
Is it wrong to be a Pokehero in a dungeon?

Alternate Title: PokeHero:(A tale of a backline mage who wants to be a manly swordman) Jonathan Inferna a man known by many names. The second coming of Salamander by spirits ,Sage of the forgotten age by humans ,Arsonist supreme by the elves. But to him he was just a withered old man long past his time. What happened to the young boy who's soul burn brighter than the sun itself, what happened to that optimistic lad who never gave up even when the world was against them .What has happen to make that boy oh so long ago turn to this. A sad and lonely Wizard hiding from his past and society He was content with this life. Until everything changed when she came into his life. She forced herself into his life by making him take her as a disciple and then forced herself into his heart. Like a raging bull of optimism and positivity she decimated the wall he made in his heart and forced him to realize that life is more than just self pity. Everything changed after her, he joined the hero's party in hopes to finish a dream he long gave up on. He must have not been heroic enough because his story was cut short with no happy ending. But now he's given another chance, in a world where God's walk among us, a world where monsters spew from the earth fangs waiting for a moment of weakness to devour all that come before them. This world was many things: A world where he doesn't have to be a mage anymore was, a world where he could finally be a Hero and have his own happy ending a world where he can live with no regrets. Follow Jonathan now Ike on his journey to find out what being a hero truly means with the last semblance of her legacy.

All_Mighty_Reader · Cómic
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Is it wrong to have a training episode:(Chapter 005)

"Where's Naaza" I asked as Miach left the room with me rereading my status board

"Naaza is currently mixing potions in the back"

"Yo Naaza" I called out opening the door to the potion room

"Surprised you came back, thought you went and got yourself killed in some ditch somewhere," She said with venom in her voice without even taking her eyes off the batch of potions she was making

"Wishing for my downfall already" I gasped in false shock and hurt at her words

"I'm wishing for no one downfall just being realistic" She answered calmly

"Well I guess you are a bit more delusional than you thought cause here I am without a scratch on me" I answered somewhat proudly

"You sure about that" She moved her eyes away from her work to give me a raised eyebrow

"Beyond sure" I answered with a toothy grin

She finished pouring the potions into separate beakers before rushing to me at a blinding speed that my eyes could not follow

"Mmm no visible scaring or wounds," She said analytically hands sliding down my bare chest

"When did you get here," I asked still trying to process her raw speed

"Shhhh" She pressed her fingers on my lips to silence

"But your skin feels uneven here" She spoke calmly as he fingers reached the healed wound on my left arm

"Almost as if additional tissue was added before the dead skin cells naturally fell off." She said matter of factly before gripping down my arm

"Give your potions" She ordered with a no-nonsense tone.

"No scratches huh?" She looked at me coldly

"I mean that was healed by the time I was out of the dungeon so my statement holds" I quickly defended

"Don't get yourself killed, not admitting to being injured doesn't make you manly it only makes you an idiot" She said eyes softening just a bit but still baring deep into my body

" Miach would be sad if you went and got yourself killed" she continued before walking back to the mixing table

"If you think it hasn't been that long since he met you, Miach is just different when it comes to his kindness" She answered seeing the confusion on my face

He cares about me huh? It might be me or just a natural Miach thing but these past few days the number of times I thought about making a Miach cult is more than I would like to admit. Miach is truly the best God, I shall devote my entire life to Miach. Paise Miach praises Miach.

"And I would be sad to lose my favorite Slav...I mean helper around the shop" She added

"You were about to say slave just now" It was my turn to look at her confusingly

"What are you talking about? You might need to get your head out of the gutter filled with those hero fantasies of yours" She answered with a smirk on her face

"They're not fantasy, they'll be a reality just watch me"

"Sure sure and I'll be Miss Orario" She lazily waved me off


I closed the door behind me and sat down on the edge of my bed. Clover took the chance to plop herself on my lap which has become her only unofficial chair.

I took out Pidgy's Pokeball and released him. His once-organized feathers were in disarray, both goblin and his blood sullied his feathers but the wounds have mostly closed up.

"How you holding up buddy," I asked while lifting him into my arms

"Pidgey pid pid" Pidgey chirped less enthusiastically than normally. I don't exactly speak Pidgey but I could grasp a little bit of what he meant through his body language

"Good to hear that you are doing well. You did great today don't get yourself down we'll get stronger so it doesn't happen again" I reassured him

He still looked under the weather

"How about we do some training so we can do better tomorrow?"I asked as I stroked his feathers with a cloth trying to get the blood out of them.

"Does that sound good to you?" I asked getting no response the first time

He gave a resolute chirp which I think meant yes.

"Good let's go in an hour, you two play for now or whatever you want to do," I said to Pidgey and Clover before throwing them out of the room and closing the door on both of them. Clover would not get out of my lap if I asked and Pidgey needs flying lessons anyway. this could classify as his first one.

I took one of the multiple books I pulled out of my Iventotyand sat on the bed, legs crossed ready for meditation.

I read the title of the book and didn't know if I should feel offended or not.

