
Johnny Test: Prodigy

after dying from a meteor a soul was reincarnated as johnny test. with newfound power, this new johnny will show the world what a prodigy is capable of. ( i do not own johnny test)

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2 Chs

CH.1 Birth

I don't remember when or how I died, I just knew that I died, and then I was here floating towards something in this endless darkness.

If I had a name, I'd forgotten it by now, it's one of the many things that I've forgotten since I came here. The way I died was still fresh in my mind.

I was walking down the street going to what I assumed was my job and then I felt something coming towards me, I first looked around, but I couldn't find anything until I looked up. And there it was an asteroid headed straight for me at unimaginable speed, then it hit, and I was here stripped of my memories and only left with knowledge.

I continued to float in a what I would assume straight path as I had no idea which way was up or down, but I know that I was being pulled to something.

At first, I had tried to take control of my movements, but it was all for nothing, no matter what I tried I keep going on the same path, and eventually, I gave up.

I keep moving in that path for what felt like centuries until I saw it, a gigantic wheel in the distance. This wheel made me look like I was, but a speck of dust compared to it, I kept staring at it till I arrived in front of a pedestal with a red button on it.

As soon as I arrived at the pedestal I stopped moving forward and stayed in a single spot. I tried to move but I couldn't so I looked at the button which I now can see it has pushed me written on it, as much as my instinct told me not to push the button I still did it with a heavy slam causing the wheel to start turning slowly until it gained momentum and went faster.

The wheel keeps spinning and spinning till eventually it started slowing down and then stopped. After it stopped, I tried to look at what it stopped on, but I couldn't se any of the words considering the massive size of the wheel, until a holographic box showed itself in front of me.

At the top of the screen their where the spelling blocks symbols but only the a,b and c the rest weren't their and then under it was a name "Edison crane" it read. As I kept looking at the screen especially at the spelling blocks which felt like symbols, the spelling blocks glowed and exited out of the screen into my body.

After the spelling blocks went into me, I felt like something was changed like everything was becoming clearer as if the knowledge I had was expanding becomes more refined. I would have delved into this felling if it wasn't for the screen changing.

[power selected]

[ randomly selecting host world]

[world selected]

[commencing reincarnation]

I would of yelled what of it wasn't for the fact that my mind went blank and I felt my body being thrown into the void once again.

I once again was woken up in darkness but this time it felt different, for one in the void I dint feel this warm or even my body at all but what made me sure was the sound of what I can only conclude was a hearth with the indication of the beat.

After I found that I out I started thinking, which was much easier now than ever, I first started thinking on what happened to me first and I concluded that I was reincarnated it was the only conclusion that I could come up with.

Although I dint know that much about the topic, I have heard some people talk about it but at that time I had ignored it, it was only because now I could recall all the knowledge I had clearly that I could come to this conclusion. Even though I had come to said conclusions I stilled did not know enough information about it.

From their memories that I have now it seemed I was about the normal person that could exist, I dint parents, so I just worked my whole life, I dint enjoy that many things and dint have any hobbies. I just woke up went to work and did that repeatedly, some people would call me insane, but it was all that I ever knew.

I kept looking at memories repeatedly learning from it becoming smarter every time, I don't know why but I became curious extremely curious I would say. It was like I am seeing the world for the first time and I just wanted to see the full extinct of it.

I kept doing this for a while until one day I felt my body position altered and a strong force was pushing me to what I would conclude is that I was being born.

The force kept pushing and pushing till I was squeezed threw what felt like a straw, this went on a while the force pushing me and the straw Cushing me on every side until I felt my head and then my body come out of the straw.

When that happen, I was hit with numerous sensations, the coldness of my skin, the loud noise invading my ears and finally something I haven't felt in a while pain. The pain made me finally realized that I was alive and with that realization came tears.

As I was still crying, I was wrapped around something warm and soft then I was moved into someone arms. These arms were soft and felt so secure I was pretty sure they were my mother's arm. I opened my eyes to see a sweaty woman with brown hair and blue eyes that were looking at me. Next to her was a man with blonde and blue eyes who was also looking at me while crying.

"What should we name him" the man said looking at my new mom

"Johnathan Xavier test" my new mother said.

"Welcome to the world little johnny" my father said.

I dint have time to process this information because my new mother places her breast into my mouth and by instinct I started sucking. I don't know when I felt asleep I just did it kind of annoyed me a little bit but that died down with the fact that I had a new life and not only I finally have a family.