
Jobless Reincarnation of The Magic God

((Spoiler Warning! for Mushoku Tensei Anime Enjoyers)) After many years of suffering, Future Rudeus Greyrat gets reincarnated into the other world again. This time he gets reincarnated as a High Elf Noble Family in the world of Danmachi.

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40 Chs

Risk and Benefit

After spending more than an hour with the Artemis-Familia Oberon did notice that this time dungeon exploration was much easier than before, when there were three archers as supporters. It is the same with Rethusa; her skill of seeing weak monster points is used by the archers as their red dot spots, and even when the target is 50 meters away, they manage to land their arrows accurately.

Thanks to our level, most of the fights were short, and if there was a monster in large numbers, I could handle it with one magic spell to wipe them out.

"Oberon, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Sera."

"While Rathusa and I walked around Orario, we heard some weird rumor…"

Sera seems reluctant to continue the conversation, but she starts to take a deep breath and look into my eyes. Sera, it seems, had the same body language that was shown by Hephaestus when she wanted to ask some uncomfortable questions.

 "… You never told me that you were engaged to Princes Riveria."

"*sigh* No, I am not engaged with her, Sera; it was just a weird rumor that people spread around. Please understand this, Sera, this conversation... If continued, it will hamper your concentration in the fight."

"I-I am sorry, I'm just curious."

"It's okay."

Oberon did notice that the deeper we went, the more nervous Rathusa and Artemis Familia were. They were not paying attention to our conversation. He could understand the reason they behaved as they did, but it seems that the goddess Artemis had the same look as a person who felt guilt.

"Rethusa?.... Rethusa?"

"Ah, sorry, did you need something?"

"I understand your worries, Rethusa, but as the captain of your Familia your nervousness will affect others."

"But I don't want to take a chance."

'*sigh* I think I need to show them.'

It seems when we arrive at the 10th floor, they are starting to get more anxious because of the lack of vision from what is in front of them, and Atalanta's ears try to scan the surrounding monster hidden in the fog.

The fog engulfed the floor from the 10th to the 12th floor; the more you went deep into the mist, the more lack of vision you would have. Thankfully, it was not the first time for Oberon, so there is a low chance that they will get lost, and with Orstrid's passive skill, it should be able to avoid getting surrounded by monsters.

("Orstrid, how many enemies are in this area?")

("There are eleven of them, and there are two Orcs; the rest were Imp Masters.")

("Thank you, Orstrid, and prepare a wind magic. We need to clear out the mist.")

("As your command, Master.")

"It seems like you still do not trust Orstrid's detection ability, so we will demonstrate a bit of how effective Orstrid's skill was."

Oberon then asks the party to stand back while covering their goddess from the strong wind magic that Orstrid will cast. At the same time, Orstrid is chanting the wind magic, and Oberon has already created an earth bullet that is shaped like a drill, with each guided by Orstrid.

"Everyone! braced for a strong wind."

As Oberon ordered, everyone started to embrace and cover the goddess Artemis, while Orstrid started chanting magic to clear the fog.

"…Spirit of the wind, show your mighty wind blast!"

A heavy wind regenerated from Orstrid's surroundings and started to blast all the fog away, clearing all the fog away from the floor. The Imp got blasted away a couple of meters, and only the Orc was not moving at all because of how heavy they were.

Seeing a big monster Orc in their sight, they started to panic, but Sera's eyes were kept on Oberon, who stood quiet, and on top of his head, there was an eleven-sharp projectile created out of thin air. Sera did see Oberon see similar magic cast by Oberon before, but this time it was shaped differently.

"Sera, why are you so calm?"

Just before Sera replies, bullets that fly on the top of Oberon's head start to rotate like a drill so fast that they make a whooshing noise like a jet machine that is ready to take off. When Oberon murmured something, the bullet flew at the speed of sound, piercing each of the monster's heads and killing them instantly.


Artemis Familia Watching the massacre of the monster in an instant, they all lost words for how to describe what just happened, but the most amazing thing is that Oberon did not need to use his eyes to aim his magic, showing how accurate Orstrid's passive detection ability was.

"See, you are worried about nothing, Rethusa. You can put your trust in both of them."

"Sera, I thought you just met Oberon when we arrived at Orario, but your trust is like a person who has known him for a long time."

"W-what are you talking about? I don't know what you meant."

