
Kill la Kill: Path of Power

A not so normal teen wakes up in the body of the boy who stole a Goku Uniform... Suzuki, read on as he rises to the top driven by the thirst of power

God_Of_Degeneracy · Cómic
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10 Chs

Beatdown and Lab

I follow them for a bit, before I notice Gamagoori walking down some stairs, the other students notice him and bow but I do no such thing and just stand next to the other presidents.

After we walks away I notice the one and only Satsuki Kiryuin now I am forced to bow for I don't want to hang up on the school gates just as everyone in the vicinity bows Ryuko walks up in front of her and says, "So I here you're the queen bee of this school?"

"I have a question for you." she continues and the one stars near her jump at her before they get swatted away like flies, like how do 6 guys all with a 1 star manage that?

Anyway she pulls out her scissor blade before showing us some elaborate scissor moves, she starts chatting with Satsuki before jumping at her, and I am technically supposed to protect Satsuki(not that she needs it) but I just wait for the boxing club president to do it, since if I do it I would probably have to fight her again when she gets a Kamui,

"IRON FIST BARRAGE!" I hear whatever that guys name was shout, before Ryuko gets flung through like 300 students,

"Ouch that must of hurt" I mutter getting nods of agreement from the other presidents, I then watch as Fukuroda beats the ever living crap out of Ryuko before she flees, I would of helped if doing so didn't count as treason and probably would of gotten me killed, like I can handle a single 3 star in their base form but every member of the student council, all the presidents and the 1 star students? Yeah that's just asking to get killed.

I am really, really week right now, I sigh before heading back to class, "Maybe I can find some clues on how to programme Life Fiber in Ryuko's home or what's left of it, there's probably something left underneath it" I mumble to myself after making sure I am by myself.

I arrive in class and wait for everyone to get back.


So school ended so me and pretty much the whole school is outside waiting for Ryuko, I am just sitting on top of a roof watching from above, I watch as Mako is complaining about how if she falls into a boiling vat of oil her clothes will turn see through, "That's the least of your problems" I chuckle and look into the crowd of students and notice a cloaked figure in it.

I grin as she jumps from the crowd stepping on some guys face with goddamn heels and rescuing Mako, they star fighting and Fukuroda starts throwing fists around and one of them almost hit me square in the face.

Like why does Fukuroda have such a complicated uniform I just asked for size altering this guy asked for everything in the goddamn book, after some back and forth Ryuko yeets his naked body at Satsuki.

I watch as Ryuko faints and the students start dispersing, Mako drags her body to her house and I start searching for what's left of that guys uniform, which is barely any but Its a start I guess. I sigh before finding Ryo, "Yo Ryo where's Tatsuo?" I ask as we make our way back home.

"He said he's gonna go help Mako carry that hot chicks body" he says while drooling, I stare at him incredulously for a bit "That damn simp, abandoning his friends for some girl, and stop drooling you wierdo" I say before slapping Ryo into the ground.

I sigh before saying, "Anyway go home alone I need to do something" Ryo sends me a thumbs up before I take my leave.


I look up at the destroyed mansion in front of me, it didn't take long to find this, but it is getting dark so I need to hurry. I walk around until I find the trapdoor Ryuko fell down, "So how am I supposed to open this" I mutter.

I shrug and activate my uniform, before using my Fiber Spear to cut the hatch open, I look down the dark hole before jumping down.

After falling for a couple minutes I land in what appears to be a bunch of fabric, I can see a puddle of blood, "Probably Ryuko's" I say wondering if I should take it, I shrug and fish out some bottle from my bag and scoop most of it up.

"I can research this" I nod to myself before I start exploring, I look around and notice a wall with a broken window, I climb up and jump through the window.

"This looks like a lab" I say and look around the room, "I can use this stuff to research better" I say with a grin on my face.

"I guess not everything was destroyed", I say and start rummaging through some files, I also notice a huge computer that looks relatively intact, I sit down and start reading through every file I can find.


So there was no power obviously so I couldn't look through the computer and I had to break down every door since those function on power, and that place was huge there were machines everywhere, I could recognize most of them since they were explained in the files.

I couldn't find anything on Life Fiber so I assume that stuff is on the computer or not here at all, But my first order of business is getting this place some power somehow.

"I think that's enough exploring" I groan and stretch my now cramped muscles from sitting on a metal floor reading.

I jump back out the window and land back in the giant room with clothes before jumping up to the start of the tunnel before climbing back up.
