Well, love they say is a beautiful thing but at the same time life is not a bed of Roses We don’t get all the beautiful things in life, well maybe half, some are lucky or life is just unfair to some and fair to others. He thought me the real meaning of love, I felt what it was to be loved, it was indeed beautiful I got all the goodies that accompanied love and of course the bad days too He was a true lover boy with a heart of gold, I tolerated his anger issues cause we all have our flaws I mean no one is perfect Yet there’s a limit to what one can tolerate, but like they say when you love someone you always make excuses for them even when they are wrong I used to be huge fan of love stories especially those that ended well, for tragedies I’ll cry so hard that you’ll think there’s another reason behind my tears Well that’s just cause I’m overly emotional and every little thing gets too me Too bad I can’t handle it most times while I claim tough girl other times Most people are of the opinion that love is beautiful while others have had their fair share of heartbreak and strictly believe it’s not In the case of love I think you can only conclude with the experiences you’ve had I was young and naive with no experience at all So you can’t blame me totally We were both at fault and should take full responsibility for our actions I still believe love is beautiful, everyone deserve to be loved What do you believe?
I just turned 18 some months back, I was excited but so inexperienced, I lacked exposure in all aspects you can think of so basically I was really new to the adult thing
As the only daughter of my parents I had so many restrictions although my parents weren't so strict but they insured I and my siblings had the basics we needed
We were content with the not so little we had and most importantly we were happy
It was my third year as a micro biology student in college and I hadn't even gone to a party, not even the one organized by our senior colleagues in school
I didn't have lot of friends and most of them were back home or in different schools
I wasn't so churchy either so let's just say I was just there
I was partially an introvert, I was usually indoors when I'm not in school but I'd admit I liked the few times I was out with friends
Schooling far from home was not so easy for me cause I loved home so much but then "there comes a time" they say and yeah I was in that time
I would return home at the slightest opportunity I get even if it was barely a week break I'd run home and of course my family will support
As a young girl in school I got advances from so many guys both those that were my age bracket and those that were obviously way older than me
Trust me they would do anything just to get into your pants but I've always been strong willed or rather stubborn although in a good way
Guys would come with so many luring words like
I'll take care of you, hell no do I look like I'm suffering? I would think
I'll make your friends envy you, I hated that line the most
I'll give you what ever you want, really as I magician or what I would wonder
The ones that said things like
You are the sugar in my tea, the cockroach in my cupboard really made me sick imagine telling me I'm the cockroach in your cupboard, that was indeed crazy
There were even those that promised to help me buy textbooks like I didn't have my parents training me in school already
At the same time the level of insecurity in my school environment had increased so I had a very good reason to be on my own
I was more focused and consumed with school work than anything else.