
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
77 Chs


The air blazed with heat that would make it unbreathable to any normal human. The ground cracked as the heat warped and shattered stone. The air rippled with temperatures so high that metal melted and the ground gleamed a dull red.

He didn't care how hot he needed to make it, as the barrier of his domain formed he felt the whip grow closer to him. He had to increase his temperature. He had to provide more fuel.

Burning away years of his life in the desperation to survive the air suddenly exploded outward as the black barrier closed giving form to bronze walls. The metal glowing red hot in an instant from the heat rapidly increased at insane speeds.

The air was no longer breathable, so heated that it would melt flesh and char bone.

The intense inferno that Frank stood in the centre of rippled off his skin in cascading waves of fire. The fires of hell brought forth and commanded in desperation.

As the whip was brought down against his skin he knew that he couldn't dodge. The pain of the impact shot through his body as red stinging lines trailed down his chest, cuts that bled glowing blood like molten iron.

But not a single burn was left despite the intense temperatures of the whip. All it was to Frank was a rope, nothing special, nothing dangerous. It wouldn't be able to harm him.

Looking forward Frank's eyes resembled setting suns. His technique made his veins glow and his heart blaze like a beacon.

Reaching forward Frank snapped his fingers. The gesture was simple but the power was immense, the area around the spirit suddenly blazing to light. An inferno containing the years of his life that he was burning away, but more than that. His emotions, his love.

He knew that Stacy would never love him back, so he would burn those emotions. If he didn't need them then at least let their intensity save her life.

He would give it everything he had if he had to.

As they burnt away he watched the spirit's expression go from a predator's glee to the desperation of prey. Its skin started to bubble and flake off. The black charred flesh its body was made of smoked and drifted away as it crumbled to ash and embers.

Its blazing whips unravelling and falling to the ground.

Its bones started to show growing blacker by the moment and crumbling to dust.

In less than a moment, with the snap of his fingers. Frank exorcised the spirit.

As his domain broke open, letting in the outside light he looked up at the smoke-filled skies and let out a single breath, his mind felt numb. Raw, like claws had racked along it and he was yet to feel the pain.

Seeing the spirit float away in black flakes he dropped to his knees. The intense inferno lingered against his skin as he collapsed. His legs could no longer hold him, the broken bone cold against the air. His blood like acid melted through the concrete floor that grazed his knees.

He felt so… hollow. His chest was cold despite the heat around him.

Curling into a ball he started to sob, he couldn't help it, no tears came out though. The heat dried them immediately, his skin red and flaky.

He felt so cold.

Each jagged breath tore into his lungs, each shaking sob sending spikes of pain through his worn body. Tired he collapsed alone in the the burning wasteland. The lingering heat from his body was still enough that the bubbling ground around him stayed molten.

The slow cooling of it left an imprint of his body in the middle of the rippling ground as the sun slowly set. The only light was the remaining fires that flickered from broken buildings, burning what was left to burn.

Ruined and alone Frank lay. So so tired… a small rest wouldn't hurt. They would come back for him… wouldn't they?

--- Current ---

Pausing for a moment Frank hung his head, regret all over his face as he let out a small sigh. "I didn't realize what I had sacrificed for that strength. I needed it in the moment, and it was worth it in the end. But now…" Frank said, motioning to himself. "I look far older than I am, a few years… a few years after Hoshi was born," Frank said. His mind is clearly elsewhere.

"You knew Hoshi when he was born?" Atlas asked, his eyes widening a bit as he leaned closer.

Nodding Frank responded, "Oh yes, he was a fantastic child, very well-behaved." His smile warmed at the memories.

Although sadness lingered at the back of his gaze, in the end, he looked happy. As if the memories were enough for him.

"I wish I had spent more time with him. It is one of my greatest regrets in this life. I had to leave... it was for his sake that I did. But I still wish that I had made more use of the time that I had." Frank revealed as he turned to face Atlas. "Make sure lad, that you give the people you care about real attention…"

Nodding his head Atlas hesitantly asked, "What happened to him? Your son?" This was the first time Frank had mentioned them properly and not as a passing comment.

Seeing overwhelming guilt come across Frank's face he knew the man's heart was aching more so than ever. "I was a fool... when I sacrificed so much for that power, didn't realize at the time but I cursed myself. It was what killed Joben and my wife too. I should get to what you asked for first though. How I knew Joben, I never knew that was his real name, he called himself Gavin."

--- 1984 ---

"There was no way that the Society didn't know THAT was a special grade! You sent us to our deaths!" Hikaru yelled. His face morphed with anger.

He had just come out of the infirmary and immediately stormed into the principal's office. After he had recovered his energy he had been mostly fine. Luckily Stacy was too, but the shock was still affecting her more than it was him, she could barely walk.

