

In the world in two different places and timelines, in The Qaitbay Citadel in Alexandria,Egypt 20BC and in Andalusia,Spain 1997, two families resided not knowing that soon the stench of calamity would be in one house and the sweet sound of joviality in another.

In Egypt, their King Abayomi who had just turned twenty three had wronged the gods as he had spilled the blood of a god. Indeed it was to protect his family but he didn't inform the gods and for that he was to be punished. They called upon Meretseger and she decreed that until the day that they would find a woman who would die for them to live and love them whole, King Abayomi and all his descendants' first born son would perish and be struck with the chime of death the moment they turned 26 and so lay the the curse of al'abna' albikr.

And while this happened in Egypt, in Andalusia, Spain...

'It had been a thousand years since he was last on the Earth amongst mortals' Sia mused 'Maybe it was time to pay another visit' . He waited until the moon was high in the sky before he dropped of his mountain and down to earth. As he walked the street, he thought of the vision he had had earlier. It puzzled him as he had never received anything as such. In his vision a voice had declared that a girl would be born and she would save the past, present and future from a great evil through the power of past. If confused no end yet he could not make sense of the vision but before he could ponder any longer a wail of pain distracted him. He wanted to ignore the pain filled wail as he prided himself for not involving himself in the affairs of mortals unlike other gods but the little conscience he had left would not permit him to. With a sign, he followed the wails of pain to find a woman laying in a contraption the mortals called a truck and from what he could see she was in labor. A man sat beside trying to ease her pain and help her. Sia walked towards them and offered his assistance, albeit a with great hesitancy.

An hour of labor later a beautiful and healthy baby girl was born. At least from such pain and suffering , great beauty had been made. Sia had to admit that he had courted a great deal of mortal women in the few millennia he had been alive but this child was yet the most beautiful with her curly dark hair and brown eyes but Sia noticed another peculiar thing. The child carried the mark of the blessed, the egyptian hieroglyph for protecting seemed tattooed on the back of her neck. So this was the girl his vision had spoken off. He wished the child the best of luck as her future was destined to be difficult. He turned around to return to his path before he heard the woman's wails but the woman cried for him to wait. They wished for him to name her. "Dorothea" he said as she was indeed a gift from the Gods and she also reminded him of a mortal he had known centuries ago that had had the child's brown eyes and dark hair .

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