
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantasía
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83 Chs

The coming enemy

Joey opened the door and was shocked to stand in the middle of a desert. Everyone looked around in confusion as the clock started ticking.

Jackson grabbed Joey by the head and put him with Jodi. "I thought you were dead!" Joey laughed.

"And I thought you'd never past the first game." Jackson laughed back. Joey rolled his eyes, he could feel the hot sun on his skin.

"Attention all players! Inthis game…you'll all chose a team of four! There are twenty-eight players left in the game, so this should even out. all battle against one team. almost like a tornament! The team with least wins will be eliminated. Powers are allowed in this game…if death is on accident then, he person who killed will be allowed to continue." Amber said through the intercom.

"We need one more person, and I know exactly who!" Joey said. Joey ran out in the open and started yelling to get everyone's attention.

"Anyone here named Duce?" Joey asked.

A tall teenaged boy raised his hand in the crowd. He had short black hair that was tied up on both sides, he almost looked like a girl, had a tired look in his eyes, and was wrapped up in a strange robe.

"Your mentor personally wants you to join me and my team!" Joey said happily. Duce looked around at everyone and up into the sky.

"Your the weird boy that everyone wants killed. Why the hell would she send me on your team?" Duce said in a serious tone.

"Well…you can always fight by yourself and get disqualified. Everyone already has a team, I think ur in need." Joey whispered. Duce smiled to show his perfect white teeth. (This guy…Joey, doesn't seem threatening. But…based off his jinn energy, he has the potential to take down a high-level in the future. That hasn't been done by anyone in years, no one but Ahana, at least. I guess I'll roll with his crew…for now.) Duce thought to himself.

Duce placed both his hands on top of his head and slowly walked over to Jodi and Jackson.

"The name's Duce. What level jinn slayers are you guys?" Duce asked.

Jackson looked at Jodi with confusion. "Levels?" He asked.

"You mean to tell me that Ahana didn't teach you guys about levels?" Duce asked with an annoyed voice.

"Nope." Joey said.

"I'll explain then. We jinn slayers are ranked the same way jinns are ranked. You have low-level jinn slayers, medium, high, for us we do insane-level if your powerful. The only insane-levels that we know of is Ahana, her brother Adrienne who is dead, and her master, K who is also dead. No one else comes close to Insane-level." Dice explained.

Joey stared in amazement. "Every time I ask Ahana about her past, she always ignores me. And how do they die when they're already dead? Joey asked.

"Who knows! From what Jinx told me, everyone just found out Adrienne died. Of course we were all younger back then! So we don't know what they look like, but…in my opinion. Something fishy is going on around here." Duce whispered. "And when we die, we have jinn trials. Master k was a living person, but was banished when he died. Adrienne and Ahana both were living in the real world but they both died. But Adrienne is completely dead, along with K.

"Is there a way you can tell us what level we are?" Jodi asked.

"Of course. Hold out your hand." Dice said.

Jackson,Joey, and Jodi held out their hands and watched at Duce grabbed one-by-one.

He closed his eyes and focused hard.

"Based on your battles, Joey. Your a medium-level slayer. But barley." Duce said.

Jackson couldn't help but laugh. "Your almost a low-level!? Hahaha!"

Joey rolled his eyes and pulled his hands away. "I'll get stronger soon! I need to in order to protect my family and friends!"

Duce went to Jackson's hand. "Medium-level."

Duce went to Jodi's hand. "High-level."



Jodi scratched his head in embarrassment. "Well…I have been Ahana's pup for a long time now." Jodi remarked.

"What level are you, Duce?" Joey asked.

"High. But even if your a high-level slayer…no one in years has even defeated a upper-level jinn. And we've only defeated five high-levels. The truth is…if you ever face a jinn at high-level or higher, your chances of coming back alive are zero-to-none." Duce explained.

(If that's the case…how come a high-level jinn has never been in my area? They know the town I live in. Maybe it's because Ahana protects me! Can she defeat a high-level jinn?) Joey thought to himself.

