

I took my bath, and prepared for the the training that lied ahead, a denim jacket, black round neck, green cargo pants and a pair of air force ones , I looked alright and that was good enough as I walked through the halls I spotted the two girls I met earlier and they spotted me the black haired girl told me that Geto instructed for me to wait with them as I sat down beside them trying to set a jovial mood I asked for their names even though I was fairly of what it was with a smile on my face the light brown haired girl answered first, Nanako and the black haired girl answered as well my name is Mimiko, oh are you related? Obviously you idiot the Nanako retorted, what the hell did I do to piss off this brat? We all kept silent and a few moments later we heard footsteps oh forgive me I was in a meeting, Mimiko, Nanako I believe you have gotten acquainted with our new friend, Nanako gave off a grunt while I stared at her annoyed, Geto understanding the situation moved on Kondou I will like to introduce you to my associates though I call them family, Miguel, Lauree, Manami Suda, Tosihisa Negi, Is this the late bloomer guy? Nice to to meet you, Miguel was the first to interact with me , Lauree followed welcome to the family,I'm not so sure about that but thanks anyway I replied the other two kept sizing me up , the blonde woman spoke first Geto san are you sure about this?,Tosihisa Negi a man with a scar on the left side of his face finally spoke up "he doesn't seem like much" I do share the same concern as Manami. Do not fret everyone I have decided to personally handle his training in return for his accomodation he will also take on menial tasks oyyyyy I never agreed to that I responded , looking at me, very well then he said I will train you and at the end of each session you fight me, don't I won't attack you at all I will take you off menial labour of cleaning and washing dishes if you so much as land a hit on me, oh by the way it's a binding vow so you needn't worry on me breaking it, shall we begin nodding my head I walked to the middle of the courtyard, so how does this work ? Curse energy is born of negative emotions and fueled by it as well emotions such as grief, sadness, pain, or anger are used in the process only a few are capable of manipulating this energy by now you should have started feeling it , ideally it starts from your stomach then courses to the other parts of your body , first you have to sense it , try an d focus while he spoke I tried focusing but it seemed to no avail , a pointer would be to focus on memories that invoke any negative emotion I tought hard and me being an orphan about to have my body parts sold off to who knows where and my aunt using me as collateral to lian sharks, my sense of abandonement , I was sad, bit most of all I was angry and then I felt a spark I was suprised then I lost focus , looking at Geto questionably , what the hell was that , that was cursed energy it was only a spark though Jujutsu sorceres learn to control CE with the faintest sense of emotion , nkw try again anf don' t lose focus , focusing on my anger and trying to sense the faintest amount of CE , I felt it again. Letting it course through my body I tried over and over again , before I realised it it was evening, everyone had left even Geto it didn't matter I continued practicing well unto midnight unbeKnownst to me I was being watched by one of his CS (Cursed Spirits) . Geto thinking to himself he really has no understanding of CE the amateurish display can be faked however his use and the way it flows is that of an amateur/beginner, Hey kid I believe you can pick up were you left off in the morning , okay then I returned to my room took a bath after which I lied on my bed contemplating everything every thing I did and the events that unfolded so far , I decided I needed to be strong in order to survive if incase Geto had a change of heart or any accomplices intended to do me any harm.

The next day I wasn't able to get much sleep and eagerly I went to the training ground and started practicing to control and surround myself in it (CE) m, this went on for a week under the watchful eyes of Geto , after a week I heard his voice behind me looks you have gotten your control to a decent level now fight with a stern and serious expression I tried attacking him but he blocked every blow I threw at him , until I got tired , then I remembered you said monst people who were capable of manipulating CE have a CT does that mean I do as well , putting his hand on his chin however let's take things slow you master your control and your basic body state needs to be improved . The days weeks and months flew by and three months in I had improved my body and CE control to an advanced level and the amount of CE I had was the third highest he had ever seen even higher than his whichbmade me feel a sense of pride , but third? Who was first and second , when I asked he told me the second highest was his best friend by the name of Satoru gojo , he also pointed that this best friend of his was the strongest sorcerer in the world and the highest was a new comer into the world of Jujutsu like my self he began working with the Jujutsu society a month after I joined and accomadated myself in Geto's group. Kondou there are many factors that go into being a powerful sorcerer , skill, talent, understanding and the type of technique can factor into who wins a fight between sorcerer's.