
KanoKari: A Different Life

What would happen if Kazuya died on the day that Mami broke up with him? The beta fucker choked on instant noodles and died alone in his apartment. A college student who was partying with his friends got alcohol poisoning and died. The soul of that college student takes over Kazuya’s body and inherits a scant few memories of that guy along with a system. A system that would support him in his journey to do whatever he wants. ============================================= I'm just writing this for funsies and romance practice. I want to see how I write pure romance and want to work on feelings development. There's a system but it's far from being that useful. It's there for the sake of adding some fun supernatural elements if I feel like it. Don't expect too much. I'll try to keep the story as grounded as possible. I'm open to criticism so lay it on me if you have any genuine problem. Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. https://discord.gg/c3kCBE32vn If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post 10 advanced chapters of the book on my Patrèon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out! www.patrèon.com/addyctive (Replace the è with e) ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · Cómic
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104 Chs

Important Talk

When he was finally done, Kazuya made some quick breakfast for himself and Chizuru. He left Chizuru's breakfast on the dining table after covering it and went into his home office.

It was time to launch the beta on the various platforms.

That was what Kazuya spent the next few hours working in. He'd already prepared everything for a while and was just ironing out the final kinks in his application and filling out the rest of the stuff.

*Click* There was the sound of the door opening. Kazuya looked over and saw his beautiful girlfriend wearing one of his shirts, looking enticing as hell.

"Are you busy Kazuya?"

"Kinda…" He smiled at her and went back to typing. Although he was tempted, he held back since he was going to ravish her when done with the application.

"Mind if I stay?" Chizuru asked hesitantly when she saw him so focused on his work.

"Come here." He turned to her and opened his arms to invite her to sit on his lap.

She gladly takes her rightful place on his lap and he gets back to work after giving her a light peck.

Chizuru wrapped her arms around him and made herself comfortable.

'This seems nice and all but… It's so much harder to work now…' Kazuya thought that but looking at Chizuru's peaceful expression he couldn't make himself disturb her.

'…The things I do for love.'

Kazuya spent the rest of the day working on his application.

It was a difficult task with his girlfriend taking a catnap on him, as he liked to call it.

When he was finally done, he texted Kaguya that the application is online and she could start with the soft marketing before the pre-launch.

He'd already given her access to the company funds to take care of everything.

After he'd started using his machine learning and artificial intelligence knowledge, his earnings from his freelance projects had increased exponentially since this was a domain that paid extremely well.

The current company funds were more than enough for the basic needs and once he sets up a few revenue streams, it'll become completely self-sustaining.

At that point, all that he'll need to do would be to develop his level 5 AI that would manage everything for him.

"Get up babe. You've been sleeping for the whole day. It's already 6 PM. Let's get something to eat."

Kazuya had been working for a long time now and he'd only eaten breakfast.

"Carry me…" She mumbled, not loosening her hold on him.

"So spoiled…" He picked up the girl that was wrapped around him like a koala and held her by her butt.

He brought out some leftovers from the fridge and heated them since he was feeling too lazy to cook.

"Eat." He held up a bite in front of her mouth.

"Mmm." She lazily opened her mouth and ate the food.

That was how lunch/dinner went. Kazuya ate himself and took care of the baby that refused to stop clinging to him.

"Babe… Is everything all right? You've spent the entire day sleeping…" Kazuya was a little concerned about her.

"I'm just tired. I like being pampered by you…" She buried her head in the nook of his neck.

"I'll play some games or something… You can cuddle all you want with me while I do that."

"Mhm. Sure, you do that. I'll rest."

That's how Kazuya spent the rest of his time before going to sleep with his clingy girlfriend.

'Let's hope she's back to normal by tomorrow…'

The next few weeks went by in the blink of an eye and it was already the end of March. The beta was almost perfected and it would be soon time to launch the complete application.

Chizuru's work was going pretty well. Kazuya had gotten the producer investigated and they were legit so he didn't have any apprehensions about letting them mentor Chizuru.

Kazuya had been delaying the talk with Chizuru about Mami and now he had to make a choice. Either talk to her or cheat on her.

It had been almost a month since his last session with Mami and he couldn't delay it too much unless he wanted to lose all the progress with her that he made in the past few months with Mami.

He had no plans to ditch Mami since he was the kind of scumbag that would never let his girls go.

'Worst case I'll have to keep Chizuru in a sex dungeon till she changes her mind…' Kazuya had been thinking of all sorts of possibilities and had somewhat lost his sanity whenever it came to this topic.

'Forget it. I have to talk to her…'

"Chizuru… I need to talk with you."

"Hm? Waf if it?" She spoke with some food still in her mouth. They were both having dinner together.

"Eat the bite first. We'll talk after that. I don't want you to spit the food all over me."

"Gulp… I'm getting an ominous feeling from this."