Just before Sera thought to lie her way out, she realized that Artemis was close and hearing both of their conversations, and it seemed she had the same thought as her child.

"Everyone, please help gather the material before the monster appears again."

"Ah, I am sorry, Rethusa. Maybe next time."

"Oy, Sera... she escapes. *sigh*"

While everyone gathered the material, I tried to inspect our route once again. I did think we should use the same route that is being used by most adventurers, but there was a high chance someone could recognize Artemis. 

"That's amazing magic, Oberon."

"Thank you, Artemis-sama. If our pace was too quick for Artemis-sama to catch up, please let me know."

"I am not like your goddess; I am used to traveling long distances with my children. So, Oberon, do what you think is best; after all, you are the party leader."

"I will put that in mind, Artemis-sama."

"That being said... Hmm, I always thought that you were a swordsman. So, which one are you, a sword master or a mage?"

"I use both Artemis-sama, but if I had to choose which one I am the best at, it would be a mage."

"I could see why you chose both. Every mage and, of course, us archers were weak in close combat, but it was in case you were alone… From my understanding, it seems like Orstrid could help you with that weakness."

Artemis did realize that since Orstrid was always by her side, there were no monsters or attacks that managed to reach us. She was almost like an impenetrable wall while carrying a large amount of material for us.

"I never doubt Orstrid's ability to protect me, Artemis-sama, but I am well aware that to be able to protect the people I care about, I must be able to use a sword."

It seems Artemis agrees with Oberon's reason. While they were walking side by side, Artemis could see much closer to the weapon that Oberon used. It started to remind her of a certain goddess with whom she was well familiar with her craftmanship.

"Oberon, the sword you are carrying... Where do you get it?"

"It's not mine, to be exact, Artemis-sama. Hephaestus-sama, let me use this sword until she finishes making my new sword."

Oberon has no idea of the progress of Hephaestus's project because she forbids every member of her familia to distract her while forging her new masterpiece. He only gets bits of information from Tsubaki and asks me not to visit her until Hephaestus finishes forging my weapon.

Knowing how much effort she put into making the weapon for him, I can't help but make Oberon feel guilty for playing the dumb protagonist.

"Hoo, I see... Oberon, did you notice that Hephaestus has been changing lately?"


"In heaven, she rarely pays attention to her look, but lately she has been asking me and other goddesses how to be more attractive. It is almost like she wants to impress someone and even ask for some love advice…"

Artemis then gazed directly and smiled toward him but felt like it was not her usual warm smile.

"Did you know why she changed like that, Oberon?"

"I-... Ehem, I maybe know and maybe don't. Without concrete evidence, I can't assume or make any inappropriate conclusion without knowing the subject more in-depth."

"You, avoiding my question, Oberon, answer it with yes or no."

I tried to avert my eyes and tried to find a good distraction, but I was only alone with Artemis while everyone was gathering the material. It may be help from heaven, or thanks to his luck, there is a monster called Imp that starts popping out of the ground.


{Long Sword of Silence}

"*Phew*, that's close. I am sorry, Artemis-sama; we can't let our guard down yet. maybe at another time."

Without replying to his reasoning, Artemis stabbed him with a cold gaze.

"Oberon! ... I finished helping Orstrid; hmm, what happened? Artemis-sama seems not so happy."

"There is nothing to be concerned about, Sera."

"Hmm, if you say so."

"Then we should continue."

Thanks to Oberon showing how accurate the Orstrid passive skill is, Rethusa and the others become less nervous than before, and we start to rely on the Orstrid skill to either guide where to shoot their arrow through dense fog or lay an ambush toward the unsuspected monster.

It had been more than an hour since we were descending from the surface, and it had already affected some of the party members, especially Artemis. Even with our slower phase of walking, she was still looking tired, even though she tried her best to hide it. Oberon, who always paid attention to the front and back of the party, did notice her change and started to find a good rest spot on the map.

'This place should be safe for rest.'

"Good job, everyone. Before we continue, we should take a rest."

"Haa, finally! some short breaks."

We took a short break on the 13th floor, where we chose a wide room to take our rest. Oberon chose their resting place where I could see the surroundings more clearly. There is indeed a monster called Dungeon Worm, a monster that moves below ground, but they most of the time attack whoever is close to the wall, and there is a small earthquake when they are close. 

