

The sun is setting as the moon is rising. I sit here watching my dear sister kissing my boyfriend behind my back. She betrayed. All I could do was scream "stop!" They both stopped what they were doing giving me nasty looks. "Rose, stop what? I am just kissing MY boyfriend." Then what I had meant expected happened...my boyfriend slapped me. All I did was sit there and cry, "why have you done this to me....why?" Then my sister sits on my....or should I say ex boyfriend lap and says" get out of here! Guards!" Then some men in black came running in saying "yes m'lady?" then my ex said "get rose out if here!" Then I found myself screaming and kicking while my ex and sister started kissing again. Soon I was thrown across the floor and was yelled at saying"Never come back!!" And with that I left miserable and depressed. "Where would I go?" I wondered. I had lived with my boyfriend in his mansion. He was the son of the mayor. "Good thing I still have some money on me" I said to myself. As I entered the hotel, beaten, everyone looked at me. Finally! I got myself a room and I ran and jumped on my bed. But soon this happiness ran out. I started to cry. "Why?...Why me...?" I wondered. Soon I heard something outside the door that lead to the door opening. Not knowing what to do I decided to hide in the closet. Smart right? then I looked through the hole and I saw a man walking in. I recognized him... "Oh no...its him....

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