
Family History

Most the white werewolves had surnames related to winter due to the winter witch sacrificing herself out of pity for the young cubs freezing in the cold winters. It was then they were giving the ability to change between the form of wolf and human.

But even then they suffered from the envy of mankind slaughtering them out of petty envy and fear. Despite the werewolves trying to convince them that they weren't a threat to the human race and just wanted to coexist in peace, the humans continued on their rampage tearing down there homes and killing them in cold blood.

Many of the weaker families who receive the least of the winter witches spirit fell victim to the mass murders and it wasn't long before the only remnants were of the three strongest families that received the majority of the witches spirit.

After the werewolves realized they could no longer live in peace, as they were on the brink of extinction, they decided to integrate into human society. The two families with smaller amounts of witches spirit ,the Ice and Frost families, were able to integrate safely into human society masking their abilities and doing ordinary jobs as to avoid attention of the humans.

As a result many centuries later after constantly breeding with humans the werewolf DNA was almost none existent. At most they were physically stronger or had higher immunity but not to the extent of having superhuman abilities.

Unfortunately the Snow family were unable to relocate as they had the most amount of the witches spirit in their blood which caused their wolves to be unstable if not given enough freedom, the freedom that society just couldn't offer them. So they decided to move into vast expanses of mountains where they could hunt and freely change between human and wolf form as they pleased. But even there they had to face the lack of humanity amongst the pack which caused them to turn savage against their own kind.

As a precaution to stop any future disasters from occurring they decided to spread out across the mountains unaware that humanity had already began expanding throughout the borders of the forest. When the humans noticed the groups of wolves circling the areas around the border they decided to create hunting parties to hunt down the wolves and eradicate them from existence.

Many wolves died under the humans merciless hands as they spared not even to crying cubs latched onto their mothers dead bodies. Only two young lovers managed to flee the mountains and escape the sight of the hunters. Heading to a place they could no longer be killed was where they found, trinity peaks a circle of three mountains that humans would struggle to climb even if they were stronger than normal. It was a safe haven where the two could live safely with little worries.


Ten years later while the two wolf mates are raising their five year old daughter Ebony, who was named after her pitch black eyes that reflected the winter night sky even in the brightest days of summer. Despite them lacking any color they had endless swirls of light like a starlit sky inside them.

"Really! Humans can kill werewolves, and I thought dad was strong but if there is people who can kill him even..."she paused considering, "ha, what am I saying daddy is the strongest who can kill anything, he even killed that brown bear who was the biggest in all the mountains." she stated proud of her fathers achievements.

Her mother who had just recited the history of the wolves smiled softly contemplating the look of worry in her daughters eyes, perhaps she should have waited till she was older to tell her their family history. If only the humans territories weren't closing in closer to the mountains and with their new aircraft technology they could easily pass over the mountains. It wouldn't be long before the humans would start searching their territory and forcing them to flee to another place.

"Yeah, dad's the strongest so you don't have to worry...but do you know what is the message of this story?" she asked unsure as to whether Ebony knew the dangers of humans and if she saw one, what she should do?

"Humans are evil monsters that killed my family and shouldn't be trusted" she replied meekly while clenching her fists in anger. Her mother who saw held onto her hands and told her to look up.

"Yes. And although they have done many unforgivable things to our family they are still living creatures and not all are bad so for us to move on we must avoid humanity at all costs. Understand? This is important so answer me do you understand the risks of involving yourself with human kind" she said sternly but with a hint of concern that urged Ebony to nod in agreement.

"Yes mummy" she said as another presence entered their tent holding three skewers with chunks of meat attached, "Dadddyyy!" she ran and jumped onto her fathers leg hugging him tightly. He handed her mother the skewers while he lifted her in one arm using his other hand to pinch her cheeks.

"Hmmm..." he murmured while scratching his chin as the corner of his lip turned into a cunning smirk, "maybe this little one shouldn't have dinner, seems she's got enough fat stored in her cheeks to keep her going for months" he laughed squishing her cheeks and tickling her.

As he did Ebony landed a blow to his gut shouting "No daddy, not my food!" He fell on the floor beside her while fake coughing to build her ego.

Her mother giggled in the corner calling them over to eat dinner and for the rest of the night they chatted about meaningless things that meant the world to them.

As they all settled down for the night Ebony could hear he mother and father whispering about something important as her mother tensed while raising her voice slightly "What?! the humans have managed to build a base not even two miles away from here!"

"Yeah, but it's practically an abandoned facility only a couple of cars drive in a day" he replied trying to calm her down while holding her arms softly.

"Regardless humans are dangero- wait how long have you known about this to have watched there behaviors? and what are you doing, going close enough to watch them?" she interrogated while staring him daggers, Ebony could feel the tension in the air while her parents fought.

"Emmm... not long but I never told you because I knew it would stress you out after all you witnessed your whole family be killed by the hunters" he recalled which only infuriated her more as she remembered the pain she had felt and the anger she had towards the humans that she still held onto deep down in her heart.

"You!- regardless of my past you should have told me what if a human came close to our territory and Ebony was playing outside you stupid fool" she yelled/whispered at her mate, "My past is the exact reason you should have told me... I wouldn't be able to cope if something happened to you or Ebony" At this statement he lowered his head in shame leaning into his mate to comfort her and himself not that he would let it show.

"I'm sorry...well we will have to move soon so I've started scouting the area nearby but it seems we're going to have to find a new mountain. The humans have infested most area's."

"Okay, we'll move in a week at most"

'huh. HUH! we're moving from trinity mountain but we've lived here our whole lives everything I have is here. I don't want to leave my home'

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