1 Prologue

Our story takes place during the post war era where our young protagonist named Yuske Hatake lived with his mother Rin Hatake in an uncomplited building along with many more survivors of the war. Yuske was around 6 years old when the war was finally over and he had never seen his father. Whenever Yuske would bring up the question of "who was my father and what was he like" his mother would always reply with a smile on her face and say "your father was a very brave man who fought in the war in order to protect us and dies on the front lines with no regrets asides from the fact that he could not spend more time with his one and only son whom he loved with all his heart". Rin would always encourage Yuske and say "you can become whatever you want to be when you grow up as long as you put in your best" and to which Yuske would reply "I want to be like daddy when I grow up". Rin was an only mother whose parents abandoned her when she was very young because they believed that during a time of war the last thing they needed was a child to way them down. Rin had to grow up very fast in order to survive in this cruel dark world. Luckily for Rin was willing to do anything to survive but even though She was doing it to survive and most people in her position wouldn't feel the slightest bit of regret for what they were doing, Rin was different because even after the world had been unnecessarily cruel towards her she still belied that stealing was wrong and hated herself more and more everytime she did it. Then one day when Rin was around 19 she met a dashing young man and fell head over heals for him. His name was Itadori and he was in as bad a situation as Rin so they decided to work together in order to make their miserable lives a little more barrable.

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