
Jujutsu Kaisen: Rin Fushiguro

A Great Man Once Said “Dream you say? Well, I don’t necessarily have a dream, but If I had to say then it’d be to live my life to the fullest and protect what’s dear to me, you think it’s a boring goal? I Think it’s realistic, I want t- No, I am going to live my life in…” The Great Man couldn’t Finish his Sentence due to Someone Interrupting Him, How did the man want to live his life? That’s for you to find out. ————————— Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfic No Harem Op Mc Smart Mc ------------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a week maybe more it depends ———————— This is not my cover! I repeat this is not my cover, if the rightful owner wishes me to take this image down then please be sure to let me know.

Pluxx · Cómic
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13 Chs


( "" - Speaking )

( ' ' - Thinking )


Cursed Energy = CE

Cursed Technique = CT

Cursed Spirit = CS

Tokyo Jujutsu High = TJH



"Explosive Annihilation!"


Rin and Izumi screamed simultaneously


everything was being demolished, even Izumi's big explosion couldn't hold a candle against Rin's maximum, the fire was removed/erased because of the air pressure created by the "Almighty Push," that's how powerful the Almighty Push is.


In the supposed forest that isn't a forest anymore stood a person, that person had scars visible on his upper body.

Rin stood up and looked around "Well, this is a problem, I'll just say that It was necessary, and I had no choi-" Rin exclaimed whilst scratching his head, but suddenly, he was interrupted

"Although I was a bit crazy when I was younger, You're certainly worse than the younger me," suddenly, Rin heard a familiar voice

"Gojo sensei, he was strong and I didn't have any other way to beat him, so, you won't cut the salary right?"

"Oh? Is that so, I was watching the whole fight, I am not so crazy to let a 15-year-old fight a grade 1 curse user already,"

"if you watched the whole fight, then shouldn't you've intervened, I don't think it's fair to cut off my payment," Rin said with a mischievous smile.

"I was seeing what you were capable of, anyways, I'm pretty sure you didn't finish him off, I can still faintly see his CE ( Cursed Energy ) marks."

'What, he's still not dead,' Rin thought "Since you're so strong shouldn't you've gone after him then..." Rin asked

"I was planning on doing that, but he suddenly disappeared, it may have been his allies that he was talking about, probably teleportation, Hmm, next time you see him call me first, anyways, you should go see Tsumiki, Megumi should also be there, you can call me when you're ready to enroll TJJH." ( Tokyo Jujutsu High

"Huh what do you mean by that, did something happen?"Rin questioned why Gojo talked like something happened to Tsumiki

"it's better if you see it for yourself" Gojo answered

Rin didn't ask any further questions, Gojo told him that Tsumiki was at a hospital and that it was bad, Rin immediately ran to the hospital Gojo send the location of.




After entering the hospital, Rin went to the hospital reception and asked where Tsumiki's patient room was, after he got the location of where her room is, he ran as fast as he could to Tsumiki.

entering the room Rin saw Megumi sitting on a stool staring at Tsumiki, "Megumi" Rin walked up to Megumi put his hand on Megumi's head, and gave him a hug, Megumi hugged him back with a clenching fist so to hold back from crying

"What happened," Rin asked with a frowning face


After a while Megumi explained what happened, apparently, Tsumiki was somehow put into a coma, the source of why and how it happened is still unknown, Rin found this extremely weird, 'they should've already understood the cause of this, how come they don't know,' that was what Rin thought, he even went to the caregiver of Tsumiki to ask for more details but she just said "the cause of her coma is unknown, normally when a person is unconscious something should've caused it but in her case, she seems perfectly normal" Rin didn't ask any more questions, instead he was thinking of the cause 'could it have been him ( Izumi ) or was it someone else, and what were the sorcerers doing that were supposed to watch her, Rin didn't think about it anymore instead he went to comfort Megumi,

Megumi was a little better because of the talk with Rin, he kept on blaming himself for the reason that Tsumiki was in a coma, he, also like Rin suspected that the cause was supernatural


Rin was sitting by a river watching the water flow, but on the inside, he blamed himself for the reason that Tsumiki was in a coma, wasn't he supposed to protect his new family? Didn't he promise himself that nothing would ever happen to them, Rin had already forgotten the fact that the was in an anime world ( Not literally, he just didn't see this as a cartoon anymore ) he also made a new promise to himself which was to find the cause of Tsumiki's coma, the first person to look for was Izumi, but unfortunately, he didn't have an idea of where he could be, so first he should enroll TJJH ( Tokyo Jujutsu high ) 'well, I should first say my goodbye to Megumi and Makoto since I didn't do that the last time either' Rin thought



in a specific restaurant in Tokyo, Makoto and Rin sat there waiting for their food to arrive "So, for how long will you be away," Makoto asked, he was quite sad seeing his friend leave "Who knows but I'll come to Tokyo sometimes visiting

you" Rin said

Rin told Makoto that he'll be going overseas, so as to help Makoto understand the situation better, otherwise, he'd get questions such as "So what is the reason why you can't visit me anymore?" and I'd have to tell him about Jujutsu and sorcerers, etc, which I cant.

Makoto furthermore asked "What's gonna happen to Megumi, in a sense he lost his sister and his brother is going overseas"

"don't worry, he'll be fine, someone I know looks after him, he'll also be joining me in a few months anyway, so you don't need to worry about him, and don't worry I'll be visiting Tokyo many times, I'll come look you up whenever I can.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and so they did their goodbyes, Rin was now on his way enrolling into TJJH ( Tokyo Jujutsu High )————————————————————————————————————————————Hereby Volume 1 The Beginning Ends———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Well Ladies and Gentleman Volume 1 ends, Good? Bad? Be sure to lemme know.

This chapter may have been a bit confusing to some of you about the coma, the people that were supposed to surveillance Tsumiki, and all that, under this text you'll see a chapter explanation go read that if you want to have a better understanding of the situation.


Chapter Explanation:

So how come Tsumiki was put in a coma despite being monitored? you may ask, well, let me say it like this "Suddenly the monitor team fell asleep" Yes, they too suddenly went unconscious, how? why? That is to come.

Now going onto the next weird thing some of you may have noticed, which is Tsumiki already going into a coma which should have happened a year later, right? Yes, You're right but like I said I will change events, timelines etc, this happening a year earlier helps me big time with the plot.


Before Rin left for TJH ( Tokyo Jujutsu high ) he left a book, the book was left behind for Megumi, in it are things written such as an explanation about CE ( Cursed Energy ) and CT ( Cursed Technique )

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ages: Rin 15 Year Old - Megumi 14 Year Old - Tsumiki 15 Year Old

Next Chapter's Title: Tokyo Jujutsu High?!