
Seeker of knowledge( Born 200 Years before JAG was created)

There are Infinite possibilities for mana. Now, why do I say this? The reason is very simple. Have you ever thought I wish there was fire to only find that You were surrounded by It or when Endthrium was created it absorbed all the mana in the area and created a chaos zone releasing a mysterious type of mana that was later found to be linked to the Endthrium? The reason is very simple all things in this universe absorb mana as a neutral and then release it for the world to us to use as living beings cant process neutral mana properly as we just let it pass through us not picking up the smallest bits of it and those of us who can pick up the littlest bits of neutral mana become Building blocks of your entire universe as you can create an entire mana that is purely tied to you It is unique to you and it can change or create entirely new races metals plants even planes of existence from this mana and only around one person per every 5-10 universe can use it and the rest of us are left here to watch as they change worlds on their whims.

Class notes that are taken from a class the Seeker of Knowledge taught early in his life.

You are the heart and blood of a nation you are the common people.

You kill someone you are a Murderer.

You save a life you are a Hero.

You rob a merchant you are a Bandit.

You control a nation you are a King.

You kill a deer to feed your family you are a hunter.

You live secluded on a mountain you are a hermit.

You work for a nation Expanding and protecting its border you are a soldier.

What do all of these have in common yet why are they so different why do you desire to be a king, a soldier, Merchant or even a saint. It's that simple but plague like desire, for more in life and if you can't reach that something more you will pass on the desire to your children and then they pass it to there children until they finally complete that desire then that desire will change from becoming, to be the best.

That Simple desire pushes every single person in some way or another toward its goal it may not be your goal but the one planted in you by your parents or your grandparents festering like a disease never to leave you always there even when you think it's no longer influencing you even when you have a new desire. That plague like desire will stay with you till you die not letting you leave its grasp and only your children may end up being free from that desire only for a new one to take hold and repeat the never-ending cycle. But this isn't a bad thing this is what drives us forward to achieve something in life many will never realize there desire many will die trying only for a few lucky one to make there desire a reality.

Seeker of knowledge

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