
Chapter 1, part 2

I stared at the boy with boldness, u didn't care if he caught me... I lied. He looked at me and smiled but then realized I was staring and we both blushed but I turned away. That was great... After a while, the bell rang, leaving quickly before anyone came out, I got up and walked out. Although this time, the boy walked out as well. He ran up to me and put his arm around my shoulder, but was then removed when my friend came up, Lucas. Lucas has liked me for a while but put our friendship first. He never says anything or does anything to make me uncomfortable. We've made boundaries and kept them until I'm ready to break them. It's only been a week since he told me but he likes to act like he didn't say anything, yet I enjoy that." Who's he? You're together?" Lucas began questioning about us." Ummm, no we just met today... Kinda anyway." I said with a small smirk." Oh, then why is his arm around your shoulder. You should learn how to talk and act around women, especially my little baby girl right here." He said, his voice filled with warning and yet the ending sounded joke full. Lucas took my books and held them high, being I had only a large notebook, a folder, and a phone in my pouch with a few pencils, I only wanted my phone. I began jumping up and laughing, trying to grab my items. The boy walked over to Lucas, being about and inch taller than him, he grabbed my things and held the for me. I looked at Lucas and I'm pretty sure he was irritated but held most of it back." Well I'm gonna go back to my locker. I have another class called detention. See ya Naomi!"He called, walking away." So your name is Naomi? Did I say that right?" The boy asked. I nodded and kept walking to the lockers, opening mine as the boy did as well. " Who is that kid anyway, he seems to like you. Are you two like in a 'friends with benefits' thing or something?" He began hitting me with personal questions." 1. Eww, no. 2. He likes me, that's all. And 3. His name is Lucas and he's a friend. We met at a game during my cheerleading practice." I looked over towards him, seeing if he was paying attention any. He had his things in his hands, faces me while glaring into my soul. I realized I was staring a bit much and closed my locker and began walking. Down the hall, the boy began following me." Y'know, it's really irritating me at the fact that you don't want to tell me your name? I mean really I just wanna know..." I then got a text, and realized that he was in his phone, I checked the message, it said , "hey, didn't I tell you to check your phone earlier?" I then checked the name on the screen, in which read Leo(Leonardo).... Of course,I should've known he was Mexican, I mean Mexicans are freaking hot.... hehe... he looked down at my and smiled, god that smile. I began blushing and continued to walk forward, as Leo followed along. I was going to my house but decided that he didn't need to know where I lived, so instead, I went to the beach park we have near downtown. I know, I don't know him, and if I didn't want him to know where I lived I could've done anything else to scurry away, but when we got there, I saw some friends. I felt relieved to see that they noticed me, but quickly tensed when Leo looked at me... ehhhh, we can leave so his glare didn't kill me right? I hope so...