
Chapter 9

++MC POV++

The robot was watching the remaining twin assemble parts and begin to construct some kind of incubation chamber. He had scans on the thing which automatically made a copy of the information on my drive.

I cut off the feed and started looking through his findings. Robot's business was of no concern for now, until he touches anyone I care for.

The Maulers were indeed geniuses, making such a marvel like this. A machine capable of cloning a replica of the donor sample, he even found a way to configure the age of the clone.

The only major downside is the caloric material required by the body to form, the more dense the organism the more the intake of material. It was necessary to provide for tissue growth.

But I still needed it, so I put in orders for the parts and moved my focus on other things for now.

I continued my work on the chronoband and managed to incorporate its technology into the wristband I was wearing. I would need to test its functions in the actual Flaxan dimension soon.

I did have the portal gun to enter, but I decided to wait. Who knows...Maybe they'll give me another good reason to raid.


My phone rang again, a ringtone I set for Mark's number. I looked at my wristband and saw that it was nearing midnight. Why was he calling?

"Mark? What's wrong man?" I picked up and answered.

"Robb...Let's meet at home in an hour. I have something I want to talk to you about" he replied.

He sounded off for some reason like he does when he's trying hard to keep his emotions in check.

"Okay...What is this about?"

"I'll tell you later. Just please..." he sounded serious. This was new.

"Okay, Mark. In an hour" then I ended the call.

Not letting myself overthink things because well it's Mark, I went back to work.

As I passed the time, I realized how boring it was. Having no one to bounce ideas off of, and no one to talk to. I look at one of the robots I had made, an older model that was designed for maintenance.

It somehow knew I was looking since it stopped and stared back. I shook off my head and ordered it back to work.

After 50 mins or so, I left the base and flew home. The evening darkness was slowly settling in.

I was 10 seconds away from the house, cruising in the air when I heard the sound of something flying towards me at top speed.

I look to where the sound came from and saw a shadowed yellow color, one similar to what Mark wore.

"Mark?" I asked out loud, the figure increased its speed.

When he got close enough to see clearly, I confirmed that it was indeed Mark. His hair blowing wildly as he picked up speed.

He went in for a punch, which I caught with my hand.


It was the first time I realized how different we were. How...weak he still was. The impact was not as powerful as I expected, given his viltrumite blood.

He went in for another punch, aiming it to my face. I let it, trying to find out how much of it I would feel.


The impact let out a similar but much more muffled sound. I didn't even feel it at all.

"FIGHT BACK!" he screamed before sending out a barrage of fists to my face.

His moves were all over the place, obvious signs of no training. Just instinctual.

"No...why-" he tackled me, which only pushed me back a little.

Is he being mind-controlled or something?

I grab his hands and easily removed them from my torso, he was trying to force get them away but could only struggle in vain.

I rapidly spun him and sent him downward, aiming him just outside of the houses and in a clearing nearby.

He somehow caught himself and darted towards me. I rapidly fly behind him and clutched him in a chokehold, halting his movement. I dragged both of us down and crashed into the ground.

"Mark! Snap out of it!"

"No! Let me go!!" I felt a wave of force emerge from him as he flexed, but it wasn't enough to get rid of me.

He tried reaching towards my eyes. I grew angry at the attempt and slightly scorched his fingers.


"Snap out of it Mark! NOW!"

My threat somehow worked as he began to calm down. I let him go after I felt him relax.

He suddenly sends a kick my way which I met with my fist.

*boom* *crack*

I heard his bones break as we clashed, I saw him trying to hold it in. He seemed determined to get something out of me.

I wasn't having any of it, I just hurt my brother. My family.

I quietly stared at him and used my heat vision as a threat.

"Mark, STOP!!!"

"No! I need to do this! I don't want to be left behind!!" he replied desperately.

"What? What the hell-" he dashes towards me, cutting me midsentence. He was fast, but not faster.

I caught his neck and pinned him down, securing both arms behind him.

"What the hell do you mean!?"

"YOU! You're stronger, faster, and smarter. You even have those...those eye things! I must be stronger!" he replied.

It shocked me. I hadn't considered what he would feel about it.

"So your solution for that is to fight me?"

"...Dad told me Viltrumites get stronger the more we fight. That's why-"

"You could've asked me for a spar or a training session instead! Why just outright attack me!?" I interrupted him.

"..." He merely stared, still floating and intent on fighting.

Then I realized it, he was desperate.

"Just...just stop okay. Let's think of other ways, surely there are other things we can do to make you stronger".

"..." he was still staring as he let his guard down.

"Good. C'mon, let us go into the house and you can tell me in length".

I flew first as he followed closely behind, we arrive at the house and started talking.

He had been working out for days now, trying to push himself as far and as fast as he can. He also began lifting progressively heavier stuff to increase his strength.

But that one day, when he saw me with my other power and told dad about it he had a change of heart.

Dad seemingly told him the same tale about me being some rare line of Viltrumite. He got a bit jealous and so...

"Mark, I'm not trying to win some favourability contest here. I just want to keep our family safe. So I prepared myself for every possibility and I don't know...I guess I just got stronger along the way".

"Ah, that's bullshit, Robb! You mean to tell me that your laser thing came from training!?" he replied, annoyed.



