
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Haunting Shadows

He hadn't said anything yet, but still, his shadow stopped him from saying anything "No! Not that one! I'm talking about the things you did! To harm people!" Swapper whispered in his ear.

"Let me show you what will happen if you choose to stay quiet" Swapper twisted its wrist and both Emric and Swan started sinking in them.

"Stop it!" Jayden begged but he didn't stop.

Now both Swan and Emric were buried to their bellies and they were still sinking.

Jayden jumped toward them and held their hands.

Swan was crying, no matter how tough she appeared to be, she was still in pain and the suffocation was making her lose it.

"I am a horrible person!" Jayden yelled and Swapper stopped what he was doing, he held his hand behind his back and stood still, Swan and Emric were not sinking anymore.

"I…" Jayden sat back with his gaze stuck on the ground "I was the meanest bully in the school! I've always picked on everyone who's innocent! Teased people!

I made a junior boy swallow rocks and dust! Because we took his pant off and he wanted it back! I did one-night stands with the girlfriends of the junior students just to humiliate them, even though the girls agreed at that moment but it was still wrong!"

He broked down into tears and he closed his eyes shut, he was so ashamed of himself he didn't even want to face them.

"The reason every werewolf is in danger today is me! I made a mistake! I killed someone! The night I turned!

Do you know Emric? Why weren't you able to find the Alpha who turned me? Because I was turned by a curse. I killed an innocent student! That triggered the curse! I am in this because of my shameful acts!

I've been making wrong decisions all my life!

And it didn't stop there! I ruined his sister's life! And then I dragged you both into my miserable life! Just to destroy you both!

I…. I thought she was just a dream when I kissed her! When she bit me I realized she was not a dream, instead… she turned into a bitter reality!

In which you both caught up!" He was bawling when he felt a gentle touch on his back. He raised his head when he found out it was Swan sitting beside him, she gently slid her hand on his back.

There were tears in her eyes "You are not that person anymore… Everybody deserves a second chance" She whispered with her trembling voice.

"Do I? Because everything keeps shoving my past on my face!" He wiped his tears "She said I deserve the most painful death possible! He looked up to her with pain in his eyes, She hugged him while he cried his heart out.

After he felt better then he realized that they left Emric on his own.

Emric wasn't stuck anymore, he fainted while trying to get out of that pond.

Jayden noticed that the Swapper was still standing behind them, he was crying too.

Jayden couldn't understand why the Swapper had tears in his eyes.

"We get bound to the one we choose until we take off their body! Which means you cry, I cry! You laugh I laugh" He whispered and turned into a shadow of a wolf like he was before.

He got to the pond and dipped his mouth in the blood, he went back to Emric and opened his mouth right above Emric's wound, the blood he was carrying in his mouth dropped on his wound, then he went close to the boulder and jumped so high that he reached the top of the boulder.

Within a minute he disappeared within the dark shadows.

"Thank you!" Jayden yelled when he heard a voice but this time it was a woman.

"I didn't do anything! I helped you calm down… nothing more! The best way to get out of those ponds is to calm yourself down, I didn't even make you sink! I just made them terrified enough to make you open up!

And forgive yourself for the sake of those things you haven't done!" The voice lowered and lowered until it disappeared.

"How do we get out of here?" Jayden yelled but there was no response, the Swapper was gone already.

Emric who was lying on the ground unconscious, had his wound healed and disappeared and he woke up as if a person wakes up from a normal routine nap.

Emric hugged them both, he squeezed them so hard that made Jayden cough.

He wasn't sorry about that, he loosened his grip on them both and laughed with a whole heart.

"Okay, how are we going to get out of here?" Swan stood by the place where they fell from.

"If Jinx warned us about lower grounds, there might be some other way to get in and out! Because she wouldn't just warn us about a place that didn't even get discovered! We fell down when the floor under our feet broke down" Emric carried their things and all three of them started examining the entire place.

They went from corner to corner, searched every corner but there wasn't even the smallest space, even an ant couldn't get out or come in.

"I am not sure if I'm right or not but maybe…" Emric pursed his lips and stared at both of them, he thought what he was about to say might sound foolish or senseless to them.

"Don't laugh at what I am about to do!" Emric took out his swords and threw them on the ground, placed down his bag, and jumped inside the pond full of blood in the middle.

"Brother!" Swan yelled.

It was so dark and thick fluid couldn't let him see across then he used his werewolf sight, now he could see, not so clearly but still he could see, the pond was deeper than it looked from the outside.

He swam deeper and deeper until he saw a lever on one of the walls.

He got closer and placed both of his feet on the wall, he pulled that lever and it turned down, it was so jammed but he managed to open it.

With that lever that big boulder where the Snapper came fro moved aside and opened a new path.

Emric got out of the pond completely soaked up in blood.