
Juugo Uzumaki

Follow Juugo Uzumaki as he arrives in Konoha, having fled from Kiri after his clan was slaughtered. Kekkei Genkai. Sealing. Orphanage. Academy and beyond! Mostly canon compliant. Late Romance. Yummy.

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45 Chs

Juugo Uzumaki - Chapter 3


Said a voice from behind, too loud as Kayashi turned around. "What is it?" he said, looking at the man who should have been at his post. "Why aren't you with the team?" he pressed, getting up from his cramped desk.

The Barrier couldn't be left unattended.

"Sir," said the man again, as Kayashi waited impatiently. "We need your assistance. A strange reading from the outer barrier."

The man presented a note. It was from their Jonin Commander.

Kayashi snatched it, wishing not for the first time that he'd taken up his father's offer.

He'd have made a fine chef, as he unfurled the scroll.

The other man waited, glancing around the small room. These were their quarters, where technicians in the barrier corps slept between shifts.

Small, he thought. Just as his were.

"An anomaly?" asked Kayashi, scowling up from the scroll. "This was hours ago!"

This wasn't good, he thought. Looking back again for more detail, yet finding little. The barrier had been touched, yet not passed.

Odd, very odd as Kayashi tossed the scroll back. "I'll get my jacket," he said, not caring as the other failed to catch it.

He scoffed, what were they doing these days.

"Come on," he said, gesturing the man follow. "I need to check the seals."

The man did, sighing as the two left his room. Kayashi was a bother at the best of times, even more so when something happened with the barrier.

He was their Head of Sealing, and knew the most about how Konoha's barrier worked.

Yet, they'd hesitated to include him, wanting to fix it themselves.

"Would you hurry up!"

For obvious reasons, as Kayashi muttered. "Not my barrier. Not mine…"

It would be a long night


Juugo blinked awake, opening his eyes to a world of green rustling softy above him. He leant up, pushing with his hands as his feet steadied below him.

He felt for people, finding none as the sun peaked from between the trees. It was low, as Juugo stretched a little, having slept well in the spot he'd chosen.

It was near the barrier, yet still a few miles down in-case anyone came looking for him. He wasn't sure they would, but didn't want to risk it as he leaned over the tree.

He'd jumped the night before, building his strength into a leap that took him 30 feet from the ground. Then climbed still, wanting to be high and away from any who might be passing by.

Juugo felt fresh, wanting to fly as he spied the nearest tree, the same he'd used before. He jumped, soaring through the air before grappling the bark, his nails biting as they flashed with colour.

He repeated, jumping back and forth as he slowly descended.


He landed, rolling carefully with as little noise as possible. There was no one nearby, or so he thought. But he knew from Grass that his mind could easily miss a well concealed presence. He double-checked the area, before setting off back the way he'd come.

Juugo didn't plan to enter the barrier again, at least, not in the same way as he felt the road ahead.

There were people walking, travelling in groups towards the gates of Konoha.

It was the easiest place to enter, which Juugo certainly wanted as he broke the forest line, acting calm as he neared the road.

The people nearest saw him, a young couple with hats and bags he didn't recognise. They seemed tired, trodden as Juugo avoided their eyes. He didn't want to be bothered, deciding to walk a good distance from them.

They weren't far from the gates now, the waiting queue already visible as the people in front slowed.

Juugo did too, feeling as people neared from behind as well. He listened, curious and aware that he knew very little about Konoha.

He wasn't sure he'd even be allowed to stay.

It was a risk, as the line moved slowly. But Juugo reasoned that if he wanted to stay for good, here in Konoha, that he'd need to enter legitimately.

Be honest, to a certain degree as the couple bowed in-front, quickly moving off as he approached the table.


He smiled, being polite. "Juugo," he said, looking at the bandaged man. "It's nice to meet you."

The man blinked, looking up from the paper he'd been writing.

He looked to the right, frowning at the bald man in the queue behind him.

"This your kid?" he asked, ignoring the chuckle from his friend.

The man shook his head, his belly jiggling too.



He looked back at Juugo, finding the boy a strange sight. They didn't usually come alone, and few so young as he returned to his paper.

"Surname?" he asked, feeling Izumo as he nudged his side. Yes, he thought. He knew the boy was alone.

"Just Juugo," the boy said, prompting a line of ink through the empty field.

"Purpose of visit?"

Juugo thought quickly, even as the men watched him sceptically

"I came to visit my family."

Kotetsu had heard that before, watching the boy as the queue shuffled impatiently. "My cousin," added Juugo, his eyes trailing towards the paper. "He lives here, my parents sent me ahead. They're at the hotel."

Juugo pointed behind, assuming with hope that a hotel was along the trail.

If there wasn't, as he glanced between the two men, then there should be. These people seemed quite tired, and dirty as Juugo tilted back to them.

The bald man smelt too, his eyes widening as their eyes met.

