
It's Okay To Not Be Okay

Have you ever felt like you had to say you're okay when really you're not okay? Have you ever felt like you're drowning not in water but your own sadness and pain? Have you ever felt alone, empty, numb, emotionless, hated, pained, hopeless, worthless, and pathetic? All of these things describe Kai Levough. He's been bullied since he first started school and has been abused ever since his twin brothers death when he was 7. His mother left him with his abusive father when he was 8 and he is now 16. What happens when the new kid, Chase Smith, ends up sitting with him at lunch and decides to barges his way into Kai's life? Will Chase be able to save Kai before it's to late or, will it already be to late? Read to find out! I am so sorry to all of you who planned on reading/were reading this but I have decided to discontinue this book but I will be rewriting this but from a Female leading role! So hope you'll it comes out!

Alyzabeth_Hawkins · Otras
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: What Happened To You?!

✨" Tuesday Morning "✨

😐" At School "😐

💋" Kai's POV "💋

I woke up in nothing but pain. I already knew I had quite a few bruises on my face right along with the big cut on my cheek. God I really wished that I had some more make up left besides my eyeliner. I think to myself as I get dressed into my black long sleeve shirt with my black skinny jeans that have holes on the knees.

I walk over to my mirror and see the damage done.

Oh goody goody, now I'm gonna be asked a million and one questions. Oh well, I'll just ignore them like I usually do. I think to myself as I start to put my eyeliner on and then start to brush my teeth and then brush and do my hair.

After a few minutes I'm ready to go so I gather my things and start to walk down the stairs. When I hear my father's bedroom door open I hurry out the door and see Chase standing at the bottom of the stairs. He looks up at me and has a look of shock and concern

"Hey, what are you doing here?", I ask as I hurriedly start to walk down the side walk.

"What happened to you?!", he exclaimed in a worried tone.

"Nothing, I just fell down the stairs and hit the wall.", I say trying to make up an excuse that was believable.

He didn't seem to buy it but he didn't push any further. As we walked to school we didn't really talk, mostly him looking me up and down, and me feeling self conscious and embarrassed.

"Why do you keep staring at me?", I stop and ask causing him to come to a halt

"I don't know. It's just something about you. It intrigues me.", he says causing me to laugh at how cliche and corny that sounded and I continued to walk

"You do know how corny and cliche that sounded, right?", I ask him causing him to crack a smile.

"I guess so.", he says and we continue to talk as we walk the last bit of the way to school.

😅" At School "😅

We just made it to school and I'm now heading to my locker and Chase is heading to his locker.

His locker is I'm guessing on the second floor while mine is on the first floor meaning that I have no protection until- "Umph." I say out loud as I bump into someone and fall down.

"I'm so sor- oh my God, you just made me run into the emo fag!", I hear a different jock, who by the way doesn't really like to bully me I knows this because he told me before plus the look in his eyes.

I hiss in pain, "Ouch man, that was so original that it hurt me hearing it.", I say to him and he shakes his head slightly with a frown. I already know why he's shaking his head but I just couldn't resist. I just had to open my sarcastically smart-ass mouth.

"Why do you shake your head?", I ask in a baby tone and he gives me a look of anger.

"Wow dude, it-", I say before I'm cut off

"What in the bloody freaking world is going on hear?!", I staff member exclaims and I try my best to hold in a laugh.

Wow, how cliche, am I right? A staff member or teacher walking into a fight between the sarcastically smart-ass emo while the jock is on the ground anger written all over his face meanwhile, anytime I'm getting beat up or anybody else is getting beat up they do nothing at all about it. Stupid worthless staff members and teachers.

"Oh, ya know just trying to make friendly convo and trying to be nice since I accidentally ran into the guy.", I say tapping the guys shoulder he gives me a pretend look of disgust and I roll my eyes as he gets up and backs away from me.

"Anyways, I'm off to my locker and then to Maths, blah.", I say waving and walking away. I already know I have about 2 to less than a minute left to get my math things and then try to make it to my Maths I can't be late again or else it's detention for me. I get my things outta my locker close it and run to my Maths class.

Just as I step into the classroom the bell rings and I go and take my seat in the very back of the room.

As the teacher rambles on and on about God only knows what I started to feel and bored..... I guess I ended up falling asleep cause next thing ya know the teacher's at my desk and banged his hand on my desk really hard causing me to jump but end up falling to the ground.

I grumbled a few choice words under my breath since I just practically busted my ass.

"Stay awake Mr.Levough.", the teacher said angrily and I look down rolling my eyes.

"Yes sir captain sir!", I exclaim saluting him.

"Don't make me give you detention.", he says and I gulp.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry.", I say sitting back down in my seat hearing people mumble 'Goody two shoes' or 'What a freak'.

I really wish my life wasn't such a living hell. Maybe then I wouldn't have to protect myself with my smart-ass mouth and sarcastic attitude.

I sigh as I pay attention to the math lesson.

Ya know, I've never in my whole entire life really understood math but I was always extremely good at it... Just like of my other classes. I may not be a straight A student but I am almost there I guess. I'm one of the straight B students and hopefully it'll stay that way and maybe I'll have the slightest bit of chance of getting a scholarship and go to college. But with me it's probably no use.

Oh well. I think to myself as the bell goes off.

Ugh! Finally! Art class here I come. I think to myself shoving my things in my bag and hurrying to my locker to get my things for my next two periods.


See, I told you I'd get it out soon... Okay so maybe I didn't get this chapter out when I said I would but I really hope you understand. I've been really busy. Ya know normal teenage stuff such as, school, watching siblings making sure they're doing what they're supposed to be doing, etc. I really hope you guys (and ladies) understand.

Alright without further ado I'd like to make a time schedule and I'll try my best to keep up with it.

So time schedule:

It's Okay To Not Be Okay: At least every once of three weeks ( I might be able to do more if I'm lucky.)

No More Pain: At least once every other week or so ( I might be able to do it more if I'm lucky too.)

Hope: Hold On Pain Ends: At least every every week before I update "No More Pain" ( And again, I just might be able to do more if I'm lucky.)

I'm not promising anything I'm just saying I'm gonna try. Between me needing to past all subjects this semester and my siblings and trying to finish my first two stories, I'm extremely busy so I'm gonna try my best but no promises.

Okay! Love you all xoxo! BYE!💞💋