
Jujutsu Kaisen: Rin Fushiguro

A Great Man Once Said “Dream you say? Well, I don’t necessarily have a dream, but If I had to say then it’d be to live my life to the fullest and protect what’s dear to me, you think it’s a boring goal? I Think it’s realistic, I want t- No, I am going to live my life in…” The Great Man couldn’t Finish his Sentence due to Someone Interrupting Him, How did the man want to live his life? That’s for you to find out. ————————— Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfic No Harem Op Mc Smart Mc ------------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a week maybe more it depends ———————— This is not my cover! I repeat this is not my cover, if the rightful owner wishes me to take this image down then please be sure to let me know.

Pluxx · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs


( "" - Speaking )

( ' ' - Thinking )


Cursed Energy = CE

Cursed Technique = CT

Cursed Spirit = CS

Tokyo Jujutsu High = TJH


In the massive forest you could see 2 two persons facing each other, these people were Izumi and Rin


"Then I'll just have to deplete all your CE ( Cursed Energy ) seems easy enough" Rin knows that Izumi has a massive amount of CE but he's also pretty sure that he himself has more, he simply needs to tire out Izumi.

Puppet NR 3 was still in the game so Rins first thought was to eliminate him, but Izumi was already aware of that so he called 3 more puppets, Rin didn't seem to care though as he still had the same indifferent expression.

"Well then, shall we truly start the game now," Izumi said excitedly

The 4 Puppets surrounded Rin, the 4 puppets pressed their thumb so as to explode themselves, unfortunately for them, Rin had already covered himself in rocks, 2 more puppets appeared in front of Rin "REPULSE!!" Rin shouted.

Rin kicked the other puppet on his neck with his right leg, unbeknownst to Rin, the other puppet had already caught up with them, rin also realized that this puppet was stronger then the other ones since it has more CE ( Cursed Energy ) and a better physique.

Click!! A click was heard from the puppet that just showed up.

Boom!! in the massive forest A big explosion was sounded, luckily, no one heard it.

"Tch, that did hurt" Rin appeared in torn clothes, he ripped his shirt off of him, his upper body was now visible with little scars to be seen.

"that took me quite the bit of CE, ( Cursed Energy ) to be able to take such an explosion is nothing less than impressive, and all of that when being this young and not even being in TJJH ( Tokyo Jujutsu High ) yet."

"Well, I should've already been in TJJH but because of a certain person I had a mission and needed to eliminate him, but what's strange is that you know quite a lot about me, where I live, my sensei, my siblings, what do you know more? Because I'm sure you didn't spy on me, or rather you wouldn't have been capable of spying because I'd find you as quickly as I did with that CS ( Cursed Spirit ) that was spying on me back then ( He's talking about the Surveillance Spirit ), but that person with the surveillance Cursed Spirits could control CS ( Cursed Spirits ) Can you? No, you can't, so it wasn't you as I said, and I've already confirmed it with Gojo-Sensei about who that person is, so, can you tell me how you know all this."

"Unfortunately I can't tell you, or rather, We, can't tell you" Izumi weirdly answered

"The, We, again? Who's we supposed to be" Rin questioned, though he was actually talking to himself but accidentally said it out loud

"Who knows, but you needn't worry as you'll eventually find out anyway."



Rin and Izumi had moved all the way to the center of the forest there were no more roads visible, thus, they could go all out especially Rin since he was holding back a little for the destruction he'd cause.

Instead of new puppets appearing, Izumi ran at Rin, he went In Rin's 3-Meter radius which allowed Rin to easily attract Izumi, he did the hand-grabbing pose and Izumi was dragged towards Rin, Rin focused a lot of CE ( Cursed Energy ) into his hand and punched Izumi in his abdomen, Izumi's upper half body exploded but in the next second it was already constructed, Rin punched him on his cheek using attraction it exploded again, but it was also constructed back in a second, This time, Rin put a massive amount of cursed energy in his fist his output was incrediblely big, Rin tried punching Izumi's belly again using the massive CE ( Cursed Energy ) and attraction at the same time but to his surprise, Izumi escaped the 3-Meter radius by reinforcing every part of his body with cursed energy.

"I see you're trying to deplete as much CE ( Cursed Energy ) from me as possible," Rin said

"Oh? Are you sure about that, if I were you I'd watch my back"


'Shit, behind me "REPULSE!!" I tried repulsing the puppet as fast as I could but I had still taken damage, damnit, I need to be faster or I won't be able to overpower him, wait, what if I use Zero Gravity on myself to become weightless, not to the point to where I'll fly, but to the point where I'd be able to move faster.


"Phew, that must've hurt, be sure not to die, yeah? Actually, they didn't tell me if I should kill you or not, oh well, I'll just play a little more with you then." Izumi said

"you took the words out of my mouth."

Rin jumped towards Izumi, and he gave a right kick on his elbow, he made a turn and slept the side of his head with his forearm, he gave a left on his cheek, a right, left, but these punches were deflected by Izumi, Rin wasn't done there because he leaned a bit to the right and punched his liver, he went further to punch him on his left cheek again, then he went for his chin, back to his right cheek, Rin kept punching him as fast and hard as he could, but some of the punches were still deflected, At one point Izumi struck back and they both backed of a bit.

Izumi: "Those were some punches, but are you still able to keep going? Because I'm thinking of leaving it's been quite fun but I have the necessary information"

"Indeed, I'm a bit tired, I would prefer laying on my soft pillows, unfortunately, you exist, but oh well, it seems it's the end for you anyways," Rin said

Izumi: "Oh? And how is this my end, I don't see any danger here capable of hurting me."

"Then your eyes must be deceiving you since I'm standing right in front of you, and, LIKE I SAID, I'LL END IT NOW" While Rin was saying that he brought up both his hands, both his hand were in a hand-grabbing pose,

Izumi got on guard seeing this "Well, any last words?" Rin asked and seeing his expression Izumi didn't see this as a joke, instead, he knew that Rin was completely serious.

Izumi simply answered with a "No" Izumi also put out both his hands,

(Crosstalk ) Means they said sosmething at the same time )

"Explosive Annihilation!!" Izumi Screamed, when saying that he closed both his hands

"ALMIGHTY PUSH!!" Rin also screamed both Rin and Izumi simultaneously used their maximum.







Chapter Explanation:

So, they basically both used their maximums, for the people that don't know what maximum is, it's basically using the maximum amount of Cursed Energy Output on an Extension technique, the MC used Maximum on Repulsion, thus it became, "Almighty Push.''

Why did Izumi not use a domain expansion? Basically, Izumi hadn't developed his Domain expansion yet.

The mc will get a sword so don't get used to him fighting with his hands, he ain't like my boy Itadori throwing those hands.


Well folks, that was it for this chapter I guess, if you have any further questions be sure to lemme know.

See y'all in the next one ✌️👋👋