
It's Me: Naruto Fanfriction


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10 Chs

Chapter 6 -Return

As Jason made his way through the bustling streets of Konoha, his transformed appearance did not go unnoticed by his friends and fellow shinobi.

Kakashi and Sakura, in particular, couldn't help but sense a significant change in his aura and presence, prompting them to approach him with curiosity.

Kakashi, with his sharp perception, was the first to notice the difference in Jason's appearance. The change in his outfit, from his usual orange jumpsuit to a sleek black attire, caught Kakashi's attention.

The dark fabric clung to Jason's frame, accentuating his mascular body. Intrigued, Kakashi approached Naruto with a quizzical expression on his face.

"Naruto, is that you?" Takashi asked, his eyes scanning Jason's new attire. "You look different. There's something about you—a sense of strength and resolve that I haven't seen before."

Jason grinned, the glint in his eyes reflecting the transformation within. "Yep, it's me, Kakashi. I'm not the same Naruto you remember. I've grown."

Kakashi's gaze shifted from Naruto's outfit to the subtle changes in his aura. The once carefree and exuberant energy that emanated from Jason had evolved into something more focused and grounded.

Kakashi's visible eye widened as he studied Jason's hair, which had taken on a striking resemblance to Minato's iconic style. The golden locks framed Jason's face, accentuating his features and reminding Kakashi of the legacy Naruto carried within him.

In that moment, Kakashi's mind wandered back to the days when he had trained under Minato's tutelage.

The similarities between the two, not just in appearance but also in their unwavering determination and indomitable spirit, became increasingly apparent to him.

Sakura, who had been observing the exchange from a short distance, approached Jason with a mixture of curiosity and awe. She noticed the way Jason carried himself, his posture straighter and more confident than ever before.

Kakashi's gaze shifted to Sakura, who seemed to be captivated by the changes in Jason's appearance. He couldn't help but notice a slight blush coloring her cheeks and a shy glimmer in her eyes.

The shift in Jason's demeanor and the transformation he had undergone seemed to have piqued her curiosity, leaving her intrigued and perhaps even a little bashful.

"Naruto, what happened during your training?" Sakura asked, her eyes scanning his transformed appearance. "You look so different, both in your outfit and your aura. It's like you've tapped into a whole new level of strength."

As Jason continued his conversation with Sakura and Kakashi, something seemed amiss.

The once vibrant and boisterous Naruto had become unusually distant and reserved. Sakura couldn't help but notice the change in his demeanor, a sense of detachment that left her feeling perplexed and somewhat disheartened.

Whenever Sakura directed a question or comment towards Naruto, his responses were curt and devoid of the usual warmth and enthusiasm. He answered with one-word replies, leaving Sakura with a sense of unease and confusion.

"Sakura," Jason replied, his voice lacking the usual energy, when she asked about his training.

The simplicity of his response was like a cold gust of wind, and Sakura couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment.

She had expected Jason's transformation to bring them closer, to deepen their connection, but instead, it felt as though a wall had been erected between them.

Kakashi, who had been observing the exchange with a concerned expression, couldn't help but voice his observations. "Naruto, you seem different. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about you has changed."

Jason glanced at Kakashi, his eyes guarded and distant. "Time changes people, Kakashi. I've grown, and I have a different perspective now."

Kakashi's brows furrowed, his worry evident in his voice. "I understand that time can transform a person, but it feels as though you've become detached, as if you've closed yourself off from those who care about you."

Jason's response was tinged with an air of indifference. "I have my reasons, Kakashi. There are things I need to focus on, and personal connections can be distractions."

Sakura couldn't help but feel a sense of hurt as she listened to their exchange. The once unbreakable bond they shared seemed to have been frayed, and it left her with a hollow ache in her heart.

She couldn't fathom why Jason had become so cold and distant, why he seemed indifferent to the relationships that had defined their journey.

As they continued their conversation, Sakura found herself growing more withdrawn, unsure of how to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

The transformation she had witnessed in Jason, while awe-inspiring, had inadvertently created a divide that seemed insurmountable.

Kakashi watched as the tension between Naruto and Sakura grew, his worry deepening.

