

A week of dead ends culminated in this dusty, moonlit tomb. A single breath echoed in the cavernous silence, each ragged gasp a stark reminder of his frustration. Reaching the chamber was easy, but the sight of the rusty retinal scanner sent shivers down his spine. 

"Great," he thought, his mood souring with each passing moment. His system, usually reliable, had thrown him a cryptic curveball: "Incomplete Skillset. Revenant Project Incomplete. Locate REDACTED." Redacted? Seriously?

Just as despair threatened to consume him, a glint of metal caught his eye. A maintenance panel - a lifeline. With a silent prayer, he ripped it free, revealing a mess of corroded wires. Past life years of experience bypassing security systems translated to nimble fingers that danced across the exposed circuitry. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he desperately tried to bypass the scanner. This was it, his gamble.

A satisfying click. The red light flickered and died, replaced by a welcoming green glow. The heavy metal door hissed open, revealing the chamber within. Relief washed over him, a bittersweet cocktail mixed with fatigue. Maybe this room held the answers, the secrets of the Revenant Project.

Stepping inside, a faint electrical hum filled the air. A single vial filled with an inky black liquid sat on a lab bench, surrounded by abandoned equipment. A system message flashed before his eyes: "Revenant Serum detected. Prototype body enhancer. Unknown side effects. Secure and return for analysis. 

<WARNING: Absorption possible. System can mitigate side effects. Integration is slow.>


Name: Adam (Last Name Unavailable)

Health: 100%

Stamina: 100%

Evaluation: Just an average errand runner (or maybe not so average…)


Gus: 200/2000 (Acquaintances)

REDACTED: 25/2000 (Unknown) (Mysterious benefactor, reason for increase unknown)


 Revenant Project (Incomplete): Lv. 2 (Significant progress in mastering this unique martial art)


 Hand-to-Hand Combat

 ‣ MMA: Lv. 2 (Basic understanding of mixed martial arts techniques)

 ‣ Kung Fu: Lv. 1 (Introductory knowledge of fundamental Kung Fu forms)

 ‣ CQC: Lv. 1 (Grasp of close-quarters combat tactics)

 Hacking: Lv. 3 (Prior knowledge combined with training yielded a significant improvement)

 Special Abilities

Natural Learner (Passive): Learning rate significantly increased.


Retrieval (Completed): Rewards received (+$5000, +200 Reputation with Gus, +25 Reputation with REDACTED)

(UPDATED) Locate Revenant Serum (Active): Unlocking the full potential of the Revenant Project hinges on finding the serum.

New Mission: Find how to integrate the serum.

He carefully retrieved the vial, the inky black liquid swirling within seeming to hold a thousand secrets. Pocketing the vial for safekeeping, he scanned the chamber, the faint hum of residual energy painting an unsettling picture. This wasn't just some forgotten storage room; it felt like a place where someone was abruptly cut short, leaving their work – and potentially their life – unfinished.

A flicker of movement on a nearby console caught his eye. Dust motes danced in the light of a flickering emergency lamp, revealing a holographic display struggling to maintain its integrity. With a surge of hope, he approached, his fingers brushing away a layer of grime. The flickering display flickered to a semblance of life, resolving into a series of complex diagrams and a single line of text: "Revenant Serum – Phase Two Protocol."

His heart pounded in his chest. This could be the missing piece, the key to unlocking the secrets of the Revenant Project. But the flickering display offered no further clues. Frustration gnawed at him, but this time it was laced with a sliver of determination. He wouldn't let another dead end stop him.

He reviewed the system status displayed on his interface – Health and Stamina maxed out, skills honed to a sharp edge. The system's message about the serum's absorption possibility lingered in his mind. However, the unknown side effects were a serious concern. This wasn't something he could casually discuss with Gus. Gus wouldn't understand the project or the potential of the serum, and keeping it discreet wouldn't be easy.

A plan began to form. He needed to leverage his skills in another way. His hacking expertise could be the key. He would delve deeper into the facility's data core, searching for more information about the Revenant Project and Phase Two of the serum. There had to be more details about its properties and potential applications.

With a triumphant click, the heavy metal door hissed shut behind him, sealing the secrets of the chamber once more. A renewed sense of purpose crackled through him. This wasn't just another dead end. The holographic display, the "Revenant Serum – Phase Two Protocol" message – they were pieces of a puzzle finally clicking into place.