She hadn't eaten for a full day now.

"It was a mistake on our part, it is unwise Hikaru to accuse us of sending special students to their deaths when we are already understaffed…" Gakuganji said, his face a cold mask.

He had been shocked when Stacy and Hikaru had come back. But at least Frank had died, that was the main thing they wanted to happen after all. He personally was glad that Hikaru survived despite some of the displeasure that it brought from the Higher-Ups.

Opening his mouth to say something Hikaru just paused, there was nothing he could do. He had been sent to his death and he just had to live with it? Closing his mouth without saying anything he turned and stormed out of the office.

The door slammed with enough force to make some of the papers ruffle and shift.

Sighing Gakuganji neatly started to reorganize them, he didn't know how he would deal with all of this. Now that the Higher-Ups had gotten what they wanted they were leaving him with the mess, dealing with the students that had unexpectedly survived.

Sometimes he was displeased at the actions of those above him. But he would do his job, after all, he may not understand it but he was sure that it was for a proper purpose. Sacrifices always had to be made.

Getting back to work he kept on writing the reports that he needed to but was once more interrupted as his door was slammed open.

Looking up in displeasure he was just about to scold the worker for doing this but his thoughts stopped. His mind became blank as he heard what was practically yelled in shock from the panting man's mouth.

"Frank is alive sir. He was found asleep at the sight."

Stopping for a moment Gakuganji put down his pen slowly. His head already aching with the headache that was coming. Did that mean that Frank had singlehandedly beaten a special grade?

That shouldn't be possible.

Standing up he said, "Take me to him right now." He would have ordered an immediate execution if the Higher-Ups were not keeping this all under wraps.

"V-very well sir." The man said, leaving the room and escorting the clearly flustered principal.

This was bad…


Staring into the melted pit with a few sorcerers gathered around it Gakuganji asked, "What is happening?" His eyes were wide with shock as he still processed what he was seeing.

Frank was sleeping in the middle of a giant pit of what looked to have been melted metal and concrete. The parts that hadn't been able to melt had been broken down to pebbles and dust by the intensity of the blaze.

And still he was on fire, a full day after the incident his skin was still flickering with tongues of fire. His heart glowed through his chest and shirt. A beating engine that let out waves of heat with every pulse.

It was chaotic, like a scene from hell.

"When we came to complete the failed mission we found him here. Collapsed in this pit and passed out, there is no sign of the spirit or it leaving. Sir, this boy took down a special grade by himself." One of the sorcerers said as he walked over, his hands in his pocket.

Shaking his head Gakuganji responded, "That can't be can it?"

"We were sceptical at first but there are no signs of the spirit leaving and the cursed energy lingering around here shows that it did indeed die here. There is no other explanation other than he killed it." The sorcerer reported with a sigh.

"No one has been able to give him treatment or get him out of the pit, it's so hot down there that the ground he is lying on is still malleable. Your flesh would melt off your bone before you could even lay a hand on him." He finished as he turned to Gakuganji to hear his response.

Looking down at Frank with a blank face he didn't know what to do. He couldn't just get someone here to kill him because it wasn't meant to be a public matter. No, he had to think of another way but for now, he had to get people to leave here.

But this power? The strength to have defeated a special grade and the lingering power of his technique even a day after? What had been done?

The fear in some people's faces was clear enough. The fear of the heat and fire at the bottom of the pit that cradled Frank.

This was the birth of a special-grade sorcerer.

He had to get rid of him.

"I will handle this, Please get everyone out of here in case he wakes up and panics. I think it would be best if I were to handle this alone." Gakuganji said receiving a nod from the man who turned and started to yell some orders.

However, as he waited for people to leave another person approached him.

He recognized him, a fourth year at his school and one of the most… dangerous people alive, not for his combat strength however. But because of his technique potential.

"Sir, I have received orders to remove the straggler… You are no longer needed here. I suggest you leave as well." he said under his breath as he finished approaching.

"Joben… I do not believe that you have the authority to order me to leave." Gakuganji said as his eyes narrowed.

Shaking his head the boy responded, "I don't, but my brother does and this message doesn't come from me but from the Higher-Ups. I can assure you that going and meeting them now before their annoyance grows anymore is in your best interest. They do not like to be kept waiting." Joben says, his eyes growing a bit colder.

Feeling the chill run up his spine Gakuganji nodded his head slowly. "Very well, then I will trust you with the disposal of Frank." He said, turning and leaving as he finished speaking.

Keeping the Higher-Ups waiting was never something that he should do. And if Frank was special grade then one of the two people that would be able to deal with him cleanly was Joben. It didn't matter how strong you were once his technique got you, you were defenceless.

