
The beginning

He ran as fast as he legs could take him,he had agreed to be the diversion, but now he wasn't really sure he was doing a great job, he looked back at the creatures chasing after him they were three of them and only one of him

"Guys hurry up " he yelled as he tripped and roll on the ground getting up fast enough to dodge a huge jaw of snapping teeth " this is definitely not how I saw myself going !!! " he pushed aside tree branches and jumped over roots he was definitely not going to die a diversion and not the hero , he quickly climbed a tree hugging a branch tightly, the creatures surrounded him moving in circles occasionally jumping to get a bite of him , then he heard a loud bang as fire went flying towards them sending them fleeing, he jumped down

" alright way to go team " he said to the others as they came out of hiding

" we did it " shouted Chelsea hugging him " are you hurt?, hope you didn't get bitten? "

" Am okay " he replied

" something is a bit off with the way they act now " said Luke he was taking notes again

" I thought I was the only one who noticed, it's like they have one mind now " said Jane

" if that's true we are going to have a tough time dealing with them now " Luke stated

" this place is like a murder island " screamed James from behind them, he lay on the ground imagining every possible way they could die

" we have to find a way off this island before naturecorp finds us "