
Karena Drakennier's Journal

The story of a young woman who is the descendant of a great warrior. with the battle against the Varenian Empire An empire that wants to take over the world with various enemies, whether Cannibals, monsters, demons, religious fanatics. These vampires, werewolves, zombies, other dimensional creatures. Mad scientists, monsters, giants, and her cruel destiny.

Nipitpon_Chuenchit · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Episode 1 Training of Immortals Chapter 1


A group of humans from many worlds on duty to protect the planet Herondu from all the dangers that come to this world have drank the elixir of the gods from this planet's divine cult leader.

It was a group of people with excellent martial skills like gods. There are sharp five senses. Movement faster than normal humans But none of them could compare to the immortal "Raquim Drakenner", the great warrior and immortal leader of the planet Herondu. Causing at that time no earth or planet would dare to invade this planet at all

Until the planet Herondu to have an internal war. That is the "World War", also known as the "Great War of the Varenian Empire". Even though it survived and won, it was only a small number of ten people, and it was a victory that brought nothing but a loss. The occupied territories will never be able to return. And this is the whole story of an immortal man and my ancestor named "Raquim Drakennier".

Although I don't know why my immediate ancestors didn't know that Raquiam was immortal. But I only know that now I am with three immortal beings: Johanner Krieger, Demon-Face Mercenary Knight, Maiyarap Chareonsakthi. A mercenary and Muay Thai fighter from the planet Imagus, Hensard Jeanderic, a god-sighted shooter from the planet Imagus. And now, the three of them, along with one of me, invaded a cultist nest located in a mountain in a deep green forest. in Yekaon Birthplace of Johanner Krieger

Hensard used his sniper scope to look at that mountain on the cliff that was higher than the mountain. The gun telescope was a telescope that Maiyara channeled with magical power to see through everything in that mountain. Indeed, that mountain was a good castle they secretly built. But that doesn't matter because it was 16 years ago when Johanner came to save me from the religious fanatics in the cave. Their caves look like this too. And there are religious fanatics who are raping all the women they capture and the adventurers who go in there to save everyone who has been kidnapped as well. As for men, they are killed as disposable toys, for example. A stationary, alive target for them to shoot arrows or guns. It's a sandbag for being kicked and punched. It was an experimental weapon and torture device that they bought from otherworldly merchants on the black market. Tear each part of the body piece by piece

But compared to the Great War of the Varenian Empire or the World War of Planet Heron, it looked. This is considered very light. Hensard, who saw everything, plus had a personality like a walking corpse, was not afraid of what he saw.


"How are you, Hensard?"


"Just like every time we hunt them down."

The man in the long black suit replied to the demon-faced knight in a voice that sounded like a dead person, reminding him that he was really a corpse.


"So, so it's the same plan that we've been using all along."


"The original plan again? Isn't there another plan for Johanner? I'm already tired of your plans like this."


"So do you have a plan?"

Another man wearing a gray suit was silent. Can only stand still, eat the dessert that is taken out of the bag that he brought with delicious


"If you don't have a plan then shut your mouth and go away. Karena Drakenier come with me."



I answered him awkwardly. before doing as he said And then the plan that we have always used against religious fanatics begins.

At the entrance to the mountain of religious fanatics Four religious zealots were on duty at the behest of the leader they had reluctantly received. They would rather have fun and do mischief with the people and adventurers they capture than having to stand guard at the entrance like this. Some of them yawned feeling exhausted. Without realizing that death and what they had done to so many people had already come to visit them.

Eight arrows resembling a mortal were fired from the mechanical crossbow through the bushes and trees from the darkness. mercilessly pierced through four of their bodies. before those arrows turned into explosions, crushing their bodies to nothing. Johanner and I walked out of the darkness and toward their corpses.

It turned out that some of them were not dead yet. and was crawling toward his comrades inside the mountain in a pitiful state. before Johanner used his saber to slash the body of the religious fanatic without mercy. It cried out in as much agony and terror as it could. It also seemed to be trying to beg for life. I thought so, and if that's true, unfortunately the blast completely ripped through this guy's mouth. Before that religious fanatic turned into a disgusting lump of flesh left on the ground.

Johanner and I walked into the mountains and assassinated all the religious fanatics in our presence with almost invisible silence. My weapon is a dagger that Johanner gave me. He kept telling me that I was too early to use swords and heavy weapons of any kind. That made me feel quite frustrated. But I didn't have time to think about this, because after Johanner and I assassinated every religious fanatic in sight until we were both splattered with their blood. Johanner took off two of their clothes that fit me and him in order to disguise himself.



The religious fanatic's clothes I wore had a very foul smell. both the smell of wine and the smell of its owner It made me want to take off this dress ASAP.


