
Chapter 9

After days of traveling, the group finally arrived at the city of Redolg. The city was bustling with people, and the group had to blend in to avoid drawing attention to themselves. They spent the night in an inn, planning their next move.

According to the information which was given by some rich person in the bar the church of this city was famous for holding poor people captive and selling them as slaves which was considered taboo and was a wrong thing to do. The group knew that they had to free the people being held as prisoners and sold as slaves, but they needed a plan, so they are going to collect information on the church

The next morning, the group set out to gather information about the church's branch in this city and about the in charge of this branch. They discovered that the church had a heavily guarded compound where they kept their prisoners. The one in charge of this branch of the church, Father Jacob, was known for his cruelty and was feared by all.

The group knew that they had to eliminate Father Jacob if they wanted to put an end to the church's atrocities. They decided to first free the prisoners to not harm anyone while fighting the Paladins and the father.

Ken and Sarah decided to create a distraction by using their spells. Jackson would make the group invisible, this would allow the group to move around undetected, and they could easily take out the Paladins and trainee Paladins.

Once they reached the compound, they found that it was heavily guarded by the Paladins and the trainee Paladins. The group decided to split up, with Ken, Rian, and Marcus taking out the guards while the others searched for the prisoners, but before splitting up they had Jackson cast an invisibility spell on them, then the group moved quickly, and Ken, Rian, and Marcus taking out the Palains one by one.

Finally, they reached the prisoners' cells and began to free them. The prisoners were weak and malnourished, but they were overjoyed to see their rescuers. The group quickly made their way out of the compound, but they were stopped by Father Jacob and some of his personally trained Paladins.

Father Jacob was a towering figure, and he glared at the group with hatred in his eyes. With a command from the father, the Paladins began to charge toward the group that is when an icicle hit the Paladins and a wall of earth rose up blocking the group from the father and his minions. Ken, Marcus, and Rian joined the group, the icicle was cast by Ken and the wall of earth was cast by Rian who specializes in earth magic. The father got angry and he raised his staff and began to chant a spell, but before he could finish, Jackson sent a wind blade which stabbed the leg of the father stopping the chant abruptly. Then Mika who can specialize in water magic is disrupting the water present in blood which causes blood vessels to burst and killing most of the Paladins. The remaining Paladins were killed by Elijah and Marcus using the sword and shield of darkness with some support from space-related spells by Ken and fire spells from Ria. Using this as a distraction the father chanted a very powerful spell but he was stopped by Lilly who sent an undead creature that has the ability to lurk in the shadows who was named Luke by Lilly, the creature then took off the legs of the father, who then screamed in pain. That is when Sarah ended his life by burning his head off. That is when Jackson turned toward a door and shouted "I know you are there come out." That is when two nuns came out of the door looking scared. That is when Elijah asked them if they want to avenge the father, the group expected her to say yes but to their shock, she shakes her head saying no and she thanks the group for killing that cruel man. She said he was more of a beast than a human. They also told that the father committed all types of atrocities no matter how much they tried to convince him. After some time the nuns led the group towards the church's treasury and there they found a lot of money. The nuns explained that this was all the money that the father extorted from the citizens of Redolg City. The nuns told them to take the money and use it as they wish. The group asked Jackson to store some money in the shadow realm and asked the nuns to share the remaining money with the victims of the church's wrongdoing. The group then asked the nuns to take care of the church and to keep the believers happy.

The group made their way back to the inn, where they spent the night celebrating their victory. They also tried the city's famous wine called blue mellow to which all of the group except Rian and Elijah.

After enjoying the day the group started to pray to the goddess of darkness reporting their success to her. They all thought it was a normal prayer where they would just tell her what happened but they heard the voice of the goddess and Rian, Ria, and Mika who heard the voice for the first time were touched and felt blessed and very happy. The goddess started to speak "Oh Apostles and devotees of mine, I am thankful and happy to see the first step you have taken to complete my mission. You guys have done extremely well. You guys must next travel to the city of Hilmesh and stop the misdeeds of the church of Light. The reason for my mentioning this city is that the goddess of light asked for your help to save the girl who is next in line to become the saintess or in your words the direct connection to the believers to the goddess of Light, who is going to be unjustly executed within the next week. You must save her because she can be an important ally and a very good friend and comrade." With this being said the goddess bid them good luck on the journey which awaits them. The group then settled for the day as it was a very eventful and their first proper fight with the church. They all hoped that they could make it in time to save her.


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