

"In order to keep everyone secure, vengeance is required. Although I may have been your slave, who is the slave now?" "As cleaning is currently your only goal, my dear father, I really do hope you like it!" *Whip, Whip* "Oh father, you're so filthy. You ought to be cleaning, not making everything dirtier."

asdsdaasd · Fantasía
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8 Chs


"W..Wa...WAKE UP!!"

"10 more minutes..."

"No, get up now that the duke is here and it appears that my parents are aware of what happened the previous evening. Before they arrive and fetch us, we need to quickly wash up."

I started to feel anxious and developed a headache from worrying about what they were going to say about last night. It was like a big large boulder was dropped on my head. Grandpa said I couldn't stay at the castle of the crown prince, and it appeared that the crown prince's parents learned about it last night. "You said there was nobody home, didn't you? How did your parent ever learn that we were having sex?" As we both took a shower at the same time, rinsing off our smelly bodies and making sure we were presentable for the duke and emperor, I sprinted for his bathroom. I couldn't believe that a mistake we made led to me meeting such influential individuals for the first time.

"They probably arrived home early from the party they were attending and heard our groans coming from the other side of the door, but I'm not sure how they learned about it. The scent of cum is evident, you know, so perhaps they opened the door while we were both lying next to each other while nude. Put on these clothes nonetheless; they are too big for you, but it's better than being naked." I could tell he was a little anxious since he seemed to be in a rush. He unlocked the door, hurried me to change, and grabbed me as we descended the stairs. I was only wearing a light blue long sleeve button-up shirt since I didn't even have time to put on my jeans. His scent was on the garment.

*Sitting Room*

"We apologize for the delay; nonetheless, it took longer than expected to prepare since I had to wake up Prince Lumi from his nap. I'll make sure to avoid causing you any more anxiety or waiting any longer." The crown prince motioned for me to have a seat while sitting on what appeared to be a plush, pink couch. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but notice that everyone was staring at me and seemed to be waiting for me to speak.

"I apologize for what occurred last night; I let my emotions get the best of me and offended the crown prince. I didn't anticipate that we would act in this way toward one another. I mistakenly believed that I had been invited to a party, though you could call it a gathering of sorts. If the emperor and empress want me to avoid the crown prince moving forward, I'll do so." As we both completed pleading our reasons, I couldn't help but start to perspire and feel apprehensive, but it appeared that the emperor and empress were both smiling.

We gazed at each other as though we were about to get into trouble or shout at any moment, with surprised expressions on both of our faces. Why were they making fun of the two of us? Is it amusing to see us beg for food, or was laughing part of the plan? I fought back my emotions as I stared at the ground waiting for them to speak, but it seemed like a long period passed without them saying anything. They were staring at each other when I looked up to see them.

Listen, even though it might look like a crime, it's not. We won't stop you two from getting together or from having sex anywhere, including on our roof. But keep in mind that you are supposed to be a crown prince. Having a kid is crucial because we need another heir to succeed you as emperor once you finish your term, but if you want to continue seeing Prince Lumi, we won't stop you. A crown prince and a prince are a unique combination that has never before occurred in history. Be advised, you'll encounter a lot of hostility if you decide to wed or if word of this spreads to the general public. Stay secure. When they were done, it appeared that they had better things to do than give us both advice on how to be safe if we continued to see each other in such romantic ways.

The door unexpectedly opened as the duke stood inside the chamber acting fairly crazy not long after the emperor and empress had left. "How did you two manage to sneak in some sex? This is a bit childish if you believe that there are no consequences for your conduct. If I hadn't taken you there, you wouldn't have met the crown prince, thus I should have never permitted you to attend the event. It would be a bit much for young people like you to even consider marrying a crown prince. I'm hoping you two quit seeing each other moving forward."

"Can you give us a moment to speak alone, duke?"

The statements from the crown prince startled the duke somewhat, but he nevertheless made the decision to leave the chamber and slam the door behind him.

"Although I don't mean to imply that I don't want to marry you, it's really early to even consider getting married. We should just get to know one another better, in my opinion. Why don't we attend more events together? The kingdom of magic is getting ready for a gathering. Even though it's so far, I'm confident the duke will approve."

"Are you suggesting that even if there were rumors about us, we should still be friends? What if dating or even just conversing with someone like me causes you harm? Perhaps the Duke was right to say that we would never have to meet. I've gotten the crown prince into trouble." Tears began to gather in my eyes as my cheeks began to flush, and they eventually fell in little drops across my delicate pink checks. I blushed even more when the crown prince's arms stretched for my face to wipe away my tears.

"I'll still love you even if everyone in the world is against us. Nothing in this world will be able to stop me from talking to you since the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one. I know it's a bit juvenile of me to say this, but I believe you are the one God has for me. As for trying to obstruct us, our parents or guardians will be stopped. As long as your body is with me tonight, it doesn't seem like such a horrible thing if it's just the two of us against the world." His pleasant smile made me chuckle as I listened to what he had to say. I had never heard someone say something so embarrassing.

It appeared as though nothing could stop us from making physical contact. His blue eyes were staring at me as his lips encircled mine as his arms held me up to his face. As we started kissing, the crown prince's shirt seemed to be slipping off of me as his tongue became progressively longer. But when the duke entered, the door burst open violently.

"Look at you two; it appears that you have both made the decision to remain mates. So be it, only keep in mind that Prince Lumi, otherwise all the assistance I offered you would be for nothing. You still need to get revenge on someone. Crown Prince, I'll be leaving Prince Lumi in your care. If anything occurs, please let me know by sending me a letter or calling me with the crystal. I don't have a ton of things to do, really. Prince Lumi, bye for now."

I'll be rewriting it soon

asdsdaasdcreators' thoughts