It made sense that he had been sent to clean up.

As Gakuganji left with the rest of the people. All of them made their way away from the scene soon leaving Joben alone.

Looking down at Frank he sighed, not knowing how he was going to wake him. Everything he could throw down there would melt or be turned to ash before it made a proper impact and there was no way that he was walking down there himself.

He needed to get this done before the Higher-Ups talked to Gakuganji and his betrayal was found out.

He had to be quick. Getting to the pit he stood on the edge of it as he racked his brains for ways that he could make contact with Frank to wake him or just wake him with something else.

He was lucky that the heat quickly dispersed once it was not close to Frank, when it wasn't fueled it died out almost immediately. The problem was Frank was still subconsciously fueling the heat directly around him.

This was harder than he thought it was going to be…

He really should have thought this through, he was in a rush though! He had to get his done before the Higher-Ups sent someone to kill Frank while he was sleeping.

Taking out his cursed tool he sighed as he looked at it, it was high grade but he needed something that wouldn't be destroyed as soon as it got close to Frank. So guess this would have to work. He didn't like that he had to practically throw it away though.

Winding his arm back he threw the knife in a clean motion watching it sail through the air, the blade glowing red before it impaled Frank's leg. The sudden shock of pain snapped Frank awake as he rolled onto his back and looked around. Gasping for air.

"Frank! I need you to listen to me! We have to get out of here. Can you turn your heat off!" Joben started to yell as he looked around them. No one was around but he would rather be quick.

The heat started to dissipate instantly as Frank woke up and stopped subconsciously keeping it active. His mind raced to other things as he looked around, his shock growing as he saw the landscape and heard someone yelling at him.

With the memories crashing back, he looked up and saw a lone and agitated figure on the edge of the pit. Yelling at them he asked, "Stacy and Hikaru? Are they okay?!"

Seeing clarity come to Frank's eyes Joben let out a sigh of relief as he nodded his head and said, "They are! But you are in danger. The Higher-Ups want to kill you so if you don't want to die let's get out of here!" Joben yelled, his English wasn't perfect but it was good enough.

Nodding his head Frank's eyes narrowed as he heard what the man was saying, this was all so confusing. What was happening?

"Wh- What do you mean?" He said as he started to try and climb to his feet only to notice one leg was stabbed by a burning knife and the other was badly broken, the once open wound had been burnt shut subconsciously leaving the bone sticking out from cooked flesh.

Seeing this Frank was hit by a wave of dizziness as nausea overtook him.

Cursing Joben gritted his teeth. The air was cooling rapidly and the ground down there was no longer red hot but the heat was still wafting up from the bottom of the pit. It would still be deadly for him to go down there.

"Frank! Listen," Joben yelled, seeing how pale Frank looked as he stared back up at him he held eye contact as he said. "I need you to pay attention. We have to get out of here, I can't come down there with the heat, so please. Drag yourself up here and I promise I will get you to safety. I promise, when you wake up Hikaru and Stacy will be with you. Please, just start crawling."

Looking up Joben saw figures approaching in the distance. That was faster than he thought, way faster. They must have already sent someone people to hill him because there was no way that Gakuganji had gotten to the headquarters yet. He really needed to get moving. And quickly.

Cursing he looked back down into the pit and saw Frank slowly dragging himself towards him. Feeling a rush of adrenaline he looked up again and knew that Frank wasn't going to get close enough in time to let them escape.

Gritting his teeth he took his shoes off and tied the laces together just hanging them around his neck as wearing his socks only he made his way into the pit.

Feeling the bottom of his feet start to burn instantly he was just glad that the rubber soles of his shoes were not melting to his feet at this moment. Grabbing Frank he pulled him quickly before chucking him over his shoulder. And running.

His feet hurt, the blistering flesh even through the burnt sock stung like all hell but he ignored it, using his technique to stop his pain centre for now. He felt his shoulders starting to sting from where Frank's body which was still hot burned him causing his shoulders to blister.

Running he carried Frank using his cursed energy to strengthen himself as he dashed into the piles of rubble and ruined buildings. Hoping that they wouldn't be followed.

Dashing around he didn't stop until he found a small basement. Somewhere safe and secluded and sighing he put Frank down on the floor. Aware of the burns on his shoulders and feet… it would be alright though.

Looking at Frank who had once more passed out he sighed and opened the bag he had with him. The straps had almost burnt off.

Grabbing the medicine he had he shook his head and put his hand against Frank gently ignoring the blistering skin, he couldn't feel it right now.

Using his technique he made sure that Frank wasn't going to wake up until he let him. With that done he did his best to patch up the boy and himself. Although there was only so much he could do… he would hide down here for a bit longer… now he had to go get Stacy and Hikaru.