"Be patient until our mission is completed."

Johanner told me So I had to obey what he told me I couldn't resist. Plus, this mission was a mission requested by the Yekaon government and it was my midterm test that Johanner gave me. I must continue to put my heart into this suit and try to endure the unbearable smell of its former owner until the mission is complete.

The two of us continued to walk until we entered a large room where their bloody feast was held. The religious fanatics used all kinds of weapons to mercilessly kill their kidnapped victims, even children and even pregnant women. Maybe it was because they got bored and killed them to perform the ritual the leader had ordered. It was now sitting on a throne made of human flesh and bones. showing the savagery of them It sat and watched what its subordinates were doing with a good feeling and a sickly smile.


"Hensard said, all the victims they had kidnapped were killed. me and kareena The drakenier will leave this mountain. Then destroy this mountain."

Johanner uses an ear contact to contact Hensard after learning that all of those who have been abducted by them have been killed. At the same time I stood watching religious fanatics killing and reproducing their victims for ritual purposes. It reminded me of a past story from 16 years ago that made me almost throw up and resentment. I want to kill all of them in here. tear and snatch them It made them feel the same suffering as they had done to others. This is what deep in my heart comes up with. But because this was a midterm test plus the number of them in the cave, I couldn't make it out. but try to act alone Before Johanner told me that


"The past is the past. You can no longer go back in time and change it. I too have had a cruel past like you. Come with me, Karena Drakennier, your midterm trial has passed. The bloodline of the Drakenier family really never fades, right?"

Johanner walked ahead of me to get out of this mountain. So I followed behind him. and think about what he said cruel past The bloodline of the Drakenier family, I was thinking, what kind of cruel past did he have? Will it be the same as me? Or being attacked by someone to the point of not having the remains of the human mind until he became a cruel person like a religious man in this room with the Drakenier's bloodline. Why doesn't Raquiam's lover know his identity? He's an immortal. Or does he want my grandchildren to not be warriors and live like normal people? But thinking about it, I'll never know the answer.

Johanner and I made our way to the exit of the room. Before being spear on both sides, the left and right side of the guard, keeping the door and spoke in their language to ask where I and Johanner would go.

(Security 1)

"Yayaari Zuludu"

(Security 2)

"Abikara Zeno"

As soon as the second guard had finished speaking, Johanner used his saber to cut off the heads of the two guards and turned around to take out his own mechanical crossbow, shooting arrows exploding at the leader of the religious fanatics. There were ten exploding arrows in total. The moment those arrows pierced the leader of the Cultist's body to death, The explosion attached to the bow worked, crushing its body to nothing. Other religious fanatics were enraged at Johanner's actions and ran in, hoping to kill him. Causing me and Johanner to run away from them with all our lives. with them chasing after them non-stop

When he ran until he saw the exit outside of the mountain He met Hensard and Maiyarap waiting for them in front of the entrance. where Maiyarap stands holding something similar to the head of a mythical giant in his country.


"Right now!!"

Johanner shouted before Maiyarap threw that giant head into the entrance of the mountain. Johanner and I sidestepped it together. Until this giant head was thrown at the religious fanatics who were marching out to kill me and the three immortal beings outside the mountain entrance. As soon as this giant head hit one of their bodies, an explosion of fire exploded. Johanner and I, who had escaped the mountain in time, and I, who had fallen to the ground from tripping, turned to look at what had happened. The fire bomb was blocked by the magic wall that blocked the exit, limiting its destructiveness to not hit us and savagely slaughtering everything in this mountain. The religious fanatics who were now on fire all over their bodies shouted and ran about like mad people.

We look at what's inside with eyes that indicate what we want to convey that "Deserving," came out before I turned to ask Maiyarap.


"Uh.. was just now.."


"Explosive fire into the spell, young lady. It is based on a legend in the country of my world."


"Is that so?"


"Yes, indeed, Johanner. I heard that this little lady took your midterm exam today. So did she pass your midterm test???"


"Through, the Drakenier family bloodline is still strong and unchanging."


"Just like this."

Maiyarap turned to look at me.

My body turned red. I've been trained by three of the ten surviving immortals ever since Johanner brought me to his mansion. Every single day of rest, I inevitably had to undergo a grueling and difficult training from them. From training it became that they stomped on me. As they stomped on me, it became my practice. Every day they were like this to train me to become a warrior and fight against the Varenian Empire. An empire that almost conquered the planet Heron or this world in the past. And the religious fanatics I've encountered in my entire life were among the people of the Varenian Empire. Maybe fighting the Varenian Empire would be my life goal right now? And it's the only way I can take revenge for my family that they took from me.