Oberon then pulled out one of the teleports scrolls he carried to summon the food that Siv had prepared for our exploration.

"Whoa, what's inside the bag?"

"A meal for us, of course."

Siv had already prepared lunch for all of us inside a handmade bento box that she had beautifully prepared for us. Inside was an onigiri (rice ball) filled with grilled fish meat from the river in Wishe Forest that almost had the same texture as salmon, but the eggs were not too delicious to eat raw because of the aftertaste.

Artemis and others were inspecting a weird rice that was shaped like a triangle with a green thing warping the rice, and there was some meat inside.

"Is this rice?"

"Try to taste it, Artemis-sama, everyone. I guarantee it will fill you up."

Just a single bite for everyone was a surprise. A simple meal of white rice could be this delicious, as could the filling inside their hunger and their strength.

"I never thought simple rice meals could be this delicious!"

"I am glad you all like it."

Teleport magic can not only teleport a living thing; it can also teleport a non-living thing, but with the condition that there is an item that needs to put an object inside the circle to be able to teleport non-living things.

"Now everyone has finished eating. I would like to discuss our next encounter. Please listen carefully because it matters of life and death."

Sera and others understand that on the middle floor, where everything starts to get more serious, a couple of mistakes could endanger their lives, including their goddess. Orstrid then took out a red cloak and handed it over to each party member.

"This is?"

"It's a fire and cold resistance cloak, Sera. Wearing this increased the wearer's survivability in combat. This cloak was made of a material called Salamander Wool; it had high resistance to fire and cold."

"…. Um, Oberon, why don't you both and Artemis-sama have one?"

"The green cloak I wear already had the protection I need for Orstrid; she had immunity to fire thanks to her passive skills. As for Artemis-sama, her robe looked different from all of yours, but it had more resistance properties than your robe."

"Thank you, Oberon, for preparing everything for us."

"There is no need to thank me, Artemis-sama. This equipment was generously given by Loki-sama."

'With this, it should be easy to explore the middle floor.'


As we arrive at the middle floor, we meet with more heavy resistance from the monster, especially the monster that appears often, the Hellhound, who tried to overwhelm us with their number. why they are feared among the adventurers, but it seems Sera and Artemis Familia were not frightened by them.




With a speed of sound, Oberon dashed forward and cut in half two before the Hellhound had a chance to use its signature fire attack toward the party, but another hellhound appeared from the shadow of the labyrinth and appeared in numbers from behind and in front of the party, according to Orstrid.

Unlike other floors, many routes are not yet being explored and mapped by the guild. Because of that, it is not strange that a group adventurer gets circled and ambushed from any direction, but there is something that bothers Oberon about how frequent and ferocious they are.

'It's almost liked the deeper we went, the more frequently we got attacked.'

"This side is done. I will handle the monster that came from our back. Sera and Rethusa, deal with the hellhound in front of us."


"Artemis-sama, Argi, and Atalanta provide them with support."

Oberon then laid her gaze toward Orstrid; she only replied with an affirming nod to reassure her master about Artemi's safety.

'Why did I feel like they were much more ferocious than before, and what with this number!'

"Void Step."

Just as Oberon took his position, he saw Sera's body being engulfed with a shadow-like aura covering her body. When she took her first step, her speed caught Oberon off guard, but he could still follow her fast movement.

'It must be the skill that Sera mentioned.'

In Oberon's mind, her seed alone was close to Eris when he first met her after years of being separated. Sera used her right dagger to stab the hellhound in the head, killing it instantly. Then she tried to reach her back pocket and threw some kind of kunai toward the eyes of the hellhound.



"Already behind you... *Dash!*"




Just in one swing, Rethusa killed two Hellhounds without dropping a sweet, but one of the Hellhounds managed to jump and avoid Rethusa's spears. Three arrows manage to stab the hellhound, but a fire breath is already being cast toward Artemis. Orstrid had already stood in front of Artemis and blocked the enemy's fire attack with her bare hands.

"Thank you, Orstrid. you, okay?"

"I am okay, Lady Artemis."

After clearing up the monster and gathering the material, we continued our march toward the 16th floor. From the look of it, most of the members are still at their full strength, especially Sera, Rethusa, and Atalanta. Oberon did sometimes steal a glance toward Atalanta, who always kept silent and never started any conversation.

