1 Enter Larsen

(This is a Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)

A blonde haired boy was sprinting as tears fell down his face, there was a cut running down the left side of his face, through the blood you could see the bone. Many would have thought he was crying from the pain but he didn't care about that, demons called Harpies had attacked him and his Mother, he tried to help his mother to defend herself but it only ended in her dying, her death sent shockwaves down his spine, he was only 10 and he saw first had his Mother being ripped apart by these creatures. The tears began and thunder clouds rose as his cries bellowed throughout the area, lightning flew done blasting every monster into pieces, he fell unconscious.

They were just going camping, just him and his Mum, they loved it, during this time she'd train him how to fight, he didn't think he'd ever need to use it, he thought it was just a fun activity. Oh how wrong he was. His mother had been training him in ways he didn't understand, training how to survive, how to be a warrior, she knew he needed it, that Isak would need to know how to fight, that being because he was a Demigod, a very powerful Demigod being the grandson of a Norse God and son of a Roman God, she already knew this much power came with a sacrifice, she knew all about Gods and Demigods, she was one herself, a child of Thor, she knew how dangerous her life was.

Isak's Mum, Nora, saved his life on several occasions when monsters attacked, her skills that she had taught him and so much more but in the end she died protecting him, she prayed to her father in her final moments for one thing alone, keep her only child, her only son safe.

In her final moments, Nora failed to stop harm going to her son as one Harpy slashed at his face leaving a huge gash, Nora sent lightning at that one Harpy not seeing another behind her that stabbed her through her heart, as she fell she spoke her prayer and thunder clouds rose blasting pure lightning at the Harpies and Isak fell unconscious with tears down his face.

Isak awoke 4 hours later, all alone, his Mother's body still laid there, rain had begun to pour and the Harpies ashes disappeared in the rain, tears rolled down his face as he held his Mother's body, he cried for what felt like hours but was most likely only a couple minutes, after he just ran, he didn't know why, he just felt he had to, he couldn't stand looking at the corpse of his mum for a second longer.

He ran for 3 hours, his body was drenched in sweat, tears and the blood of his face. He stopped running finally, he just fell again not seeing the wolf staring at him, not that he would care if he did see it, he didn't care, he lost the one person who mattered to him and he would never forgive himself.

When he woke up again he found himself in a broken building with a pack of wolves around him, he was scared of course but something in him told him to chill the hell out, he stared at the wolf thinking he knew who She? He? It? They? Isak didn't and couldn't remember at that moment.

"Hello Demigod," The wolf speaks in a humanoid voice "Who are you?" She semi-glared at Isak.

"I-I am Isak," He awnsers with fear in his tone as well as the sound of sadness "Isak Larsen" he waits her reply but she doesn't say anything, all she does is turn around and leave, once outside the broken building she calls.

"Come here Isak if you want to learn how to survive."

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