(Little tiger points to her hover scooter)

Rey: But, how did you know that we were here?

Little tiger: I tracked you.

Charlie: Wait! All of us or one of us

Little tiger: I was tracking you, brother.

Charlie: I don't even want to know how.

Little tiger: I'm pretty sure, you don't

Kimi: So, is there a reason you came?

Little tiger: there's a magnet of weirdness surrounding our town.

Kimi: Seriously (fainted)

Little tiger: And among this, a portal your probably similar with is coming in 3,2, and 1

(A portal opens that spits up Princess K, Melody, Kevin, Kimipie, Eve, Lucy, Odette: a 17-year-old woman has revealed to have short black hair in a hat, wearing a white dress and a snake tail, Danna, Betty, Cutie pie,Kim, Tina phantom: a 14-year-old girl wearing a black crown, her hair changes into a white swirl ponytail, her outfit is blackjumpsuit, black gloves, gray headband, and gray boots, also a white tail, Suzi: a 12-year-old girl who has two black swirls ponytail, wearing a purple jumpsuit with black stripes, black boots, black gloves, and has a sharp snake tail, and Kanisha from Kimi C)

Betty: So, this is the dimension you were talking about

Kanisha: You are the mutant of this dimension (holds out her hand) nice to meet you

Kimi: Please, how do you do?

Kanisha: Good, I'm Kanisha, you're Kimi

Kimi: Yup

Charlie: So many

Kimipie: Something is causing this disaster is going to rip fabric of the universe

Evie: So unfortunately we all have to work together

Kanisha: I'll say it once and this is my final time, I'm surprised in another dimension that any version of any of us turn into you

Evie: I'm surprised you lived it and yet still try to rise above it

Kanisha: Yesh, I surprise many people because of that

Kimi: So, what shall we do

Princess K: The stars align predicting that we must go inside one of the holes in the sky

Charlie (Rey behind him): Then, let's go

Melody: Sorry, Charlie, but you have to sit this one out

Charlie: You can't be serious

Odette: She is with this many of us, we can balance the wormhole, but with only one we can't

Lucy: You would be permanently trapped in a void of a darkness, my true dream

Betty: So, it would be much too dangerous (looks at Rey) That includes you too

Ray: Fine, but be careful, Kimi (hugs Kimi and kisses her on the cheek)

Kimi: I will (looks at Charlie) don't worry, I'll be fine

Charlie: I know (hugs Kimi)

Kanisha (whispers to the others): Oh! Love triangle

(The others nodded)

Kimi: I'm ready

Ray: Wait(puts a crown on Kimi's head)

Kimi: A tracking crown

Ray (winks): Yup

Charlie: Good plan, but does it work through portals

Ray: Absolutely, now you can go

Charlie: Good luck

Kanisha (points to the sky): Wormhole 10 O'clock

Kimi: Let's go

(All of them fly up to the wormhole)

(Inside the wormhole they see different realms nearly destroyed)

Kanisha: It's more (hiccup) of a cosmic (hiccup) disaster (hiccup) then I (hiccup) thought

Princess K (curious and confused): What is that strange sound coming from your mouth?

Lucy: It's called a hiccup

Kimipie: It could be stopped by getting scared

Kanisha: Not (hiccup) me, (hiccup) mine starts (hiccup) by scaring (hiccup)

Cutie pieSo, if we calm you down, then we can focus

Kimi: What calms you down?

Kanisha: Calm I got this (reaches behind her and makes a flute appear) play this

Betty: I can handle this (plays the flute)

(Out of Kanisha's mouth is purple energy and her eyes glowing)

Evie: Is that (tastes energy) Yup, pure (evil smiles) aura

(Kanisha's eyes stop glowing, opens her mouth and no hiccups)

Kanisha: Yup, still works, now duck

(Everyone duck a giant blast)

Cutie pie: Ow! My tail

Princess K: Are you okay?

Cutie pie: Yup

Kevin: Good because it is coming back

(A purple dragon charges, Danna grabs the dragon's tail and throws it far away)

Kevin: Cool

Kimipie: Now, let's head to the cause of this problem

(They head to a castle that has a strong amount of black energy coming from it)

Kimi: Look out! The beam expands

(We split up and avoids the attacks expect one that hit Evie, which made her smile)

(The others land on the castle)

Kevin (looking at Evie): What happened to you?

Evie (shows a ball of black energy): It's pure evil energy, it didn't affect me because of my dark soul

A voice: I heard about you from that realm, you are quite evil

(They turn around to see a woman who has long curly blonde hair, wearing a black dress and heels named Wynter)

(Wynter jumps off the castle and lands on the ground)

Wynter: And you are wasting it with your lesser halves

The others (angry): Hey!

Evie: I disagree after all they have destroyed any of their enemies and that earns my respect, plus they show no mercy

Wynter: Understandable, but that will be your downfall, after all I'm almost done destroying all of your realms and make a brand new one for me

Kimi: Not going to happen with us here

(Wynter hits a blue button that made the beam try to hit the kimi's)

Evie (makes a shield): Everybody under my shield now

(The others get under the force field)

Wynter: It won't last forever

Evie (eyes glow and levitate): Want to bet (spreads her shield and destroys the beam)

Wynter (claps): Good job (glowing hands) now, I can destroy you manually

Melody: Fine, you vs us

(Wynter comes charging with a black aura, Melody throws her off balance with her sonic howl, Kimi hits her with lava arrows, Kim uses her sword, Cutie pie blasts her with her tail scepter, Kevin hits her with lightning, and Kimipie slices her claws)

Kimi: How did we do?