According to Rethusa, Atalanta is not distasteful of Oberon at all; it is just that she doesn't know how to interact with men. It is the same case with Argi, but Atalanta is more severe.

"How is it, Oberon? Did you learn anything about skills?"

"It was an amazing display, Sera, Rethusa. I did learn that skill uses the mind of its user, so Sera used it when it was urgent. In a situation like this, we need to use minimal of our strength, so don't use your skill too often, Sera."

"I understand."

'Are the main reason gods are forbidden to enter the dungeon something to do with the monster's behavior?'

("Master, they are after us. Two minutes before contact.")

Oberon then stopped his step and turned, and he could hear their howl from the distance. I then put my right hand on the ground and gathered my mana. At the same time, the temperature started to drop.

{Ice Fortress}

To everyone's astonishment, an ice-like wall shoots from the ground, blocking the path behind the group.

'It should hold them for an hour.'

"We are being followed. That wall should hold them, but this floor was a labyrinth, so there is a chance they will find a way around the wall. I am sorry everyone, but we should increase our pace."


After an hour of walking through the labyrinth of the dungeon and encountering mostly the hellhound, in bad cases, they were attacked by a large number of little rabbit monsters called Almiraj, but with Oberon's magic alone, a monster that came in large numbers became less of a trouble.

"This path down leads to the 15th floor. So be prepared, everyone."

"That floor is the monster that you talk about, right?"

"Yes, Artemis-sama, that thing should linger around the 15th and 17th floors, so keep in close contact with Orstrid. Everyone just follows my instruction that we can all get through this without anyone getting hurt."

The 15th and 16th floors were the main optical for us to reach the Rivira. It was indeed an easy task if I was doing it alone, but I couldn't do everything myself without involving them in the fight if I wanted them to gain Excelia to level up their status.

When we descend to the 15th floor, the atmosphere becomes more tense. Rethusa did tell Oberon that for her skill to be active, she had to kill the monster to be able to use her skill called 'Matia Kimigos' It works like Ruijerd's third eye ability, but to be able to be used against the monsters, Rethusa must kill the monsters first before it can be used.

'It would be a great skill if I had the same type of skill, but the drawback becomes useless when fighting against strong opponents... Does every skill have good and bad?'

After walking down for minutes, the party finally reached the 15th floor, but we met a party of four from another Familia from the look of it, they were all pretty beaten up.

'Hm, never seeing those faces before; maybe it's the best idea to ask them for some information.'

"Good evening."

The leader, it seems, stared at us with a suspicious gaze at first, but when they had more images of me, their atmosphere became calmer, and at the same time, Oberon activated his magic eye to inspect each of them.

'They are all gray and look pretty young.'

In their party, there is one mage and one supporter, while their leader is a swordsman, and beside him is a shielder. They all look gravely injured from the fight, their clothing, and the white bandages covering their bodies.

"You are... the Radiant."

Oberon can help, but he feels embarrassed hearing those nicknames that the gods give him. That name was the usual name for those Chunibyo kids who pretend they are living in a fantasy world.

"Yes, I am. May I know from which Familia you are?"

"We are from Deus Familia. Hmm, you indeed look strong, as they said, and..."

The man looked at the party behind me full of beautiful women, but he couldn't see Artemis' face thanks to Orstrid and Atalanta blocking their few, and their gaze alone was a warning not to gaze too long.

'Deus, they are not on the list of Loki and Captain Suspicious who help Evilus.'

"And what?"

"N-nothing. Radiant-san..."

"Don't need to be formal; we are both probably not so far in age, and it was a bit embarrassing to me to be called that nickname, so just call me Oberon."

"T-than Oberon, I thought you were a two-wielded swordman user."

"Ah, about that, well, let's just say it was under maintenance, but put that conversation aside. You all look so exhausted and beat up. What happened?"

"We meet a couple of level two monsters; our mages were already on the brink out of magic, and we are running out of potion…"

Loki did mention that after the destruction of the hideout of the Evilus group in the dungeon by Freya Familia, many of the Familia started to take a chance to gather material and level up. It was probably the combination of inpatient gods and the guild, but the main person who should be blamed was the guild side.

'This behavior of pushing themselves too hard; they most likely got killed by the monsters... What are those heads of the guild thinking?'

"If you like, I will heal all of your wounds with my magic; of course, it is free of charge."


"Y-yeah, please take a seat. Sera, Rethusa, and everyone, please watch our surroundings while I am healing them."