Juugo flicked away, looking down as he hid his eyes. They stood out, his hair too as he heard a tired sigh

"Look kid," he said, without scorn or rebuke as Juugo listened. "We're not stupid, we know the deal," he explained, feeling sympathy for the clearly desperate boy.

He didn't have any shoes, nor any clothes that weren't dirty and damaged. They'd know as soon as the bald man had shaken his head.

His partner leaned forward.

"How about this," said Izumo, smiling with kind eyes. "We let you in. But," he held up a hand, stopping Juugo as he moved to leave. "You need to stay here, with Kotestu," he indicated the man, who offered a thumbs up. "While I get you some help. Sound good?"

It was turning in to quite the show, it seemed. With members of the queue having edged around, wanting to see what would happen.

"Best do as he says," said a man from the group, skinny with broken sandals. "Konoha's friendly, they'll see you right."

A few others nodded, encouraging as Juugo tried to hide behind his rising shoulders.


He said, considering the merit of just bolting away.

He didn't.

"Alright," he said, seeing the hand as Izumo gestured him round.

"Sit here," he said, offering his own seat. "And behave, I'll be right back."

He left in a swirl of leaves.

"Hah!" Juugo had never seen that before, looking down with interest as the leaves tumbled away.

Kotetsu smiled. "Cool huh," he said, before turning away as the fat man approached.


Juugo watched, having fun as he listened to the people that passed. Some were tall, while others short. Some fat, with rich and quality clothes. He hadn't realised, as he glanced towards the queue again. It was long, with dozens of people queuing to enter.

Was it always like this, thought Juugo.

"Is it always this busy?" he asked, as another group passed through the gates. Kotetsu shook his head, smiling a little as the next person stepped up.

"It's the festival," he said as he retrieved another form. "They're here to trade, mostly. Some just to have fun."


That made sense, as Juugo began to note the things they carried. The man in-front for example, seemed to smell like a flowering field, his bags filled as stems peeked from the tops.

He was let through, as Juugo watched him go. The village was waking up, the sun past the trees as life filled his senses.

It was as if Konoha had a life of its own, breathing as the day warmed its streets and roused its inhabitants. Juugo compared it to his clan's camps, seeing little similarities.


Juugo wondered if he'd be allowed to stay, even if he'd decided not to say his name. It was for one reason, really. When he thought of his mother's clan, the Uzumaki and their fate. Then his father, Head of the Kibo Clan, being forced to flee and hide for years.

How today, both had been killed, hunted and destroyed because of who they were.

Juugo didn't want that to happen to him, even if he'd always be an Uzumaki, and a Kibo. Izumo approached, on foot this time as Juugo knew he couldn't risk it, he wasn't strong enough to fight the enemies he held.

So, as he glanced their way, he would keep it to himself. Until the day he could truly emerge.

"Juugo," smiled Izumo, stopping with a woman by his side. "Well done for waiting. I knew you were a good kid," he said as he stepped away a little. "This is Miss Suzi."

The woman smiled, her eyes beginning to crinkle as she nodded softly. "Hello Juugo, it's nice to meet you,"

Juugo met her eyes, seeing as they glanced across his clothes. More so than any other had.

He saw her frown too, unable to stop as he fiddled with his shorts.

She knelt, drawing his attention as her face appeared at his level. "Would you like something to eat?" she asked, tilting her head to the streets beyond.


He'd like that, excited as she nodded. "Yes, I think it's Miso Soup today. Tomorrow, who knows."

She chuckled at his confused face, cute like a puppy as she cooed. Juugo watched her as she stood, eyeing the hand that moved towards him.

"Shall we go?"

He looked at Izumo, the man nodding as he stood behind him. "Miss Suzi will get you sorted out, she's a great a cook. You can talk to her, she'll help you."

Juugo nodded, hopping down as he passed her waiting hand. Not seeing the shock, and pain as she stood for a moment.

She exchanged a glance with Izumo, as Juugo waited away, not knowing where to go.

Izumo shook his head, looking sad as the woman nodded, turning to follow as she ushered Juugo to her side.

"Where are we going?" he asked, looking about as they began to walk, passing shops and people as they went.

Juugo stared in wonderment.

Miss Suzi watched, her expression dimmed as she watched him awe at the smallest things. A shop sign, written in red to catch the eye. The buildings, worn and simple, old and unchanged but to him.

Great palaces.

Juugo must have been isolated, cut off from people as Suzi clenched her hand.

It wasn't fair.

"Juugo, don't drift. Stay with me," she said, surprised and pleased as the boy drifted back to her side.

He still seemed ready to charge off, yet didn't as Miss Suzi led them on, deciding to take the route through the morning markets. It was the morning before the festival, perfect for sightseeing.

Suzi thought of the date she had planned too, hoping it would be the one as a man appeared in their path.

"Fish!" he cheered. "Delicious fish! 2 for a 100 Ryo!"

Juugo looked fascinated.