Kanisha: Not a hit, she can't be hurt

Kimipie (surprised): What?

(Kanisha points to the cloud of black energy)

(The others see the cloud turn back to Wynter and she tries to hit Cutie pie, but Kanisha takes the hit)

Kimi: Kanisha!

Kanisha (red eyes): I'm fine (levitates)

Wynter: Right, you're the one that conquered her dreams

Kanisha (flying down): Seems my reputation proceeds me

(Cutie pie hugs Kanisha)

Kanisha: No problem

Kimi: So, you are unaffected too?

Kanisha: Of course, all of us are (pats Kimi's head) you just need to believe

Wynter: How touching, but let's see how true that is

(Wynter blasts black energy beam in different directions)

(All of them turn the beams light, regroup, and smile)

Betty: Everybody harmonize one blast!

The others: Got it!

(Together, they create a light beam that hits Wynter, which shocks her and she tries to avoid it, but couldn't)

Evie: I have never felt (lips her fangs) power

Cutie pie: Focus, we still have to destroy Wynter

Evie: Of course

Kanisha: Yeah, because she just disappeared

Kevin: Disappeared where?

(Kanisha smiles and she taps Melody)

Kanisha (mouths): Sun flash!

(Melody spins in the air, taking the form of the sun, spreading light all over, which makes Wynter retreat to her castle)

(Melody lands down)

(Betty disappears, then Wynter gets blasted out of her house)

(Princess K, Odette, and Lucy uses forces of nature to trap Wynter)

(Wynter looks drained)

Kimi: Well, is the moment of mercy?

Princess K: Yes, indeed

Wynter: Why show me mercy?

Kanisha: We're not. Evie

(Evie claps her hands, creating a portal, and takes Wynter)

Wynter: No! I don't want to go back

Kimi (throws Wynter in the portal): Too bad

(Evie closes the portal)

Kimi (looking at Kanisha): Is it over?

Kanisha: Yes (points to the realms)

(They all see the realms being repaired, they are levitates, and they are glowing)

Cutie pie: I guess, seems we are leaving

Princess K: It was good to see you all

Danna: Who says, didn't we all agree to have fun for one day

Kim: That is true, let's do it

Tina Phantom: Wouldn't it be unbalanced?

Betty: Nope, as long as we don't cause mayhem

(They look at Evie)

Evie: Listen, you can have your little tea party, but I still have a place to destroy (enters a portal and it closes)

Betty: Well, I guess she is out

Suzi: So, who's dimension, are we going into?

(They look at Kimi)

Kimi: You sure?

Kanisha: Of course, after all you have a wedding

Kimi: This place is a time rift isn't it

Kevin: A week, that's how long it has been

Kimi (shocked): Are you kidding?

Melody: Relax, we can make it, Cutie pie

(Cutie pie opens a portal, Melody throws Kimi in it, and the others follow; then the portal closes)

(The screen shows a wedding like the first scene in the movie except Kimi and the others came through the portal and there is no fighting, since the others made the enemy disappear)

(Kimi comes out with a wedding dress on and lands by Charlie)

Kimi (looking at Charlie): Tracking crown?

Charlie: Tracking crown

Rey (hugs Kimi): Thank goodness

Lady J (hugs Kimi with Little Tiger): Indeed

Betty: So, let's continue the wedding

Amelia: Of course, we are gather here to today for the wedding of Kimi Watson and Charlie Atherton

Xia: So, let's waste, no time (puts a ring on Kimi's finger)

(Rey puts a finger on Charlie's finger)

Rika: Charlie, do you take Kimi to be your wife?

Charlie: I do

Rika: And Kimi, do you take Charlie to be your husband?

Kimi: I do

Little tiger: Then, we pronounce you husband and wife

Lady J: You may kiss the groom

(Everybody is confused)

(Kimi kiss Charlie with him in her arms)

Kanisha: Yup, she's definitely one of us

(The screen shows everybody partying)

Kimi (looking at Amelia): So, when did you come back?

Xia: Three days ago

Rika (being jumpy): How was the fight?

Kanisha: Fun

Amelia: Nice to meet you

Kanisha: Names Kanisha

Xia: Cute name

Rey: Question, do any of you date women?

Kanisha: I date some

Melody: I'm dating one

Kanisha: Same

Princess K: I dated one

Kevin: Nope, I'm gay

Kim: Straight

Kimipie: I'm conflicted

Kanisha: That's understandable

Kimi: I'm happy, I finally got married

Charlie: Yeah, want to take a picture?

(Kimi and Charlie takes a picture)

Rey: You do look lovely in the wedding dress

Kimi (blushes): Really?

Charlie (taking Kimi): Rey, we were in the middle of a conversation

Rey (taking Kimi): I know, I was just complimenting my friend

(The movie ends with them partying and playing karaoke)