"But that's enough of that…the game is about to start. So let's get ready! We'll talk about our powers in private when the game starts to create a strategy." Duce said.

Meanwhile, Ahana walked up the giant mountain, where she was above the clouds. The giant temple sat on top of the mountain.

"This looks heavenly." Ahana said.

Two giant door were in front of her. She put on a huge jacket that covered her hair and face.

Ahana took a deep breath and jumped over the giant doors. She landed and checked the surrounding area. (The Tojo clan…very easy to infiltrate it. But…they probably know that one of us from the slayer core would infiltrate. I didn't tell anyone, but Xiamen's jinn energy was fading away in the clan's area. I just hope I'm wrong about this….)

There was a dirt road that led into a little town ahead. Ahana followed the path and eventually reached the town. Lots of people walked the streets. (Everyone here is a loyal follower of the clan. My eye is detecting a powerful energy reading straight ahead. Might be a trap or a strong foe.)

Ahana cracked her neck and walked through the crowd. She smiled and blended in well with the crowd.

Ahana walked past a woman and froze in her place. She turned her head slowly and stared at the old lady.

(That woman…I remember you from master K! She's part of the Tojo clan. But she's not a fighter. She came from the north…I'll go that way.) Ahana turned her head and kept moving.

The woman behind her, turned around and stared at Ahana with jet-black eyes. "You see this, Astral?" She asked.

Ahana walked down the road and ended up in front of the giant temple. Ahana looked down and noticed how high she was. She could see nothing but a perfect green Forrest, clear blue sky, and a beautiful sun.

The doors to the temple swung open to reveal a small old man with jet-black eyes. His hair was tied in a man-bun, with wrinkles in his skin, and yellow teeth.

"The con hasn't asked anyone from below to come here today! State your business and why you're here!" The old man demanded.

"I'm here looking for a friend. You see, she disappeared after you people came to threaten me and my family." Ahana said with a laugh.

"Who cares about your family! We're the great Tojo clan! Your lives are all beneath ours. So dry in your place and shut up about your friend woman!"

Ahana took off her hoodie and stared the man in the eyes. "What's this? Your body…is surrounded by jinn-energy!?" The man said as he drew his katana.

"Me,my friend, brother,and Master came here before! You were much younger, and you had a son. My name…is Ahana."

The old man's eyes grew big in surprise. "You're-Ahana! One of the two great twins who brought equality to the world?! Yes, yes, I remember you now!" The old man begun having flash backs.

"Astral, come here and look at this!"

"What is it? It's never anything special!" Astral yelled down the long hall. He got up and walked into the room to see a tall blond haired man with two babies in his arms.

Astral took a step forward and stared in shock. One baby with one blue and yellow eye. Astral felt a surge of happiness flow through his body.

"That's-Allah! The legendary eye of Allah! My wife, do you know what this means?! The jinns have something to fear now! Jinn fighters won't have to die anymore! The clan can use their powers to-"

"These babies aren't property, mr. Astral. The whole supernatural world is shaking. These two kids…have made every jinn go in hiding mode. These eyes haven't been seen in thousands of years! These two will be under my authority and I'll take care of them as though they're my own children!" K said.

Astral looked at the boy with red glowing eyes. Astral pointed his katana at the baby in fear. "R-red Allah eyes! Do you know what that means?!" He asked frantically.

Astral snapped his fingers. Multiple soldiers bragged into the room. "We must kill them both! That's an order, we Tojo clan give you!" Astral yelled.

K held out his hand. Astral felt the bones in his body tighten up. "Both their parents were killed by a legendary upper jinn named "Bulb" I know what red means…and I can assure you, he won't end up evil!" K promised.

Astral looked at his wife, who had a concerned look on her face. "Why don't you just let us take the power of Allah? We are the closest beings to it, after all." Astral's wife suggested.

K held tightly to Ahana and Adrienne. (I only came here to see if the clan could protect them from the jinn, but looks like they want their power. I'll make my leave for now.) This is a warning, Tojo clan. If you chase me or follow me…or even come in contact with my slayer crew. I'll kill you!" K threatened as he disappeared.

