
kaito the strong

There was a wise man that once said "hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny"-christopher markus. A loud sound, the ringing of a bell. Class has already ended? Kaito remembering he had a detention he sighed "not again." He started walking to detention. Kaito is a 16 year old boy with black and blonde hair he's 5'6 who is a good fighter and gets detention for always getting into fights. Kaito arrives at the room but no ones there. A teacher arrives and says to kaito "I guess you're a bit earlier then the others" a few people walk in and sit down on there designated seats. An hour passes although it feels like days for kaito. After almost an hour of silence kaito heads home, by this time it is 5 pm.

While kaito thinks over the day he bumps into a strange man and accidently makes him drop something "sorry" kaito says sincerely. "No no its ok my fault I wasn't looking at where I was going" he replies the man finally stands up and grabs his item. "well I might as well get going to where I have to be" the man hesitantly says. kaito gets home after around 30 minutes. After cooking some dinner he gets into bed and drifts to sleep. A loud thud wakes up kaito. What the-" kaito slowly opens his door and sees a figure with a black robe, a black hood and a devilish smile.

Kaito screams, the thing is alert to his position. The demon pounces on kaito and raises its hand trying to stab kaito when it just disappears. Kaito feels a gaze in his direction from behind him. The man from before! Kaito asks the man in shock "what are u doing here?" I am a soldier, not your every day military soldier from japan a soldier from another galaxy" He says seriously. Kaito is shocked at what hes hearing and cant believe it. "I've come to collect you for the power that lies inside of you it will be the thing to help us win the war" he states. "what do you mean?" Kaito replies.

"follow me and you'll find out" the man orders. "well might as well start" kaito sighs, the man grabs kaitos shoulder and as kaito blinks they are travelling through space at high speeds. "quick question, what happened to that thing and what are they" kaito asks curiously "I stopped time so you wouldn't get harmed and I erased the very being of that creature they are called akuma" he replied. I blinked again and we were surrounded by grass with a waterfall nearby you will train here and u will go to school on earth. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach I looked down I had a large wound. I opened my eyes "wh- what happened" kaito said screaming. "I killed you" the man said coldly "two things firstly how am I alive second what's your name" kaito said shaken up. "my name is choetsu-tekina sonzai but you can call me cho and I can bring you back to life we are going to be constantly fighting until you can move your hand slightly before I kill you" cho said. "so this is what the war requires, ok bring it-" kaito opened his eyes again and sighed "again" well lets keep going it might take a while but I can do it.

Death over and over and over again nothing worked it was as if cho was teleporting. suddenly this one time. As the magic that cho sent flying at kaito flew towards him his hand moved slightly. the magic which was fire disappeared. "well done, you moved at the speed of sound" he said proudly. "the speed of sound?" kaito said surprised "yes you moved faster then my magic which I slowed down so that at your level you can react to it, obviously after dying multiple times" cho replied. "this time I want you to try and copy this fire magic" cho commands "how can I do that" he asked "try to imagine an exact replica of this fire in your mind and imagine holding the fire" cho replied kaito imagined the fire in his hand and it appeared. Cho smiled "well done you did really good the fire your holding has enough strength to destroy a skyscraper" he said smiling kaito was stunned "A BUILDING?" Cho smiled "your growing way stronger then from before"