
Is it wrong to not having god blessing in dungeon? (Danmachi fanfic)

A boy suddenly awake in the forest running from monsters he meet wandering spirit which save him by giving spirit blessing. At that moment he regain his past life memories along with skills Get creative and LP conversion from hidden dungeon only I can enter. * I don't own danmachi or any other works mentioned in this fanfic. * i dont own this picture. * this story will start by exploring the outside of Orario first and then later he go to Orario

ExtraordinaryMe · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Revival of Determination

Noctis had trained relentlessly for a week and a half. His mornings started before the sun had even begun to rise, and his days were filled with grueling exercises, endurance training along with basic swings of his swords. He pushed himself to the limits, sweat pouring down his brow, and his muscles aching with each movement.

But as the days turned into nights, doubt began to creep into his mind. He questioned his own capabilities, his inner dialogue becoming a relentless adversary.

"Can I really become stronger?" he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I used to be lazy and unfit in my previous life. Am I just fooling myself?"

The pain in his body was relentless, not just in his muscles but deep within his organs. Every movement sent waves of agony through him, and even the most regular tasks had become painful.

"I can't keep this up," he muttered, his face contorted in anguish. "I'm not cut out for this kind of training."

Even the thoughts of having a harem or living a life full of wealth and fame no longer drove him like before viewing it as no more than a vivid dream.

After all, this is a reality not some Isekai story where the main character adapts to the new world like nothing capable of leaving all negative modern man habits, conflicts, and hardship behind them and achieving greatness and a happy life.

In reality, you have to work hard in order to change yourself it isn't easy to abandon comfort and go the hard way, determination to change always runs out at some point and you just return to the comfort Zone.

Because of that most people don't achieve the greatness they are not Millionaires, Celebrities, or leading figures in their profession or anything else they want to be successful in.

Noctis was on the verge of giving up, of resigning himself to a life of comfort and mediocrity. He even bought a healing potion to alleviate the pain in his body, and he began to slip back into his old habits, living like a NEET.

As he trudged home, his steps heavy with the weight of his decision, he heard the joyful voices of children nearby. Three kids, no older than ten or eleven, were sitting under a tree, animatedly discussing their dreams.

"I'm going to be the greatest adventurer ever!" exclaimed a boy with messy brown hair and bright, sparkling eyes.

His friend, a girl with a determined expression, chimed in, "And I'm going to rescue a princess from a dragon! Just like in the stories!"

The third child, a quieter boy with glasses, nodded enthusiastically. "I want to learn magic and become a famous wizard."

The words of those children stirred something deep within Noctis. He remembered how, in his previous life, he had watched anime and read manga. He had always yearned to be like the protagonists in those stories, to have the chance to go on adventures in fantastical worlds.

"I used to wish for that," he whispered to himself, his heart aching with regret. "I used to dream of a world like that, where I could change my life for the better."

A spark of hope ignited within him once more, dispelling the darkness of doubt that had clouded his mind. He remembered the gift he had received from the spirit, the Get Creative ability that could shape his destiny.

But for those who are successful, there are always 2 things they do differently from the rest of the people by

First Remembering the goal in their mind and bending their will so they wouldn't return to their comfort zone.

Secondly, they know how to achieve their goal effectively and precisely down to the smallest detail.

Noctis decided to use the LP he had collected over the weeks, feeling a sense of accomplishment from his past training, to create a new skill. He named it "Auto Training," a passive skill that would optimally and automatically train his body to its full potential.

The moment he activated the skill, his life changed once again. No longer could he give up, for the skill bound his consciousness to the training. It forced him to be present, to push through the pain and discomfort.

It optimized his body's response to exercise and even helped him arrange an optimal diet to fuel his trained body.

As he embarked on his training once more, Noctis felt a renewed sense of purpose.

Noctis stood amidst his training grounds, his body drenched in sweat, and his muscles quivering from the day's exertions. His breath came in ragged gasps, and every inch of his body ached. But he refused to yield.

"It's only been a day, but I can feel the difference. The pain is a reminder that I'm pushing my limits. I won't give in to doubt."

After 15 Days of Training

Fifteen days had passed, and Noctis's body had undergone a remarkable transformation. His muscles were defined, his stamina increased, and his movements more fluid. The pain that had once been unbearable was now a familiar Sension.

"Fifteen days... I've come so far. The pain isn't unbearable now, the skill pushing me further and stronger both physically and mentality, there is no wall I can't overcome"

After 30 Days of Training

A month had gone by, and Noctis was a different person. Thanks to the optimal training along with spirit blessing accelerated growth effect the changes are rather dramatic.

His physique was awe-inspiring, his endurance surpassed the best athletics from his previous world, and his mental fortitude became incredibly strong.

The unbearable pain was a distant memory, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and determination.

"Thirty days... I've pushed through every barrier. The pain is a testament to my strength. Now all there is left to the limits"

The pain was still there, but it became a reminder of his dedication and progress. With each passing day, he grew stronger, faster, and more resilient. His body was transforming, and so was his mindset.

He ran toward his goal of becoming stronger, the spark of hope that had been rekindled within him now a blazing fire. Noctis knew that he was on the right path, and this time, he was determined not to waver. His journey in the danmachi was far from over, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.