Ki Basics that even mages can understand

Life force energy or Ki if you're from the east. Ki is an energy inherent to every living being. Ki is the energy within every fiber of your body, while everybody has ki not everyone has their ki 'turned on' most leave ki in its passive state where it's just used as fuel to run your body

Ki is the energy of the body while Mana is the energy of the mind. Warriors, knights, and Archers typically use Ki while priests and mages used mana. The two groups butt heads over which energy is superior from the very beginning of time

It's not impossible to use both energy magic swordsmen and other such dual energy wielders are fearsome on the battlefield, it's more like it's impractical for the average person. Because pursuing both paths to equal efficacy requires time and talent that most don't have. In the time it would take the average man to learn 4th circle spells the average person would only be learning 2nd circle spells if they followed the path of dual wielding.

Activating your ki has many benefits, first an increase in your energy, your muscles become more compressed letting you superfast your physical limits easier, and muscle growth is enhanced. And at higher levels of Ki control, you can create an aura around you protecting you from attacks and enhancing your weapon's power by coating it in.

Unlike magic you don't have to be smart per se to use Ki, no mental calculations need to be made in split seconds, and no formulas or chants to remember. Ki can be increased by putting your body to its very limits just like you can increase your mana by expanding your mind

There is one major that is taught no matter which school you decide to learn ki control methods from and that one rule should never be broken unless you have a death wish

Never use all your Ki because, unlike its counterpart Mana when you fully run out you don't just go unconscious or feel light-headed. it's worse way worse

If all your Ki is used up, your heart will stop beating, your lungs will stop contracting, and your blood will stop cold. It's not a very pretty experience I've heard.

.Bringing your Ki to zero is an almost guaranteed death sentence so it should never be done unless there is no other choice because you'll need fate itself to even think about walking away from that

I focus on activating my Ki. After half an hour of trying to jump-start Ki circulation, I finally got it. My body instantly felt more energized as Ki began to flow through my veins and arteries helping transmit oxygen to my cells.

This process would normally take a novice a day or two to jumpstart with the help of a talented master but I'm simply building differently. Jump starting Ki is similar to using magic and using magic Gods knows how many times helped a lot.

I didn't have to search much for Clover when I was done. She was floating right outside of my door and I thought about how aggressively she was vibrating. I had to look around for Pidgey while Clover smacked me with her sheath in anger. Because it was ungentlemanly to throw a maiden out the door as I did.

Hey her Vibrations, not mine, I think it's perfectly acceptable to throw girls out of rooms if they are being annoyed. But I think I made her even madder when I pointed out the fact she's a sword and not a fair maiden.

I was gifted several harder smacks for my lovely comment. But who am I to complain, I get free endurance points and Clover gets practice being a baseball bat.

"Pidgey where are you" I called out before knocking on the door to the backrooms where Naaza and Miach create potions

"Naaza have you seen Pid.."

"Who's a good boy, you are you're the best boy" I don't know what I walked into, I feared I might have started daydreaming again. The scene before me was too incomprehensible. The cold and stoic Naaza was rubbing suffocating Pidgey between her breast with a large grin on her face.

"This isn't what it looks like" Her smile turned cold as she pulled Pidgey out of her chest at blinding speed and tossed the bird at me

"There you are" I caught the flightless flying bird in my hand and pat his head

"Why are you acting like a wife who's been caught in bed with the milkman by her husband," I asked with an eyebrow raised at her

"Please keep your delusions to yourself, this world doesn't need them" She shot back coldly

"It's a reality not delusions and last time I checked the definition of delusional is those who deny reality" I gave her a blank stare

"Just leave" She threw a quill at me which missed

"No words huh?guess I won" I smirked at my victory which only annoyed her even more I think.

"Bye-bye for now Naaza, me and this ninja have training" I waved goodbye as I placed Pidgey on my shoulder and

"Where you off to"

"I'm off to the walls" I answered closing the door behind me and walking towards the walls.

So I realized I don't know where the walls are and Clover may be the best map in existence but she can't lead me somewhere she hasn't been.

I even asked some Gods and Goddesses on the way to give me directions but that didn't do much for me. I was still very lost and the sun was setting and I have yet to do a singular push-up. what would that cape baldy think of me now?

While Gods can make miracles and fix all our mortal plights they exist one thing that even they can't fix. I refuse to believe my sense of direction is one of them. It's curable I promise


The sun went down an hour ago and I was finally at the walls

It's training time

I wanted to focus this training session on a few things: Helping Clover and Pidgey shorten the time it takes to use their moves, increasing both my and Pidgey's strength and stamina, and getting more comfortable with a sword and just fighting in general. And maybe if we have time we can try to learn some new moves

Pidgy currently only knew three moves currently: Tackle, brave bird, and sand attack.

Brave bird was strong very strong. Seeing the tiny body of pidgy decimate a medium size rock at blinding speeds got me off guard it couldn't be used in combat.

One is that after brave bird Pidgy's leg was twisted its beak had cracks running down it and it could barely move a muscle. The extreme speeds and energy needed to use brave bird were more than his body could handle

Also, Pidgy had to stand still for 10 minutes to charge up enough to use it.10 minutes is centuries in the heat of battle

Sand attack had a 50% chance of working properly and the other 50% Pidgy would just end up looking stupid standing there menacingly. Also impractical because it took a minute or two to gather enough energy in its talons to summon and throw sand.