"I am also quite special..." I smiled at him. Which only annoyed him more.

"But anyway man, fighting isn't the only way to be strong. There's martial arts, tactics and of course style~" I strike a pose as I finish.

He merely facepalmed and flew to his room.

"So we're good right? You won't try and stuff meatballs on my mouth when I sleep?" I said loudly.

He flicked me and closed the door.

I smirk and just sat there for a while. I looked over the dining table and suddenly get the urge to eat something.

Even with my Kryptonian physiology, I still crave food. Especially Pizza, and Especially the unholy Pineapple Pizza.

Mark hates it, but the soul wants what it wants.

So I called in the best pizza place I could buy and ordered 2 boxes for myself while ordering a box of pepperoni pizza for Mark.

The lady on the other line told me to wait for 30 minutes.

I passed the time simply by doing random stuff after I changed into my regular clothes. Enjoying the simple moments in this very...chaotic and dangerous world.


Oh finally. I would've been paralyzed with overthinking, saved by the bell.

"Mark! Pizza's here! It's your favorite!"

I hear him rumble and fly towards me as I headed to the door. He was still in full costume.

"This better not be one of those, those pineapple ones Robb. I can't understand why you'd think that taste good!" he complained.

"Ever heard of the phrase, to each their own, Mark? Maybe you should try it too, I think it's one of the things that made me stronger. Also, Mom always reminded us never to wear costumes inside" I replied as I opened the door.

"..." he raised a brow and started.

"It's like you want everyone to know that you're Invincible-"

I stop, eyes wide at the person I saw on the other side of the door.

Holding 3 pizza boxes in one hand and using the other to search her pockets, wearing her signature leather jacket and the red top was Donna Troy.

Donna was busy searching her pockets for something when she looked up. Her eyes darted between me and Mark before focusing on me.

"You look like..." she stopped, the realization dawning on her.

She then, miraculously, found what she was looking for. A receipt with a few words written on it. I didn't have to use my X-ray vision to know it was my name on it.

She then read it and I saw her eyes widened in surprise.

"You're..." she looked at the paper and continued, "Robert Grayson?".

"Craaap~" Mark trailed off as he rushed off and reappeared moments later with his normal clothes.

I simply face palmed...why? She already...Nevermind. I cast a glance at Donna.

Donna's eyes didn't move from my face, she seemed to await some sort of confirmation from me.

"Uh...Hi Donna!" I awkwardly wave at her.

"Hey! I wasn't-I mean that was-" Mark stumbled on his words.

Donna still had her eyes focused on me, not minding Mark's attempt at an explanation.

"Uhm...I have your pizza?" she asked, or was she stating? I couldn't tell.

"Oh...right. Why don't you come in, I can explain, thoroughly".

"It's late...Robert" she raised an eyebrow.

"Okay...how about tomorrow? I can take you anywhere you feel safe enough to talk"

She paused for a moment, seemingly thinking about the offer.

"Alright, Robert. Meet me at Central Park, 9 AM. Don't be late" she said.

"I won't, I promise".

"Good. That'll be $29.99" she suddenly said.


Is she asking me to pay for the da-

"The pizza. The total is $29.99" she replied, smirking.

Crap. I did it again.

I quickly paid for the boxes before watching her leave. Only now noticing that she arrived here, by herself. With no car.

"Do you want me to take you fly you or-"

"No. It's okay, besides-" she then started floating upwards.

"You're not the only one who has something to explain tomorrow!" she gave me a wink and flew off.

I was simply standing there, staring at her figure slowly disappearing into the night. Admiring the glimpse of her...

"Wow...both of you forgot I was here" Mark abruptly chides.

He pulled out the box with the very distinct Pepperoni smell and flew off to his room. Mumbling something about Eve and flying.

++Flaxxan POV++

It is almost time...

My revenge against THE SCOURGE is near!

My body has been augmented with machines powerful enough to take him down. New arms capable of crushing the biggest rock in Flaxa with ease.

After years and years of pushing the royalty, I finally perfected my armor against the scourge.

I stand, looking over the massive army I have prepared. Our weapons have proven to be more powerful now.

But more time is needed more preparation.

Until the SCOURGE will pay for the humiliation!!

*flash* *BOOM*

What is this!? Why has the sky gone red?

I look up to see the once yellow star shining overhead get covered by a massive patch of red energy. A darker color than that of the SCOURGE'S eye lasers.

I squint my eyes as I notice something, 2 small black dots moving fast across the red patch.

I then see the dots were humans! Similar to the SCOURGE'S form, one had a green suit while the other had a torn uniform of blue & white.

The green one punched the other, his form rapidly crashing towards my way. I ran in time to dodge the impact but not the aftershock.


The hard floor on my feet shook and cracked. A crater formed and inside it was the unconscious form of the blue one, with a strange-looking blade impaled in his chest.


The green one landed heavily right in front of him, his pale skin and yellow mane contrasted with his deep green suit.

"YOU...REAP WHAT YOU...SOW", it muttered in the SCOURGE'S language in a very broken way.

He rushes to me, grabs my face with one hand, and slams me into a wall. I tried prying it off with my augments but it wasn't enough... No!


"CHANGE. OR DIE!" it screamed childishly before...


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