
Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

"Whaa--- I can order Mcdonalds in isekai ?!! With this i can still eat junkfood without problem in the middle of the jungle mwahahahahah! what is dry meat ?! i dont need it !!" Alex the only one otherworlder begin his journey in sword and magic world with hamburger in his hands. . . . patreon.com/wintermist You can see the Illustration on my Patreon (It's new) the character illust and everything will be uploaded there (now its just a world map as well as continent map there XD)

wintermist1994 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
191 Chs

The Unforgettable 10 Minutes

------3rd Person POV-----



Baaang!! bang! Bang!



The sound of sword clashing and magic explosion resounded in this chaotic battlefield. the intense sound of the battle between what was considered a pinnacle powerhouse in the sky brought some tremor throughout the chaotic battlefield as the dark cloud and thunderstorm ragging madly above the two classing individuals! From time to time, a clap of thunder in the size of a fist could be seen striking around them madly!

The Grandmaster level Alex Vs Martial Emperor level Li Gang! 

The Western Continent power system Vs Eastern Continent power system!

The battle between them shaking the heaven and tremble the earth as the mortal shivering, witnessing its greatness!

Not far from them, the adventurers, Arkhaim town guards, and the Silver Wolf still vigorously fighting with the monster horde lead by some of the Green Ogres.