
It's Okay To Not Be Okay

Have you ever felt like you had to say you're okay when really you're not okay? Have you ever felt like you're drowning not in water but your own sadness and pain? Have you ever felt alone, empty, numb, emotionless, hated, pained, hopeless, worthless, and pathetic? All of these things describe Kai Levough. He's been bullied since he first started school and has been abused ever since his twin brothers death when he was 7. His mother left him with his abusive father when he was 8 and he is now 16. What happens when the new kid, Chase Smith, ends up sitting with him at lunch and decides to barges his way into Kai's life? Will Chase be able to save Kai before it's to late or, will it already be to late? Read to find out! I am so sorry to all of you who planned on reading/were reading this but I have decided to discontinue this book but I will be rewriting this but from a Female leading role! So hope you'll it comes out!

Alyzabeth_Hawkins · Otras
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: Who's The New Kid

💋" Lunch Time "💋

💞" Kai's POV "💞

Finally, it's lunch time.... Hopefully I have enough money to pay for my lunch. I think to myself as I walk into the cafeteria.

I walk to the lunch line and grab a tray. I grab a plastic container that has a PB&J sandwich, a cheese stick, and a small bag of goldfish. I put in my lunch number ID thing and the total amount was $1.75, thank God I have just the right amount.

I give the lady my money and walk to the back corner of the cafeteria and sit at the table where I'm all by my lonesome self.

After a few minutes I hear somebody set there tray down at the table. I look up to see someone I've never seen before.

"I hope it's okay if I sit here, everyone else looks a little.....", he trails off thinking of the right word to say.

"To busy?", I ask he shakes his head

"No, more like mean.", he says causing me to chuckle lightly.

"Sure go ahead, nobody ever sits here besides me anyways.", I tell him and he sits down.

"So, why does nobody sit here? You seem like a cool person.", he says and I just laugh

"Are you talking to me?", I ask and he nods then I sigh.

"Cause I'm the 'weird emo fag that has problems' to everyone.", I say to him sighing again. I pushed my food towards the middle of the table since I just lost my appetite just thinking of that.

"Why do they call you that?", he asks

"This isn't a game of 20 questions, is it?", I asked sarcastically and he huffs.

"I'm trying to get to know you.", he mumbles

"Fine we'll start with with simple questions, I'll go first.", I tel him and smiles while nodding.

"Okay, what's your favorite color or colors?", I ask him and he looked like he was thinking for a minute.

"Probably teal and Magenta.", he says and I nod my head.

"So, what's your favorite colors?", he asks me

"Crimson red and black.", I tell him and he hums a 'hmm'

"What's your favorite animal?", I ask him and he smiles

"I've never really seen one in real life but I like snow tigers.", he says and I smile at him

"Good choice.", I say to him

"What's yours?", he asks

"I'd have to say a wolf or a cat.", I tell him

"Why?", he asks confused and I put one finger up to him

"Nope my turn to ask a question. What's your favorite genre of music?", I ask and he just shrugs

"Wait, you don't have a favorite type of music like at all?", I ask and he puts his finger up to me and 'tsk's me.

"My turn to ask a question.", he says with a playful smirk and I groan.

"Fine.", I say to him

"Why is your favorite animal a wolf or a cat?", he asks and I sigh

"A wolf because they're, quiet, stealthy, beautiful, and not alone. A cat because they love you and always want attention so they never leave you alone.", I tell him with a sigh but I smile.

"Anyways, let's continue. What do you do in your free time?", I ask

"Probably drawing, going to the skate park, and some sports.", he says and we just continued to ask questions and make jokes as he ate his lunch, then the bell rang and we had to leave and go to our classes.

At least I got one good thing outta today. I finally got a, well I think, I got a friend. At least he's a decent person. I think to myself as I start to walk to my locker.

As I'm walking to my locker I hear whispers about how "The new guy sat with the emo fag" and what not, like what the hell people, do you not have anything better to do with your life's than just gossip and spread rumors? Like for God's sake man.

Whatever. I think to myself and just continue on, I have art next which is hopefully gonna have a nice teacher cause I love art and every year before when I had art class the teachers were nice.

I walk to the room number it says on my schedule and then I hear someone yell my name.

"KAI!", I stop and turn around only to get knocked over but I was caught before the ground.

"Jesus man, you can't be that excited to see me.", I tell Chase as he pulls me up so I'm balanced and standing.

"Well I wanted to kn-", Chase says before he's cut off.

"HEY EMO FAG!", I hear one of the jocks yell. I just roll my eyes and look at Chase.

"You might wanna leave if you want at least a little bit of dignity.", I whisper to him and he shakes and goes to say something but I'm pushed towards the lockers before he could say anything

"Ow! Fucking Christ that hurt.", I say standing back up only to be slammed into the lockers and getting punched in the gut and hard.

"Wh-", Chase goes to say looking and sounding angry, but I look at him worriedly and shake my head viciously which catches the jock's eye he looks over his shoulder and smirks

"Well well well, what do we got here.", he says as he drops me making me hit the ground and he stomps on my hand. Thank God it wasn't my left hand but it was still my hand.


"Oh shut up you wimp.", he says backwards kicking me.

"Well that was a dickhead move.", Chase says bluntly causing me to laugh.

"You think that's bad wait till you actually see what I go thr-", I stop myself there before I say anything I regret.

"Anyways, go ahead sorry for interrupting your conversation.", I say getting up and starting to walk away before I felt someone grab my wrist.

"What's your next class?", I hear Chase ask

"Art, why?", I ask and he smiles.

"Same, wanna show me where it is?", he asks and I just shrug

"Sure, might as well I'm going there anyways.", I tell him he just smiles wider

"Great let's go.", he says pulling me along with him. Oh God does this kid have ADHD or something. I think to myself as he drags me down the hall.