Just a place so I can dump all the ideas I decide to write randomly.
As I select my final options to complete my build, I sigh looking at all my the obligation drawbacks.
Dying once and given a system was great but dying a second time wasn't so great especially since the person that killed me was a higher level gamer and his patriot was not exactly happy with him.
Thankfully, he was good enough of a gamer to entertain his sponsor so using his silver tongue and semi good reputation he had with him, he managed to convince the fucker to give him another chance. Unfortunately, he had to take some drawbacks…
Host: Christopher
Title: the loser gamer, pussy bitch boy
Allows you to scan a target, getting information about them.
[Gamers Mind]
Protects the mind of the User, preventing outside influences and access without the Users permission. Does not affect the mind or personality of the User.
[Gamers Body]
Gives the user the the bodies of gamer, making the body more adaptable.
[Mana Manipulation - Novice]
You have the innate power to manipulate your internal mana, weaving it into spells. Grants a minor boost to mana regeneration and spell power.
[Arcane Knowledge - Novice]
You are learned in the ways of the arcane, unravelling the mysteries of magic. You can learn spells from spellbooks and study enchanted items to learn their purpose.
Conjures a swarm of mites, fleas and other minor insects around your target, poisoning and distracting them.
[Magic Missile]
Send out darts of magical force at your enemies, which will track and home in on their targets.
Creates a translucent shield, warding off attacks.
[Monster Taming - Novice]
Allows you to tame weaker monsters by forming a bond with them, allowing you to summon them to your side and preventing them from being permanently slain as long as you live.
[Power modifier]
You gain the ability to modify anybody's skill/ability except your own after one change, you have to wait a considerable amount of time to make another modification to the same person. This is essentially your upgrade quest just to other people and automatically.
[Aura - Novice]
You gain the strength of the physical manifestation of your soul with enough effort you'll be able to eventually unlock a Semblance which is the manifestation of your soul.
[Alchemy Mastery - Adept]
You are skilled in the art of alchemy, the brewing and designing of potions and other alchemical items.
[Sword Mastery: Expert]
You are an expert at swordsmanship in the top 1% of mortals in this skill.
[To the Victor go the spoils]
Might makes right, the strong get what they want. If you defeat a man in combat, their love interest will find you more attractive and lose some of their interest in their lover. If you defeat a woman, they will find you more attractive regardless of their preferences, and people won't find it odd if you claim them as the spoils of war.
[The blessing of the idiotic gamer]
Due to you being killed for being a fucking idiot you are given this perk that allows you to gain skills and abilities 10 times more quicker then others.
[Tome of Cryomancy]
A Tome of ice magic that contains the knowledge of multiple ice wizards throughout the Multiverse.
[Tome of Pyromancy]
A tome of fire magic that contains the knowledge of multiple fire wizards throughout the Multiverse.
[Drawback: Curse of Obsession]
You will grow obsessed with something or someone, and fate itself will make claiming this thing through normal means far more difficult than usual.
[Drawback: The Apocalypse]
The world you are inhabiting will experience an apocalyptic event within the next six months. This could range from demonic or alien invasions, natural disasters on a global scale, zombies or any other world-ending threat. It cannot be stopped, however, once started, you could minimise the damage if you are prepared enough.
[Drawback: the Dommy Mommy]
This will cause an older woman to take an interest in you, she will be attractive however she will have a dominant personality and attempt to discipline you for your misdeeds, and you will find it hard to refuse her
[Drawback: crazy baby Mama]
A future partner will become obsessed with having your child. If you oblige, you'll find it hard to leave her.
[Drawback: the Operative]
An operative from a secret organisation/society is coming for you. They are efficient, methodical, and ruthless. Their mission? Your demise. Only one of you survives. Let the hunt begin.
[Drawback: Gluttony]
You have a hunger that is very hard to satiate. It grows stronger if you are not eating on a regular basis until it is overpowering, making you willing to eat almost anything to satiate it.
[Drawback: Lust]
You have less control over your lustful nature, growing aroused far easier and having a need to achieve release at least once a day. If ignored, your arousal will build up more and more until settled, making you unable to focus on anything but sex. Your own touch will take longer to bring you to completion and feel unsatisfying.
[Drawback: Greed]
You want. What do you want? Everything, anything. All that matters is that your collection grows, your treasure, your wealth. You will find it incredibly hard to do anything for free, hungering for more and more wealth, never satisfied.
[Drawback: Pride]
You aren't the best? Who decided that? This is your world, and everyone else was just born into it. You cannot allow insults or challenges to pass.
