
Chapter 10 Honey trap

"eh?", it was all what Ichiro was able to say and in the meantime Anna was struggling to not laugh because of his face:"*pfff* s-s-sorry Ichiro but what is that face? *pfff * s-s-sorry i can't resist…ahAHHAhHaHAha"; she burst out laughing and continued for several minutes before being able to calm down and talk: "sorry I have never seen anyone make a similar face, well ... since you don't seem to know what I'm talking about let me explain: see adventurers are classified according to their strength and competence, we start from rank F and climb up to the rank SS, but the latter are years that someone does not reach it, the guild has changed the method of entrusting the rank. First they all started from rank F but it was considered unfair given that many ex-soldiers in the last century after the wars had decided to become adventurers, given that they had the experience and training received it was normal that they were more prepared than the rookies; for this reason it was decided that those who registered as adventurers would have to face a test and according to the result he would be assigned the rank, but not beyond B, and generally consists in facing some types of monsters to see if they are in able to deal with different types of situations; no need to worry, the monsters are trained by the guild's monster taimers to stop before inflicting deadly blows".

Ichiro, still maintaining that expression, elaborated Anna's information and, while trying to elaborate a strategy, he said: "so depending on the result we get in the test we can be assigned either to the lowest rank, F, or to the highest one allowed, B? there is only one thing I would like to know: once assigned the rank, how can I go about getting it up? "

"oh it's not easy and it takes a lot of time, normally you should complete at least three missions of a rank higher than yours in less than a month and register them to the guild and once done you will have to do the test again to witness your skills growing ; it is for this reason that many train strenuously before registering, they want to be sure that they have a decent rank to be able to accept profitable quests, "Anna replied.

After a moment she checked around herself, as if to avoid being heard, she leaned over the counter and he whispered to Ichiro: "in truth there would also be another couple of ways, one honest but more dangerous and the other ... well not much: you can try to conquer one of the dungeons close to the city of your own rank, if you can and can show the remains of the boss of the dungeon you will be automatically recognized the increase in rank; the other method .. well .. i'm sure you wouldn't do it but i'll tell you because many nobles in search of fame do it and it's just simply bribe the guild officers to get an increase in rank" and she concluded with an angry face:" you have to be careful with these people because they will always try to deceive you to steal your achievements and unfortunately it is more common than people think.

A lot of groups, known for the vaunted actions, were exposed and each time simply paid a deposit without even paying for the wrong done to those to whom they had stolen the merits "


Having obtained the information he wanted, Ichiro thanked Anna for everything and together with Akeno and Cattleya went to the exit;in the meantime a group of men had spotted his girls and plotted: "look at that woman with the broadsword, that ass and those tits are so huge they just ask to be spanked by a real man ... don't you guys think? " said one of the three

"ahaha, you're right Randalph and even that kind of nun is exceptional, has a fabulous body and a look like a real slut ... I say they are wasted on that toothpick; I say that as fellow adventurers we have to teach them that among companions we must ' to share' " replied one

"I would say that then to organize a nice surprise visit; seeing that they have just registered, it means that they have just arrived and that they will stay at an inn, I will go round my sources and let you know"said the third man


Ichiro and his group had just left the guild and were heading towards the inn, had a big grin on his face, convinced that the bait he had thrown would attract his prey and he would be able to gain abilities and get rid of a little bit of junk: in short, he would have done a 'good deed' and would have earned it.

After arriving at his room, greeted by an always grumpy Bearnard and settled in, he turned to the girls: "Akeno, Cattleya ... I guess you did as I asked"; the two, who had knelt before him, replied in a tone of veneration: "obviously Master!" Akeno exclaimed "as per your instructions, I wore my priestess dress so that it emphasized my body and I threw sensual glances to some groups inside the guild building" and with a satisfied look she turned to Cattleya; the latter, beginning with a defiant look at Akeno, said almost with pride: "and I, my Master, thanks to my decidedly skimpy clothing, I continued to sway my hips and stand out my breasts towards the other groups ".

Ichiro, satisfied with their answers, began to plan the most delicate part of the plan, the honey trap: thanks to the attention that Cattleya and Akeno had attracted to the entrance of the city, he knew that using their charm and their bodies to attract someone else would have been simple; after all, even the adventurers are men, or rather they more than any other are easily taken by delusions of grandeur and become too sure of them ... and who more than a beautiful woman attracts adventurers? especially those that look more like clothing criminals? ... the answer was an adventurer woman.

Ichiro was sure that anyone who wanted to get their hands on Akeno and Cattlerya would act quickly, perhaps this very night, and he had started to set in motion the gears of his plan and explained it to the girls.


