
Volume 1, Part 4: Early Years - Touching Grass

Roughly another year has went by since the last time. Rudeus' progress has been nothing short of surprising. He was able to jump from barely being able to perform Intermediate level spells to casting Advanced level spells from all branches of magic without any incantation. Rudeus described Advanced Level spells as "Picking One's Nose." The reason behind him saying this was that he deemed some Advanced Spells like making it rain over a large area as useless in combat.

However, he was wrong. While it cannot be used as direct offense, it can be used to dampen the effect of fire type spells and augment the lightning spells. Other than this, it is quite useful, evident from the moment when Roxy made it rain all over the village after a prolonged period of draught.

"Why do you think he never comes out?" Roxy asked as I walked besides her, her blue braids fluttering in the brisk breeze. The shadow of her hat fell on her features, masking the subtle smile on her face as she walked lightheartedly.

"Maybe he just doesn't like it." I replied. There seemed to be some kind of fear --- a past trauma in the eyes of Rudeus whenever we mentioned going out. It made me think if he was a reincarnated person as well. He would just stand by the fence and watch outside but never actually step beyond it.

Right now, I was going with Roxy into the village, trying to help people out and help her earn some extra money.

"Are you sure he is not scared? Because he looks like it." She replied, looking to her right as her eyes locked with mine.

"Might be possible. But he will get over it. You don't have to worry too much about it."

"Haha. Worrying for my students is my job, Julian. However, it is good to see that I do not need to worry about you. When I first saw I thought you would give me one hell of a time," she paused and her eyes wandered off somewhere, like reminiscing over the past, "but you made it all so easy and despite me being the teacher, you took care of me. So... thank you, Julian." She said and smiled brightly, flashing a series of pearl white teeth.

I gave her an awkward smile back, "You're welcome."

She was about to speak again but was interrupted by the voice of a villager, "Ahh, Miss Roxy, Little Julian. Thank God you both are here." He said as he arrived in front of us, covered in sweat and grime.

"What happened, Mister?" Roxy asked with a worried look and took a step towards me, bringing me close to her.

"I was tilling the soil and struck a big rock buried in the ground. Can you both please help us to fix it?" He asked as Roxy turned towards me.

"This is your test for today. Solve their problem and I will give you a free day for tomorrow." She said with a challenging look as I shrugged my shoulders and motioned for the man to take me where the boulder was. As we arrived at the spot, I noticed the solution to it was much simpler than I initially thought it would be.

Getting on one knee, I placed my hand on the ground, "Quagmire." I muttered under my breath. Using water magic to dampen the soil around the rock and using it in tandem with earth magic to change it into mud, the rock started to sink into the ground, removing the obstacle completely.

"Woah! Amazing!" The man exclaimed as I stood up.

"As expected of my student, hehe." Roxy said while patting me on my shoulder.

"I am hungry. Do you want to eat something?" I asked Roxy but before she could reply her stomach growled. Her face flushed with embarrassment. Letting out a cough and regaining her composure, she spoke up, "Sure. A little lunch won't hurt."

As we were about to leave the man stopped Roxy and gave him a small sack, its contents a glimmering cache of silver coins. Roxy used to do this as her side work after teaching us where she would go around the village and get paid for doing stuff like this where she would sometimes make it rain and sometimes do other stuff that involved assistance from magic. However, this time she took the pouch from his hands and brought it to my eye level, "You earned it, Julian. So, you take it."

"I do not need this." I replied, looking away.

"Not now. Maybe later. Having money isn't a detriment. If anything, it could act in your favour later on in life."

She was right about the necessity of money. And this was my first set of earned money in both worlds, albeit I wasn't expecting to be paid for this one. As she held it in front of me again and smiled, I extended my own hand forward as she placed the sack in the palm of my hand.

"Can we go now?" I asked as she nodded her head and we started to walk towards the nearest restaurant. We have been outside since morning, and I had missed the breakfast so I was really hungry. But how come Roxy seems so happy about eating again? Is she a glutton? Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts, I followed behind her quietly, making our way to the nearest pub or a small restaurant. Since we lived in the outskirts, the pubs would generally serve as restaurants as well.

"By the way, do your parents know?" Roxy suddenly asked as I kept walking forward.

