
jjk my cursed technique is [gamer]

waking up in the body of mark zenin the mc will now traverse the world of jjk while solving mystery about hidden characters and himself with fading memories [story will be slow at the start 30-60chapters before the main story even begins or is mentioned] {ps: the names I will use are English such as Mark or emma}

Cursedking · Cómic
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11 Chs

meeting the clan head

For the past three days I have been practicing [cursed energy manipulation ]which made it reach level 5 and [cursed energy reinforcement minor] that shot up from level 1 to level 24 and even acquired [cursed energy detection minor] that allowed me see cursed energy in more detail and senses it from a max distance of 10 meters from me and due to its nature I was also able to level it up with cursed energy manipulation and reinforcement which made all three skills have a boost in leveling speed and allowed [cursed energy detection minor] to increase from level 1 to 13.

So like the previous days I went to the garden and started practicing while siting closed leged on an bench.i began by Controlling the cursed energy within my body to move while simultaneously using the cursed energy that was being moved to strengthen my body and using cursed energy detection to see the cursed energy that I was using in more detail so that I could waste as little as possible while also looking at the movement of cursed energy around me and trying to move that i ccontained to repeat this process till nearly all my cursed energy ran out .

[Cursed energy manipulation had leveled up] x1

[Cursed energy reinforcement minor has leveled up]x5

[Cursed energy detection has leveled up] x 5

30 minutes later

After about 30 minutes, I was only left with [20 cp ], so I decided to stop my training for now till my cursed energy refilled. Opening my eyes I got up from my crossed legged position on the bench and began stretching till I felt a gaze behind me folding my instincts I turned around and used cursed energy to reinforce my body the jumped back only to be grated by laughing from a old man how then started to speak himself.

" your more talented than I thought not only were you able to manipulate cursed energy to such a high degree in only a week of receiving your cursed technique but you were also able to use it to reinforce your body without any help your truly worthy of the zenin name " the old man said appearing on the bench that I was on only a moment ago

Thaking a look at the old mans gray hair that reached his neck with black eyes and thin mustache. And brown Yukata with a brown sash and the fact that he could have come to my private residence so easily without my knowledge could only mean one thing.

Realizing this, I took a deep bow before I responded.

"I greet the 26th head of the zennin family naobito zenin." Looking at me with a cheeky grin , he looked around before responding

" How did you know that I was the patriarch since this is the first time we have met?" he said eagerly, awaiting my reply

Thinking about it quickly, I lifted my head

" The way you moved to the bench a moment ago most likely was through the use of projection sorcery and since the zenin clan only has two users of projection sorcery that means that your I identity is non other than naobito zenin" looking at me naobito grin grew till he let out a sight couch and started speaking

"You have both good talent and instincts very good,"he said before continuing

" But what do you mean 2 projection sorcery users do you not intent to include yourself " hearing that I began to sweat on the inside but was instantly calmed down by [gamers mind]

"Of course not after all I did not receive projection sorcery," I said while keeping a poker face

"So, did you not receive a cursed technique of the zennin family?" he said, looking disappointed

Not wanting to make the situation worse, u instantly replied

"Though I did not receive projection sorcery , I obtained the ten shadows technique,"I said with a forced smile on my face. Looking at me, naobito stared to ponder I his mind

( This is the first time in history that two people in the zennin clan have obtained the ten shadows technique at the same time )

"Can you summon your demon dog to show me, kid?" naobito said with a wide smile on his face

With the cursed energy I had left, I poured it all into summoning demon dog white. I started by doing the hand signs to summon it that was placed into my brain when I learned the ten shadow technique. Instantly, out of my shadow came a white dog with a triangular marking on its head .

Due to my young body, the dog was bigger than me. Waging it's tail the dog licked me on my face repeatedly before I dismissed it .

"Sorry patriarch due to my low amount of cursed energy I decided to send it back because I ran out of cursed energy " Said before I began to sweat the world began to spin as a system notification showed that I had only [7cp] left in the next instant I fell but just in time naobito caught he before he spoke

"I guess that was to much since he is so young and has such little cursed energy, well either way this generation will be fun have two ten shadow technique users"naobito said before using his cursed technique to take mark to his room and left after leaving a note for him

[End if chapter]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Cursedkingcreators' thoughts