
Kella The Matagot

A woman goes to bed looking forward to sleeping in but wakes up with a completely different body called a cat beastkin by a screen floating in front of her. To make things worse she's in an unnatural forest

Rayith · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Wary, Confused and Comforted Fox.

-POV: Fox-




'So what's happening now. are you gonna kill me now? my heart is being so fast.' my mind raced as she looked at me.

As she walk closer to me I watched all her nail grew back to the look of a normal fingernails and I saw her eyes that were different colors from each other one being golden yellow and the other was a ice blue. that combined with her pupils that were shaped like thin diamonds that stared into my soul made me far more uneasy.

When she got In front of me she knelt down slightly, putting one hand her thigh then reached out with one of her fingers. I closed my eyes preparing for something bad but again my expectations were shattered.

"Boop." I hear her say a in cute voice as I feel something touch my nose.

I open my eyes to see her touching my nose. I look at her confused and she just giggles.

"Lovely reaction, I'm gonna love having such a beautiful...fox? around." She said looking at my ears and tail then picked me up in a princess carry. it was bit awkward for her because she was shorter than me but she did it anyway.

"Now let's move you away from the corpses so you don't have to see them" the cat beastkin said.

'She's not going to kill me then Is she going to rape and sell me like they planned to?'

As she carried me away from the group of dead rapists that tricked me. she started talking to herself but to me as well.

"Ok, now I need to see if they had food on them, take any valuables they had for when we leave and find out how to reduce the effects of the poison that they used against you then I can have a conversation with you!" She said with excitement practically dripping from her voice I could even see her tail swaying rapidly behind her.

'Why is she so happy? Wait "when we leave" I feel a bit strange when you say it like that even though your probably going to throw me away like trash.'

I noticed that she has clothing that doesn't match her size while she's walking and looked cheap.

not that I can say much of anything about it, I usually wear worn clothes that aren't my size and have holes in them.

"Ok let's stop here I really want to talk to you so let's find out how to get rid of poison in you." She placed me down against a tree and started pacing back and forth in front of me. It looked kind of ridiculous to me.

She looked deep in thought about something serious but her long tail that went above her head going crazy behind her.

It made me happy for some reason.

She smirked. "What if I drain your blood from your wrist to get the poison out!." I started to panic hearing her suggestion.

She slowly got closer to my wrists "Maybe both wrists just to be safe."

I started to dreading how horrifying it might be to watch my blood streaming out of me.

She giggled seeing the dread on my face.

She put her tail in front of her and grabbed it with her hands and started kneading it lightly. pretending that she never talked about bleeding me dry.

'...She was messing with me but why did I believe that she'd do that to me?' I looked at The little trickster messaging her tail while looking at me with incredibly round eyes and a beautiful smile on her face.

'That smile is so unfair' I puffed out my cheeks at her as my only available act of defiance.

She looked my cheeks and her smile became even more beautiful somehow. "Good, now for the real suggestions"

She started talking to herself/me about how get rid of the poison.

"I might be able to heal you with 'that' but you would probably be really weirded out from it.

I Could use my mana circulation... that might work but I would need to be incredibly careful and help you move your mana through your own blood stream that might even improve your Physique as well."

My cheeks deflated as I listened to her suggestions and I stared at her with a slightly gaping mouth.

'You can improve physique?!?!' I heard about how rare those are from my time looking for a party they talked about how physique increasing Skills are so rare that their are only 5 confirmed people that have them on the continent currently.

All but one have been captured by kingdoms to basically be enslaved to improve both Royals and their personal knight's physique.

'I need to tell her to be careful when i can... and she's using that on me!' I wonder if she knows how rare that is.

"I've decided I'll try mana Circulation first and if that doesn't work I'll try 'that' then if that doesn't work either, I'll just have to feed you myself while you recover!."

'Why is she so nice to me I don't understand.' I look her staring at me with rounded eyes that held not a ounce of ill intentions in them, they had something else that I don't recognize but it doesn't feel that bad, I think I saw Gilbert with that look sometimes. 'I don't even know her name yet.'

she interlocked both of her hands with mine. 'I wonder what she's doin...' I feel something entering my hands it then slowly moves up my arms.

'Is that her Mana? my mana was stored in my lungs.' I can feel the mana there, I could never control it though. it was the second biggest reason for getting rejected from so many party's.

the mana moving up my arms feels incredibly strange but not bad it's like it's massaging everything that it goes by and it's seems careful not make me uncomfortable.

I look at her face and she's completely focused on what she's doing and that her pupils are back into thin diamonds and had a blue tint to them. but the smile is still there and her tail is slowly swaying.

As it passed my shoulders and entered my torso it did a few laps in my body in a circular motion. "Found it." She said in a slightly excited voice.

the mana entered my lungs and started mixing with my mana, at the same time I felt a film over my mana break apart, dissipating into my body.

"Oh shit." I hear her mumble making me panic wondering what's happening.

I feel my mana start to drift apart making it hard to breathe and as quickly as I had trouble breathing I feel her mana gathering mine putting it back in place and keeping there manually letting me breathe again.