"What might you be talking about?" I asked, acting oblivious.

"Come on, Julian. You don't have to act like that in front of me," she spoke as she tucked her hands behind her back and started to walk backwards while keeping her eyes on me, "I know everything."

She was half-right. She knew more about me than my parents but the fact she thinks that she knows everything about me is something I had projected in her mind. Why, you ask?

A force of habit... I guess?

"You should tell your parents about it though. It is nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, they would be proud of you. While you are still young, and it would baffle them at the start. But since you did it with me, they will understand and praise you for it."

She might be right. But if I break the news to them, it could have some other ramifications. I should hide it for now.

"Not now. Maybe sometime later." I replied.

Roxy let out an annoyed sigh and pulled her hat down due to frustration, "You know I really wanted you to make it official. Think of all the merits you could get."

"While I do appreciate the merits, I am not looking to gain one of such huge importance so earlier." I replied and she sighed again. Placing her hands up in a placating manner, her shoulders slumped.

"Fine. Fine. Do it when you want. But do not forget about me."

"I won't." I replied briefly as she smiled and started to walk by my side again.


"They sure are late," as I gazed out the window, a whisper escaped my lips, my impatience growing as the sun sank beneath the horizon, surrendering its brilliance to the encroaching tendrils of twilight. The glow of daylight waned, overshadowed by the advancing darkness. Julian and Roxy, were yet to return back, having went to help the villagers. While I had no objection towards their altruistic endeavors, a twinge of longing gnawed at me --- a yearning to partake in the world beyond these familiar walls.


...things are not as simple as they always seem to be.

My past experiences had forged an indelible mark on my psyche, rendering me a captive of the traumas that forever fettered my feet from venturing beyond the confines of this sanctuary --- my home. No matter the fervor of my attempts, my internal shackles remained steadfast, denying me the simple joy of stepping outside and breathing the intoxicating air of the world beyond. To grace my eyes with the juicy curves of elves, demons and much more. Oh how I would just grop-, Uhm, anyways. There is something other than me just being a shut-in that I need to think about.

Why does this pint-sized rascal cling to Roxy like a barnacle on a ship? I mean, sure, she's his teacher and all, but this little cinnamon-roll is smoother than a freshly buttered pancake. A man should be all gung-ho about fighting for his treasure, right? But then again, he's my baby bro, bless his heart, I can't fight him. But I have to admit, Julian got an eye for the ladies as well. Can't blame him, really, since he has been blessed by a brother like yours truly.

Sometimes it just feels nice to watch him but other times it is like he is doing things on purpose. Even the foolish sounds he make sometimes that are supposed to make him look like a baby, at times it feel too forced.

Back to the main student-teacher thing going on, I guess it all adds up when you think about it, but seriously, it's like watching a sitcom with these two. Gotta love family dynamics, even if they're a little offbeat.

"Get off me."

Just as my thoughts were chugging along, *choo-choo*, interrupted they were! I glanced out the window. Speak of the devil! Or in this case the devil(s). Roxy had her hands firmly clasped around Julian's neck, squeezing it like she was trying to extract the last bit of toothpaste from the tube. Her face was flushed with delight, a mischievous grin stretching from ear to ear. Meanwhile, Julian, that poker face master, stood there as stoic as a statue. Seriously, trying to read that guy is like deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. Seriously, gives me chills everytime.

But HEY! hold on a sec, why is Julian holding Roxy by the waist like a limpet clinging to a rock? I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy and a dash of absurdity creeping in. Suddenly, my mind went haywire as I started fantasizing about wrapping my arm around that slim waist and, oopsie-daisy, accidentally slipping it ever so slightly beneath her petite bosoms! Sweet merciful heavens, the very thought is turning me into a bubbling cauldron of insanity. Life sure has a way of tickling your funny bone while simultaneously jumbling up your mind!

Oh water walking Jesus, knowledgeable buddha, merciful Allah, these thoughts are playing havoc with my sanity! It's a comedic madness, folks, and I'm losing my marbles faster than a clumsy juggler.

"Hahaha, lemme give those cheeks a feel, Julian. Are they reaaally soft?" Roxy slurred her words, leaning in way too close to poor Julian, who was maintaining his stoic poker face like a champ. Not a twitch, not a flinch. It's like the guy had a permanent "poker face" superpower or something.