"Take your time, Oberon."

While I was healing them, they were sharing valuable information about the route they were currently taking with a monster, and they shared the route they took. With this information, we could decrease our encounters with the monsters.

"That should be okay. Tried to move your muscles a bit."

As I told them what I wanted them to do, most of them looked relieved and without any feeling of pain when they moved their muscles.

"Thank you, Oberon."

"You are welcome, and please take this food; it will help you fight with full strength."

Their eyes all widen and start smiling; this helps increase their chance of being able to reach the surface. After filling up and gathering their strength, the leader and the other members once again showed their gratitude, and their god Deus felt the same.

"As always, you are so kind, Oberon."

"It is in my Familia and my best interest to make new allies, and it helps levitate my reputation and my people."

Sera shook her head in disapproval of Oberon's statement because she learned something from the time they spent together.

"You did tell me the same thing that time, but I know without any reason you will help us, them, or anyone who needs it."

Sera then shuns her face toward Oberon, and it seems like she's murmuring about something that Oberon cannot hear. When I asked Orstrid what she was murmuring about, she just smiled and declined to say what she heard.

"So, Oberon, after hearing their encounter, should we change the route?"

"I don't think we should, Rethusa, because there is a risk of us getting lost, and it will take more time. What I am going to use from their knowledge is just to know where and when to keep on high guard."


It did not take long to walk. Oberon could hear a monster growling from the shadow.



"Yes, I heard it. It seems like another Hellhound."

As Oberon predicted, there was indeed a group of Hellhounds.

("There are two big monsters behind them, Master.")

To my surprise, a large cat twice the size of a normal lion jumps into the Hellhound bites their head and uses their long claw to cut in half the group of Hellhounds and eat their magic crystal.

'That's so brutal... Oh, their eyes now gaze toward us.'

Oberon first inspects the side of the room and decides their move. With Sera level four and Rethusa level three, they should be able to defeat those pacts of crazy dogs easily.

While everyone is waiting for their orders from Oberon, they notice there is a strange sound. A flicker of purple light came from Oberon's hand. When it starts to get brighter and louder, Oberon starts to point his finger toward the lighter fang.


The lightning zaps the two monsters, making them growl before losing their strength to stand seeing that chance.


Sera and Rethusa start dashing forward as fast as they can. Sera understood that she must let Rethusa be the one to land the killing blow on the monster, so she only kept close to her side to be prepared so that the monster could be woken up. Rethusa dashed forward with high speed and aimed her sharp spear to pierce the liger fang's right eye.



The tremendous pain managed to wake up the monster. In desperation, the liger fang started to swing its sharp claw at Rethusa. Sera, who had already activated her skill, moved quickly to stop the attack.

Sera spun her body with high speed and stabbed the hand, instantly pinning the Liger Fang hand to the ground. Seeing the chance, Rethusa then kicked the back side of the spear as hard as she could, possibly piercing the powerless Liger Fang's brain and killing it instantly.

'That amazing combo, both of you.'

It took them less than a minute to take down both big cats, all thanks to lightning magic that paralyzed any monster that got struck by one.

'She doesn't know where the beast's heart is located; instead, she aims for the brain. As expected for the goddess of hunter children. With this, Rethusa should be able to use her skill.'

"Good work, Rethusa, Sera, but we are not done yet…"

Everyone could feel a small earthquake, and it seemed Atalanta's ears were pointing at the front of the party.



As everyone predicted, it was indeed a Minotaur, and there were four of them, but there was something weird about one of the Minotaur. One of them had darker skin, brighter red eyes, and a long horn on its head, but the thing that caught Oberon's gaze was the weapon it was carrying.

'That weapon did he take from other adventurers?'

Once again, a flicker of lightning appeared on Oberon's right hand, and he started pointing his finger toward the minotaur.


This time, Oberon increased the voltage a bit to make sure they were paralyzed, but the one with the axe didn't budge with Oberon's attack; instead, it started to dash forward while dragging the weapon he held. It starts to scream like a mad bull.

"Sera, stand back. This one, I am not sure you can handle that cow... Sera?"

"I- I can't move my legs."

'Minotaur did have the skill of paralyzing their enemy, but it should only affect the adventurer at level one.'