She looked at me taking deep breaths after struggling to breathe. "So your mana is keeping your lungs working and your body made a self defense mechanism so you didn't kill yourself?"

When I heard that I realized that's probably why I couldn't control my mana for my whole life.

"That could have killed her, Actions have consequences you idiot!" I hear her chastise herself.

'I guess she's not perfect either.' I feel her squeezing my hands. While looking at the worried cat in front of me 'I guess she actually cares about what happens to me.'

"I'm gonna have to deal with this for both of our sakes." I feel more mana coming from her and went to my lungs she made a Layer of mana on my lungs for some reason.

As time goes on I realized that my breathing feels much better then before like I wasn't even poisoned anymore. I heard her sigh "there we should be fine now." she said relieved

*Ding Ding Ding* 'how long has it been since I heard that noise.' I finally grown in some fashion and she made it possible.


<Titanya Acquired Mana Infused Lungs>

<Vitality has increased by 7>

<Intelligence has increased by 3>


'Mana Infused lungs?.' I remembered a conversation about mana infusing. 'How did it go? 'infusing something with Mana is a computated task that can create incredible effects on whatever you choose but if you do it wrong It will explode so many people don't dare to do it on their own body's.

I watched some guy call someone who did insane just before they got their jaw dislocated from a single punch of the one who Infused their arms with Mana.' ummm she's did that to me?'

'Is she trying to killing me?' I'm not sure how to feel about this. she made me stronger but in the most dangerous way I'm aware of.

"can you slow down your breathing please." I heard her say in a gentle but firm tone.

I realized I was breathing incredibly quickly so I slow down my breathing as much as i can to make it easier for her.

"Ok, now try to move your mana with mine" I started shaking because I never could control mana before and almost died because I couldn't. I'm worried she wouldn't be nice to me anymore when I don't listen to her.

I think she felt my shaking because she looked at me with her pricing eyes I shut my eyes not wanting to see her angry at me and got prepared to get yelled at.

After a several excruciatingly long seconds. I wanted to see her but I was scared to see her angry at me so I held eyes shut.

I felt something soft brushing my cheek that let me get enough courage to slowly open my eyes to see her tail brushing my cheek in a soft manner. "You're fine, we have time."

Her words helped to me stop shaking and I look at her face, she still had a soft smile and her pupils were oval shaped now but her tail stopped moving 'that probably means she's mad right?' I looked at her with apprehension.

"I'm not mad don't worry about it, you haven't controlled your own mana before, that's fine."

I stared at her with wide eyes 'How did you know'

"You almost Suffocated because you couldn't control your mana." She stated as if it was obvious.

I looked away from her in the hopes of hiding my new found shame from that line and being so easy to read.

"You almost died because of me not being more careful and realizing you weren't able to control your mana so I can't get mad at you for it."

I tried to say that she shouldn't blame herself for my ineptitude. "Bu..t." She put her tail over my mouth like a finger silencing me. "No don't say that, I can tell what you want to say from your face"

I looked at her with concern of doing it wrong and killing or hurting myself.

"Just try, i'll help you move it until don't need my help anymore." As I did as told told before I doubted myself further.

I tried to move my mana with hers but nothing happened. I looked at her. "keep trying, I'll wait."

So I keep trying for I don't know how long but I slowly moved my mana to the edge of my lungs and the whole time she helped me by giving me advice, moving her own mana as a example, she never lost patience with me when I struggled and praised me when I did well.

As I got better with moving my mana I started expressing myself to her with my mana by swirling around her mana, squeezing her mana and tapping her mana with a point of mana. I was so focused I didn't even look at her face.

*Ding* I Didn't need to look to know what I got this time though. 'And she helped me get this too.'

"Ok let's start to move your mana around your body now." I swirled around her mana as confirmation. She chuckled at my actions.

We started slowly moving out of the lungs and around the body this process kept going on for I don't know how long again but it got to the point where she said "OK let's get to why we started doing this for, move towards your heart" I listened to her and moved my mana to my heart.

"Ok now we're going to move mana through your blood stream for a long time and at the same time I'm going to have to Infuse your heart and blood vessels with Mana so it can handle the stress of this after I stop helping you." I listened to her say this and remembered she was probably helping me far move then I was aware of.

I didn't really mind as much as I thought I would hearing that she was infusing my body again. I started to trust her at some point during her teaching me mana control and I'm even getting excited now hoping it goes well and I get stronger again.

I feel massive amounts of her Mana entering my body covering every single part of my being, it felt uncomfortable at first but as time went on the mana condensed on what I think is my blood vessels whatever that is I've never heard of them before. I can only assume their something that holds my blood.

"Ok let's start with your part... Oh what if I help you like this." As she said that I felt a pull on my mana without any mana near it I was confused but given what she said I knew it was her so went with the pulling...

It's been a while. Her mana in me has has increased by a lot and she keeps putting more in me. I'm starting to worry for her health. it feels kind of ironic, me being poisoned worrying about her.

I hear her mutter "I need more mana, where can I get more." I open my eyes only to see her drenched in sweet and looking around before saying something ridiculous. "I'll just use the mana in the air."