It was the middle of the night, the main streets were silent but in the alleys and side streets all kinds of activities were taking place; in the midst of this silent chaos created by smugglers, plots, and other kinds of treacherous actions, a group of three men was silently approaching one of the inn's rooms known as the Green Stallion.

At the head of this group was a man named Randalph, an adventurer of rank D, normally he would not be considered a powerful figure but the real reason he was of low rank was due to his list of crimes he was accused of but not entirely proven: deceiving customers, selling illegal products on the black market and above all working for slave traders, since slavery was forbidden in Aster.

His true abilities were feared even by the most veteran C-rank adventurers and his body showed it: muscular and covered with scars, he showed no fear of any kind of authority, and his high skills as a Martial Artist only made him more ferocious; his companions were no different: Almor, a short, thin man who acted as Rogue, an expert in picking up traps and Sean, the archer of the group, who was able to use both long and short bow depending on what the situation required.

Thanks to Almor's informant, they had immediately located the inn where those two women were staying and they were going to enjoy them until the end but not before having cut the throat of that little boy who was with them; they would have tied him up and forced to watch while raping the two women in front of his eyes then all three of them would have left him in a pool of blood.

Almor, thanks to his Stealth and Silent Foot skills, had already slipped into the inn

from the back door and was breaking the lock; once they opened the door they went in and went to the women's room and once they found it they silently opened it and what they saw caused their blood to run through their legs: one of the two women, the adult and the huge breast, was sleeping practically naked in the bed and, judging by the bulge in the bed, he was sleeping with the boy.

Almor and Sean extracted the daggers and approached to kill the boy holed up under the covers and Randalph approached the woman from behind ... they were ready .. they were excited .. horny ... but while he was preparing to grab the woman a doubt arose in his mind: where was the other woman? Weren't they in the same room?.

While his mind was distracted by his doubts, the other two sank their daggers on the boy ... but they didn't hear any answer ... a moan of blood came out; it was then that they heard a voice: "apparently Akeno was right, they entered from the back of the inn."

As soon as they turned around, they couldn't figure out how they were hit: a powerful light and an intense electric discharge went through their bodies causing Almor and Sean to immediately lose consciousness; Randalph thanks to his body and to the martial skill Guscio di Giada, a skill that only martial artists could use, had succeeded in reducing the damage but he had not come out unscathed and in the moment in which he tried to counter-attack a big sword he pierced him arm impaling him on the wall, while a second smaller blade pierced him in the stomach. The moment he tried to scream, a hand in front of his mouth prevented him from doing so; as soon as Randalh could see who he belonged to he was shocked: it belonged to the boy ... but how? how did he hide or avoid the blades of his companions? this his mind screamed.


Ichiro looked into the man's eyes with a cruel grin, satisfied with the result of his plan: the archer and the thief were almost certainly dead but he didn't care about them, what mattered was the man who had his arm impaled by Cattleya's sword and the stomach pierced by his; had spotted him since he entered the guild building and above all his abilities:

-Name: Randalph Oxur

-Class: Martial Artist

-Alignment: Evil

-Skill: Martial arts (lvl 9), bare-fist fighting (lvl 7), light armor mastery (lvl 4), dash (lvl 5)

-Avaible attempts to steal abilities: 6

-Secret: he was degraded from rank C to rank D and suspended by the guild for two years without being able to accept these because of the crimes of which he had been found guilty, and the reason why he did not go to prison is because the proven ones were considered minor

What most interested Ichiro was the martial arts, bare-fist fighting and dash skills; he wanted to accumulate as many skills as possible, especially at high level, so that he had more aces in his hand in an emergency.

Ichiro approached the man's ear and whispered: "" you know ... I understand you ... I know why you wanted to do it, after all Cattleya has an incredible body and her skimpy clothes don't help and Akeno..bhe she is Akeno. .. has an incredibly provocative look and a perfect body ... so it's not that I'm angry with you; after all I knew you would come to have a 'taste' .. well it went wrong, but don't worry tonight after I fuck them I will make sure that neither you nor your friends will be found... oh one last thing .. no one in the inn has heard anything, since I had asked Akeno to put barriers outside the room so nobody knows what happened here..so ... goodbye ".

A few days later the bodies of a group of adventurers led by Randalph the Violent Monk would have been found in a sewer on the outskirts of the city, but no one could discover the person responsible; in the meantime a boy accompanied by two beautiful women went to the guild office for the classification exam.

Here i come! sorry for being late but easter holidays were important for me to rest.

So Ichiro will become an adventure as tipical flag? yes.. but no...

Being an adventurer will help him in his journey... in the next chapters, after he will gain enough Sin Energy, new Heroines will add.

Anonimous22creators' thoughts
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