Tackle ended up being the only viable move but even that was still slow. Pidgy had to spend 5-7 seconds for one tackle and he was defenseless the entire time he charged up. So lowing that to 1-2 would be great

I will be focusing more on physical attacks until he gets better at handling different energy types. Physical attacks seemed easier to learn than special attacks of the same strength.

"Ok pidgy and Clover it's training time". I tried to hype everyone up for the upcoming training session because I can tell that I and Clover needed it. Both want to be in bed this late.

"I and pidgy will be running on the wall until we either collapse or finish an entire rotation".Running around the entire perimeter of the Orario's wall would be impossible in our current state, but aim for the stars, and you'll end up in the sun. I think that's how the saying May always tell me went.

Pidgy was a glass cannon. Strongish attacks but lacked agility and endurance. This training was meant to increase his endurance and his on-ground mobility to dodge attacks easier because his wing muscles don't seem developed enough for flight

Slowly hopping from one place to another slowly was adorable but not very practical in combat. By the end of the month, I will turn him into a very manly bird just wait for Pidgey

"Clover you will be using the tackle to run with us, no floating you hear me" Clover stopped levitating and let gravity take hold of her before she started glowing.

I could tell she didn't like not levitating but she still followed my instructions to the letter. I'm so proud of her, that's my sword. Go I believe in you.

I sprinted off into the distance as pidgy hopped behind me while Clover charged up a tackle on the ground and flung herself trying to catch up with her master each tackle taking a bit less time to charge than the last

~ Hour later

I, Clover, and Pidgy lay on the ground each of us gasping for air ll unable to move a single muscle in our bodies.

My legs and lungs felt as if they were on fire. The cool early morning breeze felt like heaven in my lungs and on my legs.

"Falna and Ki are just wow," I said in wonder as I already felt the Ki ruining my body already reshaping Muscle tissue in my legs at a noticeably faster rate than normal.

Ki was nothing compared to Pokemon biology apparently. Pidgy and Clover were up and over the moon in half the time it took me to become active again.

Now it's time for the rest of my training routine.100 sits,100 squats 100 push-ups and 100 burpees, and finally 1000 thousand sword swings.

Time to make a cape baldy proud. I doubt that this training routine can truly help me achieve Godhood as he did but you never know so why not try it?

Does it work? Good now I'm a God.

It doesn't? I can just change to a better routine.

My legs still burned so I wasn't excited about those squats or burpees but no pain no gain am I right?

And that was how another two hours passed quickly with me doing my routine and Pidgey and Clover doing theirs by trying to decrease their moves cast time.

"978.979…980" My muscles burned as I swung Clover, again and again, each swing was followed by dim green light. My arms felt like iron, sweat dripping down my face and down my chest.

Pidgy was beside me gathering white energy into his beak. Pidgy's beak would shine brightly for an instant before the energy coating shattered revealing his pink-colored beak to the world once again

"995..996..997…998..999".My entire body hurt and my vision was becoming clouded by the sweat dripping down my forehead, I think my hair was all sweaty and messed up now.

"1000".I called out with a shout of victory as my legs gave out and my grip loosened, He fell onto the sweet embrace of the cold stone floor

Clover floated over to her sheath and quickly and effortlessly inserted herself into it before floating over to my heart and began making herself comfortable.

She and I continued looking at Pidgy practicing peck but failing. The energy was too thin and spread out so he couldn't hold the form before it just dispersed

" Pidgy try to focus the energy at the end of your beak before covering your entire beak with it".I suggested

He once again started to form white energy on his beak but instead of covering his entire beak, he focused on a singular point.

Pidgey's beak glowed brighter and brighter as he stood still. No longer did the white coating shatter, the coating held strong for 5 before the light began to dim.

"Good job now come here let's rest a bit before heading back home" I congratulated him as he sat by my side. I would pat his head but my arms feel like blocks of lead were placed on them.

30 minutes later everyone was ready to leave for home I recalled Pidgey back into his Pokeball and had Clover lead me home. I was too tired to get lost this late at night. I wanted to sleep and nothing would stop me from achieving that goal.

When I got home I washed off the sweat and grime from my body and washed my dirty shirt and pants and placed them in the heater to dry them for the morning.

Miach and Naaza were long asleep so I didn't have to worry about the usual scolding from my favorite angry doggy.

When I got into my room I was already ready to collapse I called out to Pidgey on the bed and dropped face first into my pillow beyond down with today. Clover did Clover things.

Finally I fell asleep

Thanks for reading

If you saw any errors please alert me and I will try to change them.

Any advice on how I could improve is great.

The release schedule should be 2-3 chapters of 3,000+ per chapter a week.Do you guys like these longish chapters or should I switch over to the normal 1,000 words chapters that most do around here.

Also Airmid is best girl and I'm starting to run out of Danmachi fanfiction to read please send help.It doesn't even need to be all based in the danmachi world as long as the fanfiction has Danmachi in it please tell me about it.

Bye bye for now.

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