I wanted to be with my parent, my loving sibling, enjoying our wonderful life. But someone decided to kill them all, it doesn't matter who you are, I will kill you, you awoke me from my dream, so I will be the nightmare of this world. You claim you wish for peach and your action was the peaceful solution and future, I disagree. A Man wish for peace and power, you became pawn for someone's power struggle, hoping for your peace, you destroyed mine. Don't blame yourself, because in this twisted world it was a mater of time before I had woken up, after all this world has "Warrior or Victim and nothing in between exist."
Where am I?
No…. The correct question will be who am I?
Am I dead or alive? But who am I? Why can't I remember anything concerning my identity?
Wait do not panic!!! First think about what I know.
I can't remember anything concerning my life, who or what I was.
2nd it seems I have basic understanding of my world before like which species I was, for example according to the information I was a 'human' with 5 basic senses and the alpha animal of their planet.
I know what my species is, what God is, what reincarnation isss...
Wait am I currently in the process of reincarnation...….. No no too many holes in this hypothesis. The main possibility is I hit my head or had an accident and am in a coma. This would explain my loss of memories and the total darkness with no sensation of my limbs or body.
So I am in a coma, now that a problem as from what I know it can take from 30 minutes to your whole lifetime to get out of coma completely depending on luck.
So I can only wait, praying to god or whatever entity that I regain conscious faster.
I don't know how long time has passed since I was in this state but I can finally feel my body.
In the total darkness with no sense or sound, it takes no more than a few hours to mess up your natural clock.
As time passed, I don't know how many minutes, hours, day or even months had passed but something happened.
It began yesterday; I slowly started to feel my body. While the sensation is small and it takes all my energy to move it even a centimeter but at least this will tell the people looking after me (I hope they are if I am in a coma) that I am conscious and may help me get out of this darkness/Coma faster.
As the time passes, my senses of my body are coming back. I can feel my body and limbs as I move them.
There seems to be problem with my 5 senses as I can't feels anything through it still it, still considering I can move my limbs a bit better than yesterday it is already a massive improvement.
For the rest of my time, I try to move my body as much as I can, trying move my body.
I wonder when I will be conscious, still due to not much progress and feeling no contact from outside source I am starting to doubt my hypothesis of me being in coma.
Still without more information I can't find any reason to question my current hypothesis.
Still my day stated to pass as I tried to control as much as my body as I could, moving it so the people outside will increase my chance of getting out of this darkness.
Today is different from the rest of the day as I can feel the wall/barrier constantly moving. Sometime it is expanding and deflating like a balloon.
My progress in moving my body has grown massively in the recent time. I can feel that I will be out of this place soon. And most interesting thing is that it seems I am inside a barrier or round cover.
I don't know for sure but I think my body is quite small from my previous experience. I don't remember my past identity or any answer to my previous size but from the memories, this body's limbs seems smaller compared to what my body was used to.
I have taken/tried to punch kicks and tackle this wall which seems to have movement any time I did this but stabilize in a few seconds.
Today it same as the past or what I hoped but the wall/barrier started to constrict my movement and around my head, I felt a pull.
While I don't know what would happen, if it gave me the chance to leave this damn place then I will welcome it no matter what.
With new focus I tried to move my body towards the pull which was painful and uncomfortable but when my head reaches out someone or something pull me out and with it I was finally able to see the light.
And in my blurry view I can see total of 5 giants, 1 in bed with 2 other giants attending it, and the other two giant's one carrying me and other running around the place.
For the next few minutes looking around me my head felt as if someone shot me or hit me with a sledge hammer.
I was not in coma nor was I crazy; I was reincarnated (If you can call it that) and was a baby.
The place I was for the last few years (I felt it was more that 10 years, I don't know how much time has passed) was my mother womb, and the barrier I punched and kicked was actually her stomach. Now I feel bad as it must have hurt quite a lot.
