A young orphan by the name of Yuto and his brother Ryuto are raised by the golden knight the ruler of all the knights in the knight island. Ryuto grew up long before yuto and lives outside the continent on important missions.He continued to live happily ignoring the harsh stares and discriminatory in the high society for being an orphan with no last name. He trained at the knights training center since the age of 6 and got offered a spot in the lion knights force.But things take a huge turn when Yuto's adoptive uncle the golden knight Shin passed away.He was kicked out of the lion knights and little did he know the truth about himself.Instead of the Blue black hair and blue eyes he had when his uncle was alive,he now appears differently and is called the cursed boy.After 5 years yuto joins the tiger knights force.His goal is to become the strongest knight in history.
The 15 year old Yuto goes on dangerous adventures along with his team mates a noble man by the name of finn Ishikawa and a princess Named Alice