
Chapter 107

I shook my head in amusement as I held Adrian closer to Dale. "Look at your baby cousin" I whispered to my son. He made baby noises as he stared at Dale. Someone cleared their throat behind me. Honestly, I ignored them and continued messing with Adrian and Dale. That was until Mom nudged me. "What?" I questioned, looking up. Everyone was staring behind me.

Slowly, I turned around to face my mate. "Alicia Bell Road" Jeremy started off, still holding Amber in his arms. The only difference was that Amber was holding a square velvet ring box. "The first time we talked, you came back from stealing my car. Since then, we've been through a lot. Your family, the kidnapping, my stupidity. We even survived my mother's crazy baby phase" I let out a small laugh, grinning at my mate.