
Chapter 175

Chapter 175

To the True Ancestors, the Fourth True Ancestor is just an interesting toy.

But to other people and organizations, the Fourth True Ancestor is a potential threat, a target with research value, or a combat unit used to test strength.

Although the official agencies will not embarrass Nangong Nayue at present, some rats cannot be avoided.

Prison attack officer:"Someone from MAR contacted me yesterday and asked me to lend Agurola for research. The reward is 50 million U.S. dollars."

Rao Mo Na:"Wow! 50 million! It's still U.S. dollars!"

Red Devil The first genius of the Clan:"Is this a lot of money?"

Nightmare Elf:"Just convert it directly into the currency unit of your world."

The first genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:"…Well, a lot! With so much money, wouldn't it mean that I would never have to work again for the rest of my life?"

The number one genius of the Red Demon Clan:"Then…-Does Miss Nangong agree?"

Prison Demon Attack Officer:"Of course not. After all, Agulola is Bai Ming. I am just adopting him on his behalf, and I also have some savings."

It's just 50 million US dollars, just sprinkle it with water.

Discharge Girl:"Rich woman!"

Prison Demon Attack Officer:"But having said that, I have a feeling that there will be a lot of trouble in the future, and I may have to ask you Bai Ming.

Bai Ming:"Of course.""

Whether it's the True Ancestor, the Lion King Organization, or some other forces, there are many people who covet the Fourth True Ancestor.

Of course, there are also many people who covet him.

Maybe in the eyes of some people.

I The transformed giant may have been labeled as the"Heritage of the God of Evil".

Lao Mo Na said:"Hehe, if I can develop super powers, I won't be afraid even if three or five gangsters get close to me!"

Nightmare Elf:"The only ones you need to worry about are characters like Sugou Nobuyuki."

Mouna:"Yeah, I'll definitely be careful about that kind of perversion!""

Discharge Girl:"If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. As a senior in superpowers, I can still answer some questions."

Nightmare Elf:"By the way, I have a question. We are not in the same world. Will the development of superpowers really be useful?"

Discharge Girl:"Ah this…"

This question stumped Misaka Mikoto.

Discharge Girl:"What do you think, Mr. Bai Ming?"

Bai Ming:"Half probability, after all, the actual development of superpowers is still very complicated, far more than as simple as the information you sent."

Discharge Girl:"Huh? Do you have one?"

Bai Ming:"I probably don't remember because I'm too young. Superpower development courses start as early as five years old, that is, when you first enter elementary school. At that time, even if you were put on electrodes or given medicine, in the past I will forget it after so many years."

Discharge Girl:"Pharming? Electrodes? But there really is no such thing in my memory!"

Seeing Bai Ming's explanation, Misaka Mikoto suddenly doubted her life.

Bai Ming:"So it's very possible to forget it. After all, at that time, researchers might deliver drugs into the body for reasons such as vaccination for treating diseases."

Prison attack officer:"Human experiment? This kind of thing is very strange. It's common."

Nightmare Elf:"Are there any side effects?"

Bai Ming:"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. After all, Academy City has been researching for so long. Even if there are side effects, they are just minor problems such as headache and nausea."

Discharge Girl :"I have a very important question! If that's the case, how will the level of superpowers be calculated? Is it the effect of drugs?"

Bai Ming:"That's not the case. It depends on how far superpowers can be developed. Personal talent and hard work, drug injection only goes from 0 to 1. If you are a salted fish, your superpower will definitely not be improved."

See here.

Misaka Mikoto finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She believed Bai Ming's words 100%. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If the level of superpowers obtained from him has been determined from the beginning and has nothing to do with hard work, then she will really doubt her life.

After all, this is it.

Haven't all her efforts been in vain?

Bai Ming:"Actually, compared to superpowers, Misaka, in the world where you live, magic is more suitable for ordinary people to learn. Basically, as long as you find the right way, it is very simple to become a magician."

After all, there has always been a saying in the magic ban..

Superpowers are gifted magicians.

And when superpowers cannot be developed, magic is the way out for mediocrity.

Prison Attack Officer:"It sounds a bit weird to say that magic is simpler than superpowers."

Discharge Girl:"?"

Just as Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief, she saw Bai Ming throw another bombshell, and she was almost stunned.

Is magic simpler than superpowers?

Are you sure it's not the other way around?

Mobile phone for the elderly on the subway.jpg.

Nightmare Elf:"After all, it's a preconceived relationship. In many movies, magic is a very mysterious existence."

In fact, superpowers are essentially magic.

Bai Ming thought about this sentence but did not say it.

Bai Ming:"At least the magic in the Misaka world is not that esoteric. An ordinary person who knows nothing may use the forbidden spell magic unintentionally."

Just like Kamijou Touma's father Kamijou Touya.

Because I was worried about my son's unfortunate constitution, I went around to collect some weird things from ancient times. In the forbidden plot, I accidentally constructed a magic circle and activated the great magic"Angel Falls." This directly led to the" role replacement" that can affect the whole world.", and almost caused the angels to destroy half of the earth.

Discharge Girl:"If that's the case, can I also learn magic?"

Model Na:"Yeah! In that case, Misaka-san is a person with dual abilities that combines superpowers and magic?" The number one genius of the Red Demon Clan:"That sounds great. Handsome, do you want me to think of a handsome slogan for you? Care about.jpg."

Bai Ming:"My suggestion is that it's best not to learn. The relationship between superpowers and magic is like the same pole of a magnet. If you use it forcefully, it will Causes very serious side effects."

Discharge Girl:"Huh? So it can't be done?"

Bai Ming:"Think about it carefully, if the superpower system led by Aleister can be compatible with magic, then his daughter will not Death, there is no need to build Academy City."

Discharge Girl:"Okay then…"

Bai Ming:"Of course, you may be able to learn magic from other worlds. If there is a chance, I will send you a copy of the information.""