He had always admired his unwavering determination, but this newfound coldness was unfamiliar territory. He couldn't help but wonder if Jason had truly changed or if there was more to the story.

"Naruto, I understand that you have your reasons, but remember that personal connections are what anchor us. They give us strength and purpose," Kakashi said, his voice laced with a hint of sadness.

Jason eyes flickered with a trace of regret, his tone softening slightly. "I know, Kakashi, but I have my path to walk. I can't let personal attachments cloud my judgment or hinder my growth."

Sakura, her voice tinged with vulnerability, spoke up. "Naruto, we've always been there for each other, through thick and thin. Your coldness hurts. Please, help me understand what has changed."

Naruto sighed, his eyes meeting Sakura's. "Sakura, there are things I can't explain or share. Trust me, it's not personal."

Sakura nodded, her gaze filled with a mix of understanding and sadness. She realized that Jason was navigating his own path, one that she couldn't fully comprehend at the moment. As much as it pained her, she resolved to give him the space he needed, hopeful that their bond would endure.

Kakashi, sensing the tension in the air, placed a hand on Jason's shoulder. "Naruto, we may not understand everything you're going through, but remember that you're not alone. We're here for you, no matter what."

Jason looked at his 'friends'. "I appreciate your words, Kakashi, Sakura. Just know that I'm not turning my back on you. I have my reasons, and I hope that one day, you'll understand."

With those words, Jason turned and walked away, leaving Sakura and Kakashi in a state of uncertainty.

They watched him go, their hearts heavy with a mix of confusion and longing, hoping that time and understanding would bridge the divide that had formed between them.

The road ahead was uncertain, and the dynamics between Jason, Sakura, and Kakashi had shifted. Yet, deep down, Sakura clung to the belief that their connection, forged through shared experiences and unwavering support, would endure the tests of time.

She hoped that one day, they would once again stand side by side, united in their shared mission to protect the village and each other.

However, as the conversation unfolded, Sakura couldn't help but notice something different in Naruto's demeanor. It was as if a shift had occurred in their relationship. Naruto seemed distant, his focus on his training and the path that lay ahead.

As the topic of their conversation shifted to Naruto's training, Sakura couldn't help but feel a pang of indifference from Naruto towards her. The once vibrant and boisterous Naruto now appeared more reserved and distant. It was a subtle change, but it left Sakura feeling somewhat unsettled.

Naruto, on the other hand, was engrossed in sharing the details of his training and the techniques he had learned. His focus was solely on his growth as a shinobi, leaving little room for personal connections or the romantic sentiments Sakura may have hoped for.

Takashi, sensing the underlying tension, interjected, attempting to ease the atmosphere. "Naruto, your transformation is truly remarkable. We're all eager to witness the extent of your growth and the impact it will have on the village. But let's not forget the bonds that have carried us this far, the friendships that have defined our journey."

Naruto paused for a moment, his gaze shifting between Sakura and Takashi. He realized the unintentional distance he had created and the importance of acknowledging the relationships that had shaped him. With a hint of remorse in his voice, he spoke up.

"You're right, Takashi. I apologize if my focus on my training has made me seem distant. The truth is, I've been consumed by my desire to grow stronger, to protect the village and the people I care about. But that doesn't mean I value our friendships any less."

Sakura looked at Naruto, her eyes softened with understanding. "Naruto, we've always known you to be driven and determined. It's one of the qualities we admire most about you. Just remember that you're not alone on this journey. We're here to support you every step of the way."

Naruto's expression softened, a mixture of gratitude and relief washing over him. "Thank you, Sakura. Your words mean a lot to me. I'm still figuring out how to balance my personal growth and my connections with others. But know that I cherish our friendship, and I'll always be there for you, just as you've been there for me."

As the conversation drew to a close, a renewed sense of understanding and solidarity enveloped the group. They realized that Naruto's transformation wasn't just about his physical appearance or his newfound power—it was also about navigating the complexities of relationships and maintaining the bonds that had shaped them.

With a shared sense of purpose and a reaffirmed commitment to their friendship, Naruto, Sakura, and Takashi continued their journey together. They knew that the challenges ahead would test their resolve, but with unwavering support and an unbreakable bond, they were ready to face whatever came their way.