But the path forward remained shrouded in shadows. The vial now in his inventory was a potent symbol of both opportunity and risk. The system's message echoed – absorption possible. The potential for increased power was undeniable. But the unknown side effects? A gamble, and a risky one.

He scanned the room, his gaze falling on the abandoned equipment surrounding the vial stand. The faint hum of residual energy still lingered, a testament to the project's abrupt halt. Perhaps, just perhaps, the answers he needed lay here. His fingers itched to tinker, to unlock the secrets held within these dusty machines.

With a surge of hope, he approached the equipment. Thankfully, his ever-reliable Natural Learner ability kicked in. Hours melted away as he meticulously pieced together the integration process from the cryptic notes and schematics. Challenges arose - corroded wires, malfunctioning components – but his doubts faded with each success. Finally, he stood before a makeshift apparatus, the vial of Revenant Project serum pulsing faintly in his hand.

The system's message resonated within him: 

<WARNING: Revenant Serum integration commencing. Integration process will take approximately 8 hours. User will experience physical discomfort. Active participation in Revenant Project techniques will expedite integration and minimize discomfort.>

Eight hours loomed, but the prospect of the serum's power outweighed the risk. He settled onto a platform near the humming machine. This was it. No turning back.

He closed his eyes, focusing not on rest, but on the Revenant Project techniques. The discomfort arrived swiftly, a dull ache spreading through his limbs. But fueled by the promise of unlocking the serum's potential, he countered it with precise movements. Slowly, the ache began to lessen, replaced by a tingling sensation. It wasn't pleasant, but it was manageable.

Hours ticked by in a blur of effort. The system occasionally chimed in, offering adjustments with each surge of discomfort. Gradually, the pain faded further, replaced by a growing connection with the serum, a simmering power beneath his skin.

By the time the final hour approached, the ache was a distant memory. His body felt lighter, more responsive. He opened his eyes, a determined glint within them. The machine whirred to a halt, the vial now inert.

He emerged from the chamber transformed. The serum pulsed within him, a force waiting to be unleashed. The system notification echoed his realization:



‣ Sensory Acuity: Enhanced

‣ Reaction Speed: Enhanced

‣ Muscular Efficiency: Enhanced

‣ Cellular Repair:

 ∙ Accelerated (Slight Reduction in Aging Rate)

 ∙ Accelerated Healing

<WARNING: Revenant Project successfully integrated. Further integration is possible. Compatible with existing combat skills.>

<For integration of martial arts with Revenant Project it will be only possible when reaching max level in those.>

Adam grinned, ready to explore this new strength. Hours later, sweat beaded on his brow as he finally slumped against the training room wall. He wasn't just tired; he was exhilarated. This wasn't just pushing his old limits – something was fundamentally different. He closed his eyes, focusing on the symphony of information overwhelming him.

Once a dull background hum, the ventilation system now throbbed with a distinct rhythm. Each thud of his own heart echoed in his ears, a powerful drumbeat. Sweat trickled down his temple – not just a dampness now, but a tiny rivulet tracing a line across his skin. He zeroed in, the sensation magnified. The coolness, the pinprick pressure...it felt as if an ant with ice cube feet was charting a path on his forehead. This was ridiculous, but also...fascinating.

A surge of accomplishment washed over him as he tackled each sense in turn. It was a slow process, like learning a new language, but the world became a little less chaotic with each passing moment.

He walked towards the punching bag, movements measured. He felt its trajectory in the air itself. Sweat still clung to him, but the fatigue was laced with thrilling discovery. The Revenant Project wasn't just about strength; it was a shift in his very perception.

Hours Later…

Sweat beaded on Adam's brow as he finally slumped against the training room wall. Hours had flown by in a blur of exertion. He wasn't just tired; he was exhilarated. This wasn't the familiar fatigue of pushing his old limits. This was a thrumming energy coursing through him, a constant reminder of the potent change within.

He closed his eyes, focusing on the symphony of information bombarding his senses. The distant hum of the ventilation system, once a dull background noise, now resonated with a distinct rhythm. Each thud of his own heart echoed in his ears, a powerful drumbeat against the backdrop. He could almost feel the individual fibers of his training clothes brushing against his skin, the texture a magnified sensation.

A bead of sweat trickled down his temple, and he flinched – not from the coolness, but from the unexpected sharpness of the sensation. It felt like a thousand tiny needles tracing a path down his cheek. He blinked, and the world seemed impossibly vivid. The worn leather of the punching bag across the room bore minute wrinkles he'd never noticed before, the scuffs and imperfections standing out in stark relief.