The minotaur charged toward our direction while carrying a heavy exe. Oberon pulled his sword from his wrist and dashed forward to stop the minotaur's charge. When they are just a couple of centimetres from each other, the minotaur swings its axe forward and tries to cut Oberon in half. Knowing it was too risky to block it with the sword without breaking it, he used the water god technique to redirect the attack from him.


The axe slammed into the ground, creating a crater. Not stopping there, the minotaur tried to grab Oberon using his left hand, but because of the difference in speed, Oberon could avoid it with ease and retaliated with a swift slash. As his sword slashed the meat, the minotaur Oberon started to realize that this dark minotaur was not the same minotaur he had ever faced.

'It feels like cutting paper steel.'

Oberon did manage to make three slashes on his hand, legs, and torso, but it does not look like it is affecting him at all.

("Master, should I assist?")

("No, stay at Artemis-sama's side and protect everyone; if my guess is right, they are all probably affected by a fear debuff.")

At first, Oberon thought of using detoxification magic, but it most likely didn't work because the debuff that Sera and others felt probably worked the same as the beastman in his previous world and affected human senses, especially their brains.

'This minotaur, I never met any description of such strong monsters on this floor.'

While his eyes locked on the minotaur in front of him, Orstrid informed him that the three minotaurs had started to recover from the lightning attack.

'I had to deal with those three.'

Unexpectedly, an arrow struck one of the dark minotaur's legs. When I looked at where the arrow came from, one was fire; it was the goddess Artemis' arrow, which pierced the right back of its legs.

'Thank you, Artemis-sama, but it's only pissed him off.'

Oberon alone could take down all the minotaurs with a King-level rock bullet spell.

'Wait, is this a good chance for me to awaken my hidden skill?'

- (Flash Back)-

One day ago, before Oberon went to the dungeon.



"*ack*, *Gasp*.... *inhale*..."

Oberon lay while trying to gasp air into his lungs after being smacked to the ground by his senior Bara. Oberon could hear and feel that clearly a couple of his bones were broken, and it seemed Orstrid started to lose her calm expression seeing her master being beaten so hard by Bara.

Bara only chuckles while standing in front of Oberon, warping both her hands together while seeing her helpless student try to wake his body.

"Are you okay, Oberon? I think we should take a break."

"I- I am okay, Bara-san."

"Stop acting strong and take a rest."

Orstrid then dashed toward her master and started to use one saint-level healing to fix her master, who was fully beaten up.

"How is it that you feel anything?"

"My apologies, Bara-san. I am not feeling anything yet. I think my skill was indeed some kind of passive ability."

"Hm, no, it was too quick to reach such a conclusion, Oberon. Some skills had to be in certain conditions to be active, for example…. Ah, there is one skill that I know that one of my friends had whose name was 'Howl' She was a werewolf; if her instinct felt she was facing a formidable opponent, it would activate, giving her an increase in strength and agility…'

Oberon did learn about skill with Riveria; she indeed explained in detail what and how skill works. Because of that, Oberon had this idea of Bara beating him up and trying to force him to learn about his new skill.

"Oberon, I want you to answer my question honestly… What will you do if you face a thought opponent? Did you fight using your sword or your magic?"

"I will use my magic for sure, Bara-san."

Bara nodded affirmatively.

"Of course you did, and the problem is that your magic is so powerful that there is no opponent who can't pose any threat to you. I think that is the main reason why you will find it difficult to discover how your skill works; after all, most of the skill that every adventurer had was discovered not by the status written on your back but in combat."

- (Present Time)-

'*sigh* I think I had to take this risk.'

Oberon glanced toward the three minotaurs and chanted a spell.


When Oberon cast those spells on his mind, the three minotaurs charged toward him, but their steps became slower, and they started to stop and struggle to keep on standing with their legs. After their pointless struggle to resist the heavy weight, the three minotaurs fell helplessly and tried to move their bodies, but Oberon knew they couldn't resist five-time earth gravity.

"Stay down."

Everyone who watched what just happened was baffled by the spectacle. Artemis and others could breathe easily, knowing that the situation was still under control.

"I will face this dark minotaur alone. You all can handle the three minotaurs when you can move."


"Please do as I ask, Sera."



'It seems like the injury has fully healed.'

Oberon grabbed Uldster tightly and started to make his stance, pointing his sword at the dark Minotaur that was ready to charge toward him at any moment.

'I hope it does not end with me regretting this.'