Whoa, whoa... hold the phone! The upper buttons of Roxy's outfit decided to take a little vacation, leaving a small crevice in their wake. And let me tell you, that peek-a-boo cleavage almost pitched a tent on its own! I mean, talk about unexpected surprises! My eyes were like cartoon characters, practically boinging out of their sockets. It was like a comedy show but with a wardrobe malfunction twist. I couldn't help but giggle like a mischievous imp, trying to keep a straight face but failing spectacularly. Oh, the joys of unpredictable moments! It's a good thing I wasn't sipping any beverages, or else I would've snorted them right out of my nose. Stay classy, cleavage, stay classy! Cheers to this wacky, topsy-turvy moment!

"I told you. You are drunk. Stay quiet or I will have to do something else," Julian spoke up this time but Roxy seems to have taken the wrong idea out of it.

"Oh, you are still small," she paused and a look of mischief appeared on her face, "everything is small."

I couldn't help but glance downward at my suddenly rigid crotch, and oh boy, the awkwardness descended upon me like a dark cloud. Talk about unexpected stiffness! It's like my nether regions had a mind of their own and decided to shout, "Surprise!" while I stood there dumbfounded. My spirits plummeted faster than a clumsy acrobat on a tightrope. "If he's small what am I?"

The melancholy started seeping in, threatening to drown me in a pool of despair. "Don't worry, Rudeus," I whispered to myself, desperately seeking solace. "Don't worry. It will grow with age." Ah, the eternal optimism of hoping for better times ahead, quite literally in this case! Stay calm, Rudeus, and may your future endeavors be less...inflated.


Like a scene straight out of an action movie, Julian's chop landed on Roxy's neck with a thud, sending her off to dreamland faster than a sloth on a sleep-inducing diet. And in a surprisingly smooth move, he swooped her petite frame into his arms, carrying her like a sack of potatoes... well, if potatoes were lolis and wore flowery dresses.

Now, let me be honest here. For a brief moment, I entertained some wild thoughts, thinking Julian might unleash his inner rogue and indulge in some unexpected adventures. You know, like a man of culture would do, right? But hold your horses, folks! It turns out that Julian and I are cut from the same honorable cloth. Disappointing, I know—I mean, delightful to see that he had the utmost integrity. His mission? To safely transport his inebriated teacher back home, like a true knight in shining armor.

Oh, rest assured, my friends, my thoughts were as pure as a saint's intentions. Never did I consider taking a sneaky peek under that tantalizing, slim velvet dress. Nope, not a chance! Absolutely not! I'm a paragon of virtue, just like Julian.

"Oh my... what happened to her? Are you ok, Julian? What happened to Roxy?"

"She got tired since there were a lot of tasks for her in the village. I told her to take a nap but then she won't woke up. So, I decided to piggyback her back to home." Julian replied.

LIAR! How the hell does he lie with a straight face? Make me your student, MASTER!

"How nice of you," Zenith replied as she got down and placed a small kiss on his forehead. I could feel him almost take a step back - recoil from her touch but it was so subtle that Zenith didn't even notice it and ended up kissing him anyways. He doesn't seem to have a fear of women. Why did he do that? Even when she kissed him on the cheek, he didn't show any reaction, just a pair of eyes that seemed to peer into a place that no one else could.

EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I might be reading too much into it.

"You can keep it," Julian said as he took out a sack of... coins from his pocked, "I was able to do a small task today for one of the villagers. Roxy insisted that I should keep it, so I've taken what I need and you can keep the rest."

It turns out our dear Julian is a bona fide goody two shoes! Holy guacamole! The guy is as pure as a snowflake in a winter wonderland. It's like he's been drinking buckets of honesty juice or something. I mean, who would've thought? With his aloof self and mysterious presence, you'd expect him to have a secret stash of mischief up his sleeve.

"Oh, mom is so proud of you. But you should keep it with you. I don't need it." Zenith spoke as Paul strutted down the stairs, attempting to fasten his pants in a hurry. "Ah, my boy's already raking in the dough?" he chimed in, a mischievous laugh escaping his lips. "Well, it's only natural. After all, you're my offspring, destined for greatness! MUAHAHA!"