He took a deep breath, the air thick with the metallic tang of his own exertion and a faint undercurrent of ozone, likely a lingering effect of the project's activation. Even his sense of smell had sharpened, picking up on subtleties he'd always missed.

Adam, in ecstasy because of the enhancements he got, started to dig deeper in the sensations that he was feeling trying to understand them. As he sat cross-legged on the training room floor, eyes closed. Sweat still clung to his skin, a testament to the grueling session. But now, his focus wasn't on his taxed muscles, but on the symphony of information his body was receiving. He tried to isolate the sounds, the rapid whoosh of his breath, the distant hum of the building, the faint squeak of his shoes against the mat. It was overwhelming, a jumbled mess of stimuli.

He gritted his teeth, forcing his mind to focus. He pictured a dial, mentally turning it to amplify the sound of his breath. Slowly, the other sounds receded, the rhythm of his breathing becoming a clear and steady drumbeat. He could feel the air rushing in and out of his lungs, the expansion and contraction of his chest with each inhale and exhale.

A bead of sweat trickled down his temple again. This time, he focused on the sensation, trying to differentiate it from the ever-present awareness of his body. It was like a cool needle tracing a path, a distinct pressure change against his skin. He imagined himself dissecting the feeling, separating the coolness from the pressure, the wetness from the movement.

Slowly, painstakingly, Adam began to pick apart the overwhelming sensory input. He practiced with each sense, focusing on taste, smell, and even the subtle shifts in balance as he shifted his weight. It was a slow process, like learning a new language, but with each passing moment, the world became a little less chaotic and a little more understandable.

Taking a deep breath, Adam rose and walked towards the punching bag. His movements were measured, deliberate. He could now track the trajectory of his fist with an almost preternatural awareness, the air itself seeming to telegraph its path. Adam stood poised in the center of the training room, a newfound confidence radiating from him. Sweat still clung to his skin, a testament to the relentless practice session. But this time, the fatigue was laced with a thrilling sense of discovery. The Revenant Project wasn't just about enhanced strength; it was about a fundamental shift in his very core.

Gone was the initial chaos of overwhelming stimuli. Now, he perceived the world with a sharpened clarity. The rasp of his breath, the distant hum of the building, the subtle shift in air pressure as he moved – it was all part of a unified orchestra.

He launched into a series of movements. It wasn't any one style anymore. Each strike, dodge, and twist flowed effortlessly into the next. A Krav Maga elbow flowed into a Capoeira leg sweep, powered by Parkour's raw agility. He was a whirlwind, each move anticipating his imaginary opponent's counter. It felt instinctive, a natural extension of his heightened senses and the unified knowledge coursing through him.

The training room felt confining. The punching bag seemed laughably inadequate. Adam craved a real test, an open space to explore his newfound abilities. His gaze drifted to the window, the world beyond a blur of tempting motion and sound.

The heavy metal door groaned open, revealing the sterile hallway in stark contrast to the thrumming energy within him. The air, once stale, held a surprising freshness. Car exhaust mingled with an unexpected floral sweetness – night-jasmine in bloom, perhaps? - and distant voices carried on the wind.

He stepped out, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the bustling city street. It was sensory overload, but instead of fear, a grin cracked his face. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, focusing. The jumble of sounds started to separate – the rumble of a specific truck engine down the block, a bird chirping from a hidden perch. Every step was deliberate, his body anticipating the uneven pavement, the slight tremor in the ground that meant someone was approaching from behind.

The world was intoxicating in its detail. He saw cracks in the concrete, dust motes dancing in the fading light, the way the scent of food from a vendor cart swirled and shifted on the breeze. This was his reality now.

Adam stood there for a long time, soaking it in. When he finally moved, it was with renewed purpose. The hostel was just a short walk, but each step became a tiny adventure. After a shower, he rested on his bed and called up the system.


Name: Adam (Last Name Unavailable)

Health: 100%

Stamina: 100%

Evaluation: Enhanced Human


Gus: 200/2000 (Acquaintances)

REDACTED: 25/2000 (Unknown) (Mysterious benefactor, reason for increase unknown)


Revenant Project: Lv. 5 (Massive progress in mastering this unique martial art thanks to the training and integration with the serum. )

Hand-to-Hand Combat (Possible merge with Revenant Project when skills maxed level)

 ‣ MMA: Lv. 3 

 ‣ Kung Fu: Lv. 2 

 ‣ CQC: Lv. 3

Hacking: Lv. 5

Special Abilities

 Natural Learner (Passive): Learning rate significantly increased.