Still I can't believe what is happening, am I in shock, as I am too calm in such a mussed of situation. Maybe a shock or Hallucination due to my desire to leave that place, and I will wake up in total darkness.
After two hours I am currently in my giant mother's arm drinking her breast milk, accepting my current position.
As the wise men once said "No matter how impossible the situation seems once you take out all the possible outcome the end result no matter how impossible is the truth." This is true if I think about it, Darkness, Loss of Limbs and senses and slowly gaining them and finally the barrier and the cord in my stomach and lastly birth.
It all coordination with my knowledge of what a child development and birth is.
Still no use thinking about it, if it is false I will wake up in the dark, if it is true the well it seems that Reincarnation is real.
??? Pov
Looking at my wife in pain is never a good experience for anyone. My wife already pregnant and this is our second child but I don't think she will suffer so much.
Our first child was an angel compared to our current situation; he was quite and knowledgeable and always exceeded our expectation on him. I don't remember her having so many problems when he was in her stomach, but my 2nd child seems to be quite a trouble maker.
Since 3rd months, my wife said she felt his movement which was scary and unbelievable as the child can't move their limbs before 5 months of age and the movement can be felt only in around 6 months. This resulted in us going to a medic who assured us the child was healthy and was stronger and more developed that a normal child, but still recommended us to check every week as there can be some complications.
Pulling the nurse to the side her words were "Respected Sir, the child is twice as big as it should be which is a good news in some case as I can't find any problems with its body, but due to such cases are rare and most of them result in miscarriage or deformity, I recommend you bring her every week to check on the child development."
The 4th months there were movements in her stomach, even we could see the movement of baby inside her stomach, and still the medic diagnosed results was normal if we ignore the child abnormal growth and that the child was growing faster than normal but there are no major problems.
The problem started on 5th months the child started kicking and punching her stomach and you can see his (It's a boy according to the doctor) fist or leg in her stomach.
On the 6th months the punch and kicks became daily thing, it was funny at first but as the he grew so did his power and the damage increased alongside it. If it was outside, there would not be any problem but it is inside her, and the internal body lack proper defense and I am scared it will cause problems.
On 7th month my wife was in hospital, and if there weren't doctor who used Medical ******** to help heal the problem she might have died. I don't doubt that she would have died if she was a normal person, thank god she was a *****.
The doctor words were "Sir, I hope you can give us permission to for pre-mature Delivery as the way it is progressing there is a high chance of her or the child death, as he seems to be fighting to get out. Its almost as if he is feeling trapped as wish to get out, but this has damaged many of her tissue. Even with our doctor healing her it will take a huge toll in her body."
With a heavy expression on his face the person who was probably the husband of the wife inside said "I also wish for a pre-mature Delivery but she wish for the child to get out on his time naturally and don wish for any other intervention. She is after all a J**** and she believes that she can take a knife to a gut and smile, forget about her child kicking her."
Still as the 8th Month, I decided that she will give birth to this child pre-maturely with or without her consent.
The Doctor word already solidify his decision "Sir as much as I respect her decision, if the child stayed in her for a natural 9 months, than with the child growing speed, there is a near 100% chance of you losing your wife or even possibly your son even with the best Medic we have. I really respect her decision but if it was a normal person then they would have already died and as the intensity of the baby or so called little monster movement increases her surviving chance will decreases."
So the operation occurred with the best medic of the hospital with the threat of death if something happened to any of them, and my wife gave birth to our second child on the same day as his 1st brother 5th Birthday on June 9th.
For my other novel i can only say sorry for the false promise.
Well I was bored, and the real world caught up, going to study, learning etc took most of my energy and i just wished to sleep in the bed when i arrived home.
I own a computer, Tablet and a Mobile. So i only write in computer, and most of my work/ research can be done of tablet so i don't use computer too much.
Well you get the picture, I am doing it for my hobby and doing something you feel bored isn't a hobby.