Astral snapped out of the vision and stared at Ahana with interest. "The day you were born, you gave everyone a fighting chance against jinns. But…it's a good thing you came after all."

"Why's that?" Ahana asked.

"Because after I kill you and take your eye…I'm going to kill everyone who's loyal to you and kill that boy Joey! You'll meet your brother in the banishes realm soon enough!" Astral yelled as he grabbed his Katana.

Ahana reached for her dual swords and took a stance. (I have to take these people somewhat serious. This is Astral, a powerful warrior of the clan. I'll kill him and make my way inside to fight the rest of the household.) Ahana thought to herself.

"The angles of Allah won't appreciate this!" Astral laughed. "I'll take you eyes and control everything the way it should be, Ahana!"

He lunged at Ahana and swung his katana. Ahana slapped her swords together and teleported backwards to dodge.

Astral took a weird stance and slide his sword across the ground to set it on fire. "Ritual: swordsman dojo!" The area transformed into a dojo. (A ritual. Let's see what you've got, old man…) Ahana thought to herself.

Ahana threw one sword at Astral. Astral ran and jumped over the sword with smooth movement. She pointed at him. "Bang!"

Astral slashed the air to block the invisible attack.

Astral jumped in the air and was about to bring his katana down on Ahana's head. Ahana looked up and surrounded her body with jinn. In the blink of an eye, Ahana felt her face slashed.

(That was quick!) she thought to herself.

Astral jumped back and took deep breathes. (She almost killed me! When I got close…I felt my bones getting hotter and hotter by the second!)

Ahana bled from the right side of her face as she slowly walked towards Astral. "I think I understand your ritual. Your katana, it automatically attacks jinn energy. It was faster than the speed of light, so good job! It just means…I'll have to kill you with brute strength!" Ahana laughed as she threw her sword to the ground.

(She figured it out? Why does she look so unbothered about getting cut?) Atral thought to himself.

Ahana put a hand over the cut and slowly moved her hand away. Astral looked in shock as Ahana's scare was completely healed.

"Healing abilities? I have to kill you quickly, Ahana!" Astral took another weird stance as his sword caught on fire. "Sacred move, flames of-" before Astral could finish his attack. Ahana was walking towards the door with Astral's head in her left hand.

"You damn weakling." She whispered as she threw his head at the door, creating a loud thud as she knocked down the door.

"Time to take out the trash." She laughed.

I'm a dark cave area, Kebushie, Sho, and other unknown jinns sat in the cave. "We need to talk about the plan. Kebushie said to everyone.

"We need that boy's sword first! The question is…how will we get it with Ahana there?" Sho asked.

"I have a brilliant idea!" Kebushie yelled. "Does anyone know where Astor was when he died?" Kebushie asked.

A human arm raised. Kebushie looked at the frail women. "I see. Your possessing a corps! That means…you know where he died?"

"Yess. Astor died at a river, near the heavens gate high school! In a small town called "Awaken field" the jinn explained in a calm voice.

"I see. Our mission is to find the body of "snake!" He was a good friend of mine before he died. His powers will be used as a vessel for the "original one." While there, we will awaken him and use his powers to help us destroy the jinn core and seal Ahana!" Kebushie explained.

"How will we seal someone like her? Sho asked.

Kebushie stood up and walked around the dark cave. "I tried to seal her once when we were at the museum but…word has it that she stays in the area where Joey Castle lives, which is awaken field! We'll catch Ahana alone and all team up to corner her, when that's complete…I'll be able to use a forbidden sealing on her!" Kebushie laughed.

(17 vs one…I like those odds. Then we can kill Joey and bring back the original! But…) Sho snapped out of thinking and quickly shot up.

"We should do it in public! Ahana can't use her powers with people around. She also doesn't like to fight when civilians are involved." Sho explained.

"Then it's settled…I'll come up with a plan, for now you all just relax and just keep curing humans!" Kebushie laughed.