Locate Revenant Serum (Completed): Unlocking the full potential of the Revenant Project hinges on finding the serum.

 ∙ Find how to integrate the serum (Completed)(Pending Rewards)


 • Folding Knife

 • 1 Continental Coin

 • Funds (4967$)

A flicker of surprise crossed Adam's face as the message "Pending Rewards" materialized. It seemed the system wasn't done with him yet. He slammed his fist down on the confirmation button, a mix of curiosity and anticipation coursing through him.

Data streamed across the interface, and his eyes narrowed on the words "Modified 1911" and "Firearms Proficiency Manual." A glint of steel sparked in his gaze. This was intriguing – and potentially very dangerous. With a thought, Adam absorbed the knowledge of the manual, receiving a system prompt...

<NEW SKILL UNLOCKED: Firearms Proficiency Lv.1>

The feel of the modified 1911 seemed strangely familiar in his hands, even though he'd never held a gun before. Perhaps it was the influx of knowledge, or the way the Revenant Project was already changing how his body and mind worked in tandem. He carefully disassembled the weapon, his heightened senses drinking in every detail – the smooth curve of a pin, the weight of the magazine, the lingering scent of gun oil. Each piece felt significant.

As he meticulously reassembled the 1911, the knowledge from the manual solidified. This wasn't just a tool; it had a language of its own, an intricate dance of mechanics designed for deadly purpose. He was beginning to understand that language. Satisfied, Adam went to bed..

Hours later, the first rays of dawn painted the sky as Adam stood in a deserted construction site on the city's outskirts. He'd spent hours scouring maps, choosing a location far from prying eyes. The scent of damp concrete and sawdust prickled his nose, an unfamiliar backdrop for this venture.

He withdrew the 1911 from his system inventory, the weapon appearing in his hand with a faint shimmer. Even with the manual's knowledge, the thrill of handling his first real gun was palpable. This was it – a tangible step towards surviving the harsh realities of the John Wick landscape. The system-provided skills were one thing, but a weapon like this leveled the playing field in a whole new way.

He took a deep breath. The air tasted of morning dew and a faint hint of diesel. Somewhere, a lone bird began its morning song, a sharp contrast to the tension thrumming through him. He had no illusions about guns – they were instruments of violence, designed for inflicting harm. But in this world, violence wasn't always a choice. The Revenant Project offered him power, and power, by nature, drew danger. He had to be prepared.

Securing the 1911 firmly in his grip, he checked the safety, the motion surprisingly smooth despite his prior inexperience. A targeting reticle appeared in his vision – a cool, calculated aid courtesy of his enhancements. He aimed at the first bottle, the makeshift target suddenly appearing impossibly distant. With a surge of anticipation, he squeezed the trigger.

The recoil was a sharp shock to his system, the bark of the gunshot echoing through the stillness. Time seemed to freeze as the plastic bottle shattered, an explosion of shards and water. A wave of satisfaction washed over him, intertwined with a flicker of trepidation. The ease of it was both intoxicating and a bit frightening.

Target after target, he practiced. The system interface tracked his progress with simple notifications. Hit. Miss. His aim was frighteningly precise, his reactions quickening with each squeeze of the trigger. This level of marksmanship wouldn't come from natural skill alone. The Revenant Project was shaping him into something more, something formidable.

With each shot, his sense of purpose hardened. This wasn't just about physical strength; this was about claiming the tools he needed to survive the underbelly of this world. He couldn't afford to be naive anymore - in this reality, power was the only reliable currency. He would secure the means to defend himself, no matter the cost.

He left the construction site with a mix of determination and unease. The city was waking up around him, its inhabitants oblivious to the changes he was undergoing. Adam walked with a new, purposeful stride. It was time to meet Lawrence, to deliver his report. His path was fraught with danger, but today, he felt a little more prepared to walk it.


 • Modified 1911 (Ammo: 12/15)

A red highlight appears near the ammo count, a reminder to find additional ammunition

Edited by: @Krigh_Ehl

(A/N: Guys, we hit 15,000 words! The power rankings are in sight – let's get this story to the top! Thank you in advance!)

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