"Sorry," she said, guiding Juugo around. "We're fully stocked," the man didn't try again, letting them pass before jumping the next person.


Juugo laughed, still hearing as the man shouted fish at random people.

Miss Suzi laughed too. "Don't laugh, Juugo," she tried, doing her best to stop. "I see that man often, he works very hard. He has a family to feed."

His smile dimmed, understanding her point.

"Sorry, Miss Suzi."

She giggled, wanting to take the boy's hand and never let go. What an interesting upbringing, she thought. Trying to picture the life he'd lived. They'd taught him manners, and etiquette. He was obedient, and far more biddable than most children.

It was hard to imagine, as she let Juugo inch ahead, enraptured as he was by the market stalls. He was also quite big for his age. He still had baby fat, yet less and only in the face as her eyes trailed his outline.

Muscle, she could see it as he bounced towards a stall, the woman at the stand waving as Juugo awkwardly returned.

His physique was strange, strong and powerful when it shouldn't be. She'd seen many children, perhaps hundreds that had passed through the orphanage. Yet none of them, not one, had ever looked like Juugo.

She smiled, seeing as his hair tussled in the breeze. It shifted with style, falling across his eyes as he glanced back at her. He'd drifted ahead, smiling still as his eyes glimmered with sunshine.

"Miss Suzi!" she heard him say, pointing to a sign nearby. She looked, arriving beside him.

"Suzi's Styles," she read.

Juugo nodded, looking curiously up at her. "Is this your shop?" he asked, waiting with a smile as Suzi twitched.

"No," she said, turning away. "I'd never where those clothes. Far too flashy for me."

Juugo followed, humming by way of agreement. "Yeah, they did seem very shiny."

They were also very expensive.

"Let's hurry on," she said, resisting the habit as her hand lowered. "Breakfast awaits!"

Juugo walked with excitement, still unable to resist the sights as they sprawled around him. It wasn't long then, as they rounded a corner, that Juugo sensed a building filled with people.

They were small, like him.

It made sense, having expected something like this when he'd met Miss Suzi.

"Is that where we're going?"

He pointed slightly ahead, towards the building with the traditional roof. It looked very old, as Suzi nodded.

"Yes, why it is," she said, an ounce of surprise in her voice. "Good guess!"

Suzi may have said that, but something inside told her that wasn't quite so, as the pair reached the large wooden doors.

They looked heavy, thought Juugo as he reached out. Touching it as his hand across trailed across the wood.

"Mind the doors Juugo," he heard, just before they shifted away. He stepped back, feeling as something seemed to pull them open.

Suzi smiled, placing a hand tentatively on Juugo's shoulder.

He tensed, looking startled for a moment… she smiled. "That must Miya," she said as the doors opened, the pair walking through as she guided a now quiet Juugo. "There's a system that controls them otherwise we couldn't get in."

Suzi and he walked through the tall hallway, the tapping of their feet echoing as Juugo glanced above. The ceilings were bare timber, crossing with planks that formed the floors above. He liked them, particularly the way they seemed to rise the more he looked at them.

The lights were natural too, with slits along the walls as beams of light touched their path.

They walked through them, the hallway long before reaching a smaller doorway.

"Miya!" called Suzi, leading him through as noise touched his ears. "Are the children still eating?"

Juugo glanced at the desk, seeing a young woman sitting as she folders papers. The room was small, connected by another door to the noise beyond.

Miya nodded, still busy as she glanced up. "They went in about 20 minutes ago," she said, looking at Juugo with a forced smile.

"Hello," she said, casting a quick look as Suzi shook her head. Miya soured. "I am Miya."


He offered a nod, looking away from the woman that seemed to dislike him.

"Perfect," said Suzi, moving Juugo along. "Let's get you something to eat, then we'll decide on the rest."

They left through the door, with Suzi closing it behind them. "Come on," she encouraged, leading him as they walked along another corridor, towards the room with all the noise. "Do you like Miso?"

Juugo looked at her, just as they entered the room filled with children. Rows upon rows of them, at least 50 as they ate in surprising quiet.

It wasn't their voices that were noisy, as Suzi led him round. "Well?" she pressed, grabbing a bowl as she filled it anyway.

Juugo glanced as she did, before looking out at the muted hall. It was just the sticks, tapping the bowls as children guzzled hungrily.

He looked away.

"What's Miso?"

Suzi stopped, letting the bowl rest in her hands. She didn't look, yet hoped the boy was joking as she finally turned to him.

His eyes, they looked so innocent.

She smiled sadly.

"Miso," she said, reaching across for some chopsticks. "Is my favourite. Noodles and Soup, you can't go wrong with that."

She handed Juugo the bowl, then the chopsticks.

"Now, find a seat. I'll come back once you're finished," she said, walking off as she shooed him playfully away.

Juugo didn't move, staring instead at the many eyes that watched him.

Hmm, he thought.

Perhaps he should have just snuck in.


Hope you’re enjoying it! I am writing another story too, HP.

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