"Fuck it. I'll just say it. There's another girl."

There is some dead silence for a few seconds before Chizuru pushes the chair back and gets up, leaving her food there.

"Hey? What the hell?" Kazuya wasn't planning on leaving things like this, he grabbed her arm and pulled her into his lap.

"Let me go." She struggled violently.

"No! That was never going to happen." Kazuya's words are deadly serious, sending slight shivers through her spine.

"Don't you just want to leave me? Then let me go."

"That's why I pulled you back. You didn't even listen to my words completely."

"You're the one who paused." She fought back again.

He could feel Chizuru's body trembling and understood that she was hiding her fear behind a mask of anger.

"First of all… I love you. I'm not letting you go, not now, not ever. You're the most important person in the world for me."

'Then again, you do have an unfair advantage. You're one of the only people whom I've talked to very regularly ever since I ended up in this dude's body…'

He calmly said all that while looking into her eyes. He could feel her trembling body calm down a bit, but her expression was still that mask of angry indifference.

"I'm a scumbag… I also like someone else. And I want her."

"…Have you done anything with her?" Chizuru asked after a long while of silence.

"Nonsense. There's no way that I can cheat on you." Kazuya's answer was slightly cryptic.

"What the... Are you asking me for permission to cheat on me?!"

"It's not cheating if you give permission. There are all kinds of people in open relationships."

"Would you be fine if I decided to get another guy to fuck on the side?" She looked at him pointedly.

"Impossible. That's not a thought that I'm planning to entertain. If you even mention that again, I'll keep you tied up in this place forever." Kazuya's eyes didn't have a healthy look.

"See. Now you know how I feel… Forget it… I need some time to think about this. Can we just keep eating?" She was eerily calm about the whole situation.

"Of course. Anything for my perfect girl." Kazuya peppered her face with light kisses and hugged her tightly in his lap.

"I'll feed you." Kazuya decided to pamper her since he just sprung the bullshit out of nowhere.

"I can eat myself." She gave him a deadpan look.

"Open your mouth." Kazuya ignored her words and held up a bite in front of her face.

She reluctantly ate the bite and let him pamper her.

That night.

"Haah~ Hah~" Chizuru was breathing deeply after 6 rounds of sex where he filled her up to the brim.

One might think that after almost a month of being together, their libidos would have subsided but instead, it had increased for both of them.

Their usual 2-3 rounds each night had increased to at least 5-6 rounds.

Something that Chizuru was disappointed in was that she still wasn't able to keep up with his libido.

'Could it be that he isn't satisfied with the sex, so he's looking for someone else?' She started feeling insecure.

"I'm not enough, am I Kazuya?" She mumbled with a depressed tone.

"Pfft. Honey, you have no idea about how enough you are for me." Kazuya could understand her insecurity and tightly hugged her from behind.

"Then why do you want someone else?"

"…It's more complicated that just that… I love you with all my heart. What I feel for her though is a sense of desire, a sense of possession. Your position in my heart will never change, ever."

"That just means I'm not good enough, doesn't it?"

"Fuck's sake babe. I'm telling you that she's not important. You are. I can let go of her, but you? Never. That's what you mean to me. I won't ever let you feel like I don't love you enough…"

Kazuya and Chizuru talked for almost an hour about the circumstances surrounding the situation and Kazuya finally subsided on Chizuru's insecurities.

"I'll agree…" Her voice is as tiny as it can get.

"…You don't have to force yourself. I won't resent you if you adamantly refuse." Kazuya couldn't feel happy hearing the tone of her voice.

"You want me to agree or not?" She lightly snapped.

"I do babe, but not at the cost of our relationship. You're too important for me to hurt like that."

"It's fine. You can do whatever you want with her. But there are rules and if you break any of those rules, you break up with her. Agreed?"

"I'll agree. Tell me the rules."

"I don't want to see her face, I don't want to hear about her, I don't want to know about her. Keep whatever you do with her away from me."

"That'll be done."

"You can't slack off in our relationship. The dates, the pampering, the love, I shouldn't feel any of it lacking." Her face got a little red since she was getting embarrassed.

"Done. There's no way that I'll jeopardize our relationship for that."

"I haven't thought anything else, yet. I'll let you know. Just make sure that I don't feel that she's there and it'll be perfectly fine."

"No problem. Anything for my lovely kitty."


"You know that cat persona that you take every once in a while."

"I do?" He's not sure if she's actually confused or just acting confused.

"Forget it. Let's go to sleep."

They cuddled back to sleep.

'I guess I should tell my dreams of a threesome with Chizuru and Mami goodbye… for now at least…'

Gimme those power stones!

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I post 10 advanced chapters of the book on my Patréon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out.

I'll do a 5 Chapter mass release when I reach 50 patrons.


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