Yeah, let's just say his sponsor wasn't so happy to give him another system.
Well, I can't really complain. I got a third chance to fix my fuck up. As he thought that division of a white hair blue eye bastard shooting a hollow purple at him appeared on his mind.
The fucker was going to pay. He thought before his jump chain started loading up, preparing himself to be directed to his "first world".
[Before the end of character creation would the gamer like to get an additional drawback but gain a bonus]
Thinking about it quickly, I simply nodded at this point was the worst that could happen. He thought deciding to go one time to see how it went.
Trait Gained
You were born weak and feeble your body stat is lowered and it's extremely hard for you to increase it.
Perk Gained
[Mana Touched]
You are blessed with abundant mana you gain additional magic in your magic set you have a great talent with magic you're able to learn magic skills quicker 10 times faster to be exact.
Feeling his body getting weaker, he simply shrugged magical was cooler anyway.
I woke up to find myself lying in what appeared to be a grassy field. Slowly getting to my feet, I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. Almost immediately, I noticed something that made me groan in frustration.
"I'm naked," I muttered under my breath.
Fucking goddamn sponsor... This had to be one of their petty little tricks, just to make my life more difficult.
As I wandered downhill, I decided to get a better look at my new body. Thanks to the "Weak" trait, I was visibly thinner, but at least one thing remained constant my schlong swayed impressively as I walked. That brought a small, self-satisfied smirk to my face.
"At least I still got my D," I muttered. "Some things never change."
When I reached the bottom of the hill, I saw what appeared to be a dirt road. The idea of getting some help or maybe clothes crossed my mind when a loud screeching noise grabbed my attention.
I spun around just in time to see two massive horses bearing down on me, pulling a carriage at full speed.
"Shit!" I froze in place as the horses came to a sudden halt, barely inches away from trampling me. They whinnied and snorted, clearly spooked.
"Oh my gosh!" I heard a voice cry out.
Peering past the horses, I saw a figure climb down from the carriage. It took me a second, but then my eyes widened in Slight shock.
Standing before me was none other than Lucy Heartfilia, wearing her signature short skirt and tight shirt. She looked as stunning as I remembered from the show.
Lucy stared at me, her eyes widening as her face flushed red.
"Oh my!" she exclaimed, covering her eyes with her hand. "Why are you naked? Are you okay?"
I glanced down and realized my "impressive display" was fully exposed. Flustered, I quickly covered myself with both hands.
"Sorry about that!" I said sheepishly. "I don't know what happened. I woke up naked in a field and have no idea where I am."
Lucy lowered her hand cautiously, still blushing. "You're about 2 hours from Magnolia," she said. "Why would you wake up naked in a field?"
I let out an awkward laugh, shrugging. "No clue. Maybe I got drunk and someone decided to mess with me."
Lucy frowned but seemed to accept my explanation. "Well... Do you need help? I think I have an extra pair of pants in the back of the carriage."
I nodded quickly. "A ride to the nearest town would be great. And, yeah, pants would definitely help."
"So," Lucy said, steering the horses, "what's your name?"
"Christopher," I replied, adjusting the loose pants she'd given me. They weren't ideal, but they were better than nothing.
She nodded. "Nice to meet you, Christopher. Are you a mage? You seem like one."
"Yeah, I am," I said. "Though I don't belong to a guild."
Her eyes lit up with excitement. "I knew it! You don't have a guild mark, but you've got a massive amount of magic power. It's impressive!"
I smirked slightly. "Thanks. What about you?"
Lucy's expression brightened as she turned to glance at me. "I'm Lucy, from Fairy Tail!"
Even though I already knew that, I acted surprised. "Fairy Tail? I've heard of you guys. Word is your guild has some of the strongest mages around."
"We do!" she said proudly. "There's Natsu, Gray, Erza, and so many more! They're incredible fighters. I can hold my own too, though I'm not quite at their level."
I nodded thoughtfully. "Interesting. I wouldn't mind testing my strength against some of them."
Lucy laughed. "You could try, but no offense they're in a completely different league".
My eye twitched slightly at her casual dismissal. "Is that so?"
She nodded confidently. "Yep Natsu and Gray and erza are some of the strongest in our guild."
I bit back a grin, amused. Oh, you have no idea, Blondie. Knowing how much stronger Natsu and Gray would become later in the timeline made me chuckle internally. It seemed I'd arrived in an earlier part of the story.
This is going to be interesting.