
iqra gulshan

People don't have to believe in you for you to succeed. Just work hard, when you succeed, they will believe.

Iqra_Gul_8128 · Historia
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So what do you need to do to start earning money?

First, open an account with a broker by clicking here (you'll need to enter your name, email address, phone number, and password, choose the account currency, and tick to show your agreement; click Register).

Step by step you'll be shown 7 tips describing what's displayed on your account. Look through all the material by pressing «NEXT STEP» after every description.

Now for the interesting part! A strategy for making a profit!

Now that you have an account with a broker, you need a 100%-profitable strategy. It's recommended to start with the "up-down" strategy – it's so simple, that anyone can understand it and use it!

First, you need to pick a currency pair: EUR / USD works well here.

Get ready for your first trade: set a time of 1 minute and an amount of $1.

Now start trading. You have to forecast whether the exchange rate will go UP or DOWN within a minute after you opened the trade.

With this strategy, you can make any forecast when you start. It doesn't matter whether you choose UP or DOWN...

Let's say you pick UP. Remember that it doesn't matter what you pick. The strategy works 100% in any case.

If in reality, the chart goes up, as you predicted, you'll get $1.92 back in your account (instead of your initial one dollar!). Now you have to make your next trade, but this time you should choose the opposite value: DOWN (the amount and time don't change; keep them at $1 and 1 minute).

So let's say the chart goes the other way and your trade isn't successful. That means you need to raise the next trade to $3 and change the direction of the chart again (i.e. If your last choice was DOWN, now you have to choose UP);

The chart once again doesn't go the way you wanted, and you lose this trade too. This is nothing to worry about (remember, with this strategy you always make back your losses!). In order to recoup your losses and make a profit now, you have to increase the trade to $8 (don't change the time of the trade). Then choose DOWN (as we chose UP the last time).

Great! That time you chose the right direction and got $15.36 (you made up for your losses and earned more money!). Now go back to trading at $1 and start over again. This time you have to choose UP. That's why it's called the "up-down" strategy.


Always change the direction (UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN), regardless of whether your bet is successful or not. Your first trade should always be $1. If you lose, increase the amount to $3. If you lose again, change it to $8. If it happens again, raise it to $18 (personally, I've never had to do this despite the fact that I trade every day) As soon as a trade is successful, go back to the original amount of $1 and start over again.