
Kento uchiha : before madara

A boy born 200 years before naruto to a family of advanced uchiha that consist of four families. They were born from the uchiha and would have become a different clan like the uzumaksibcsme from the senju but the uchiha wouldn’t let them. Hunted down by the uchiha only one family remained and a boy that shouldn’t have been born was born to them. He was chosen by a strong being to be his vessel but he definitely won’t let that happen and will make use of his power. Watching his mother get killed as a baby was harsh but he might experience many more hardships towards him but he will preserve from them. The powers at the time might have a problem with letting him live however that will not stop him and he will achieve his goals. What will happen to him will he fall to despair and vengeance or will he get his goals? What will the incarnations of Indra and asura do to an enemy both of their clans hate ? How many incarnations of Indra and asura will he meet? Edited: Author note: I already posted a please read message in the story but I am also writing it here. Someone of no fault of them thought that the reincarnator at the beginning is the mc well he isn’t the mc and something happens to him at the end of chapter 1. At the end of chapter 1 I resolved it and revealed the mc but if you didn’t understand or want to know before reading he mc is Kento and you could also include kensuke but just those

Unknown_Unknown_8234 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

The man who had just lost a part of his soul as he lost his wife look down upon his child and mutter something. " you will be stronger than me, I promise I will raise you that way and you will be able to save the one you love unlike me. However if you don't remember it's not because you are weak but not strong enough and now I am that strong and will get revenge".

The man's blood filled eyes turn to kindness as he Carrie's his child and reminisces over fond memories. He deeply remembers the wonderful cooking of the women he loved the smell of her food. He thinks upon the time when she was informing him that the clan will kill them because they are getting strong.

The shadow figure of his wife tells him of their ancestors who were uchiha born with an anomaly and deep affinity with space Hutus but we're spared because their eyes couldn't evolve.

She tells him how they are in danger because his eyes can evolve and so can his father and probably their child. She begs him to leave the clan as his eyes can't evolve and tells him to take her child when he is born.

Denying it he tells her that he will protect her and that together they will name their child kento ken after his name kensuki and to after her name tomowo. The scream of the child shatters this illusion and he mutters something else on a somber tone.

" you were wrong hahaha my eyes evolved, THESE DAMN EYES EVOLVED AGAIN. These cursed eyes even worse than the normal eyes evolved once more. The cause of all my pain".

He screams in pain and begins to laugh hysterically until he comes to a realization. " no my dear it's not the fault of my eyes it is the fault of this never ending conflict. They did this because they fear us from getting to strong and destabilizing them well guess what I will kill the ones who initiated this but not the whole clan no I will build my own strength and create my own clan."

The man kensuki looks down at his child who has a blue sharingan a child with pale skin black hair that is budding and a triangular mark on his hand that is the same color as his skin.

Kento looks at his father and both share the same emotion of sadness both feeling that they have lost something important in their life. The child is still young but it could feel the loss of warmth and once more begins to cry.

The man with an emotionless face looks down at his child and he too breaks down and sheds tears but he remains silent as to not alert more enemies.

" Kento I will master this eye get more power and kill our enemy, re-remember it isn't our entire clan and just a certain faction of the clan that wishes to hunt us down. We already have a safe place so I will drop you there but remember daddy will be back."

The man with an unbelievable face that has feminine feature but undoubtedly masculine. With a height of 6 foot and muscular arms that show the strength of this slender figure.

He wore a long black cape over his black robe and had one scarf on his head that went with his long straight her that reached his shoulder. He began moving his leg at a fast speed and jumping from tree to tree in such little time and began traversing easily in his forest.

He used his aoi mangekyo sharingan and used a more advanced version of the basic ability of the aoi or blue sharingan to move himself and his son 10 kilometers forward to his village.

" ha so this is how it evolved my short teleportation can now reach ten kilometers however this is still not worth the tragedy and no power will ever be worth it. Either way I will get the power and will be more powerful than they expect me to and that would give me my revenge I can already feel it's power and might."

The man continues on running while carrying his unbothered child in one arm and on the back of his head is a thin sword that matches his fast pace speed. He teleports from place to place using his eye and it's normal power like how the normal sharingan has diffferent genjjutsu.

He eventually reached an area that is close to his village but a spear is thrown his way and enterupts him. A man with long blond him tan skin and a lions skin on him interrupts him.

" oh hello, don't think you can run from us we are the brigand clan the dobutsu no yari clan. We are here to kill you hired by well you know who wants to kill you. "

the man then stops talking and starts attacking him with his spear. He then does his hand signs and says " beast style: great lion strength".

As he says this his muscles become bigger and chakra on the shape of a lion covers him. " haha your dying now" he rushes up to him and starts slashing around with his spear.

However kensuke stays dodging using his eyes and quickly slides away and uses genjutsu on him. The man however shakes it off and screams

" haha you are no match. " beast style : might of a lion ". He then gets a stronger lion chakra covering him that protects him from genjutsu plus his lion like strength.

Kensuke then activates his aoi sharingan teleports his hand through his stomach and says " ok enough games time for the actual battle to begin and get ready it's not going to be easy".

The man looks in shock as he sees the hand and activates even more of his power shaking the forest " ok then get ready because I am going to be getting that reward even if it means breaking down this forest" he charges tat him with the aura of a massive lion

Author note : I do not own this manga / anime and only own the oc's and original ideas. A lot of the clans of this era might be of my own creation and some of the lore that has not yet been released or has not been written I will make my own.