"But I am worried about Rudeus," Zenith spoke as I hid behind the wall, keeping my ear on the conversation. Paul who was lifting Roxy up spoke next, "What happened to Rudy?"

"Well, he is practicing well and is progressing my leaps and bounds. But it's like he is afraid to go outside." She said as I felt a tremor go through my chest. So this is what they call mother's intuition. She was right. I was too afraid of my own past that I can't step outside. And I probably would never, rotting alone in a separate room and fantasizing about girls while I see my twin brother do everything I ever wanted. Maybe... I am content with all of thi...

"He said he would go out tomorrow and help the villagers too."





JUST HOW DO YOU LIE THAT MUCH? It makes me wanna cry. He is like a human lie generator, cranking out fibs faster than a popcorn machine pops kernels.

"It is supposed to be a surprise," Julian said.

"Oh well, you can trust us with it. I will go set Roxy into the room and then me and mom have something to talk about. You can wash up until then." Paul said. Talk you say? I can already hear the chimes.

'Paul used Earthquake..'

'It was super-effective. Zenith fainted 10 times.'

"See you later," Julian's monotone brought me out of my stupor as he immediately looked back at the place where I was hiding, "Why don't you come out."

I emerged from the other side, looking up at him, "Why did you say that to mom and dad?"

"Because you would go outside tomorrow." He replied with a shrug as it was set in stone.

"I will not. I don't want to."

"Then I will make you." He replied.

Make me? What on ear-, "Huh?"

Before I knew it a silent but deadly gust of wind propelled me outside the house as I fell on the ground, the mud staining my new clothes.

"What was that for?" I yelled at him, mana condensing on the tip of my fingers.

"I will ask once. Will you go out now?"


"Have it your way then." He said and his hair started to glow in the dark. Like those plasma carrying tubes in movies, I could see mana pulsing through it, the tips of his hair seeming like a saturated honeycomb. His eyes started to glow in a sapphire shade. My own eyes glistened in emerald shade as I readied myself. I didn't know why he was acting like this. He always used to sit and talk to me, even wait for me at the dinner table. Then why? What happened?

"Wake up, Rudeus," As if the world was in slow-motion I felt him next to me, his fingers curling around my neck. The spell vanished as he picked me up the ground, my feet barely touching them.

"Why won't you attack?" He asked.

Why? The weight of my past bore heavily on my heart, aching with the memories of siblings who treated me like nothing more than discarded refuse. And even now, the wounds of rejection and cruelty remained open, refusing to heal. In theory, there should be no attachment to siblings, no bond to hold me back. It should be as simple as a calculated strike, an act devoid of sentiment. Yet, deep within my soul, something halted my every move. An invisible force tugged at my conscience, whispering in a voice I couldn't ignore.

Did these feelings of getting accepted and be recognised... even for once made me so pathetic?

The conflict between logic and emotion waged a relentless battle, tearing at my fragile resolve. A part of me yearned to break free from the chains of his past, to exact a swift and merciless revenge. It seemed like the logical choice, the only way to protect myself from further pain. Yet, in the depths of my being, I found himself unable to carry out that decisive strike. The reasons eluded me, buried beneath layers of trauma and anguish. The wounds ran too deep, clouding my vision, blurring the lines between right and wrong.

"B-Because... you're my broth-brother." I replied, my voice getting out in minor chokes.

Suddenly his grip over me vanished and his hands wrapped around my waist, "and you're my brother too. I only want what's right for you. You can't keep hidden inside the house forever, right?"

I don't know what it was. The way he said it or the sincerity I felt behind those words... a stream of endless tears started to pour from my eyes as he tightened his hug on me, "We can do it... together."

"Thanks... Julian."

I couldn't do it before. I thought I couldn't do it before... ever do it. But...

If I have Julian... I think I can. As long as I have him by my side, I can do anything. No matter what happens, I will never let anything happen to him.


With this.

He would most likely never leave my side and be dependent on me. I can make use of this. He needs to grow. And for now, he needs a pillar of support. I don't mind doing that. As long as the end goals are accomplished, I don't mind being the pillar on which he would stand.

(A/N) Fried my brain. Will see ya all after 7 June. I got exam. Pray for me.

Also, leave comments about chapter since I love to read 'em all. And leave a vote if you liked it. Anyways, I am out now.


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