
Jeff The Killer X Reader

If your under the age of 13 or 18 be warned that this story does contain Smut for you little Jeff simps out there feel free to read this is for you lovely's out there I myself IS a JTK simp so I high wear that as a patch on my banner

20wilbursoot24 · Otras
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Chapter 5: The day I did it on purpose


I hear those voices telling me to kill and anything negative I started to black out but I fight it I ask the teacher if I may be excused from class Eyeless jack had followed me that day to school I went in the classroom where I reunited with jeff again I saw someone snooping around MY area it was a cop of all places that ticked me off more I fully blacked out and murdered that son of a bitch you call a cop I came back to my senses and I realized what I done I don't act like a scared kid anymore I knew I did this on purpose this time I smile to myself like I found out who I truly was and what I was and capable of I change my clothes to clean clothes in a snap of my fingers the murder scene vanished and the classroom was back to its original self it was nearing the end of the day Eyeless Jack switched out for Masky. Masky did not know what happened until 


~The next day~


(Blazes POV)

I was walking to school until I got a notifications murder scene at XXXX high school Masky was walking next to me he saw my notification he saw how uneasy I was we got to school I was immediately questioned on who did do you know who it was and all those stupid questions I played the dumb act and they bought it I went back home I scolded myself for doing such a risky action on a bad note in the middle of the day in a school full of high schoolers learning.


(Masky's POV)

I watched him scold himself for doing something risky I now lined everything up I called for Slender.


(Slenderman POV)

What is it, Timothy. Masky: We may have another one boss? Slender: Oh, is the kid I asked you to watch. Masky: Yes sir. Slender: Good bring him back with you tomorrow night follow him and see what he does tonight. Masky: Yes, sir im on it.


(Blazes POV)

I heard them talking I left my home and went on a purposeful killing spree I came back home the next day I passed. 


~12 hours later~


I was woken up by Masky he told me something I followed him we went to the mansion Masky said: This is your new home know Blaze.


(Jeff's POV) 

I looked up from the game I was playing with BEN I saw Blaze in the doorway next to Masky. I got up and went over to the two of them I passed Masky, and I hugged Blaze I saw how he was happy, and he hugged me back. I heard Masky tell blaze that he will be sharing my bedroom with me for once I heard him say a big fat plain ass okay, I laughed at that. Blaze: What is funny? Jeff: The way you said OKAY to Masky. BEN: JEFF GET YO ASS BACK OVER HERE AND FINISH THIS GAME WITH ME YOU ASSHOLE!!! blaze snicker at ben yelling at me I said something in his ear and left something get thrown at the back of my head I saw it was a god damn shoe I look over at Masky who was looking at a now walking away Blaze. Blaze: Oh, I need my shoe, but I can let jeff have it I went further I took my other one off and I yeeted it at Jeff when he turned around and entered the living room, he just stood there frozen I knew he was shaking from how much he hated me throwing my shoes at him he turned and looked at me.


(Blazes POV)

I saw him turn around and look directly at me I side stepped away and out of his sight I then ran jeff calmly followed I found the stairs a bathroom and I locked it jeff leaning on the wall outside. Jeff: Blaze~ Come on out I will not hurt you. Only to just teach you a lesson~ Blaze: Nu uh im not coming out of this safe zone you cannot get me, or I will call Eyeless jack to calm you down. Jeff: that is not how it works kitten~ Blaze: I hardcore blushed at the nickname I was at a loss for words I finally said D-don't c-call m-me t-that a-asshole. Jeff walked away laughing.