I thought she was messing with me again but soon the air started swirling around us and soon a blue mist came into existence and flowed into her body from all over making her start cursing under her breath.

I look at her cursing in pain I want to help her but I cant do any thing for her. "this is worth it, it decides her entire future I can take this much." I was at loss hearing her mutter that.

'I don't even think I can ever pay her back for what she's doing but I can try.' I promised to myself to help her. She kept up the process despite the pain and soon a new influx of mana entered my body.

I think my body started to suck up the mana because the amount in my body stayed the same despite her constantly putting more mana into me.

I also listened to her pulling my mana and moved my mana through my blood and at some points she led my mana into her blood I kept listening because I had a feeling that something would happen to her if I broke her concentration it was hard to do but with her help I did it.

She kept doing this for so long that I lost count but it was easily over 2 hours.

"Done... finally you should be fine now." I feel her let go of my hands and Laid on the ground with a thud.

*Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding* 'what did she do to me?' I mumbled internally hearing the incessant dinging in my ears


<Mana Manipulation reached LV 5 MAX>

<Mana Manipulation evolved into Flow Mana Manipulation>

<Flow Mana Manipulation reached LV 3>

<Titanya Acquired Excellent Mana Infused Heart & Vains>

<Vitality has increased by 25>

<Intelligence has increased by 10>

<Titanya Acquired Mana Circulation>

<Mana Circulation reached LV 5 MAX>

<Outside skill 'Matagot's Body' improved evolution of Mana Circulation into skill 'Name Pending'>

<Vitality has increased by 55>

<'Name Pending' named by creator 'Synchronized Mana Pulse'>

<Titanya has been marked as a title candidate by a higher being>


"Synchronized Mana Pulse?" I say confused. "Oh you got it too and the poison is gone, great" I hear in a tired voice.

I take my eyes away from the gifts she gave me to look at her only to start panicking. "You're bleeding!" I shouted seeing blood leaking out of her mouth and nose.

"I'll be fine in a bit, now then what's your name." She said with a tired smile not even bothering to wipe the blood off her face

"My name is Titanya and you my savior and teacher?" I said jokingly wiping off the blood on her.

"Tanya what a lovely name. I'm Kella." I Finally know her... No, Kella's name but why did she call me Tanya?

"My name is Titanya."

"Yeah I heard you, Tanya."



"Haaa ok Kelly."

"Pffft I love it Tanya." It sounded like she was dead tired said but still she is messing with me.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I can't understand why Kella would put herself in this state for me.

"Why do think I'm nice to you?" Kella looked at me with rounded pupils and a curious smile.

"Because you wanted to use me, Sell me or hurt me when I trusted you for fun." I saw her smile fade for a second before coming back.

'Did that make her mad?.' I started to feel nervous thinking that I made her upset at me. far more then the last time for some reason.

I watched with dread creeping in as her pupils turned into ovals and talked with more seriousness and a bit of sadness in her voice. "why did you think that I wanted to hurt you?."

"I haven't been treated this well in my whole life and anytime I was treated well by someone for no reason... I got hurt and I don't want to get hurt anymore." I poured out my heart to her with my eyes closed because I didn't want to see upset at me for thinking she wanted to hurt me the entire time.

"Do you really want my reason for why I'm nice to you?" a gentle voice answered my plea.

I slowly nodded my head with my eyes still closed. I hear her slowly get up and step closer to me.

My heartbeat starts go to crazy from anticipation and anxiety waiting for her answer. I hear her go around me and stop.

*Badump Badump Badump Badump Badump Badump Badump Badump Badump*

I feel a shiver go up my spine as something grabs my tail. "Aiiieee!!!" I scream at the feeling. I whip my head around to see Kella clinging on to my tail like it's a stuffed animal.

I look at her with wide eyes. "This my answer to your question, Tanya." She said as she held her face in my tail. "What?" I asked just baffled at her acton.

Kella looks at me with round pupils and the largest smile I've seen on her so far. "I wanted to touch your tail when I could see your reaction and I have to say it was really worth it." I stared at her eyes that show care that didn't match her words.

Tears fell down my face at her answer. "You just wanted to touch my tail to see my reaction...hahahaha..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..."

I started laughing my heart out as my anxiety fades into tears that fall down my face and splashing in the grass.

I feel Kella hug my body and softly rub the back of my head. "I'm happy you're the one who entered... Tanya."

I my laughs changed to sobs and cling to her after hearing her say those words that were just loud enough for me to hear.

After balling my eyes out for about half a hour I Manage to say between my sobs. "Please don't hurt me Kelly."

"Cross my heart and hope to die Tanya." I hear Kella say In a gentle tone.

I just stayed in her arms for a while I started to get sleepy.

"You can't get rid of me." I mumbled sleepily.

"Why would I want to." I hear Kella reply before I fall asleep in her arms.

I ended up making this entire chapter from Titanya's perspective but I don't really regret it.

As you can probably guess she's not going away anytime soon.

My chapters are getting progressively longer and I'm not sure of the feel about it

Rayithcreators' thoughts