
Invasion of monsters

Autor: isshak
Anime & Comics
En Curso · 1.9K Visitas
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What is Invasion of monsters

Lee la novela Invasion of monsters escrita por el autor isshak publicada en WebNovel. ...


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"La imaginacion: Collision With My Ex!"

Then she walked in front of the window looking up at the sky, the night was awesome and the moments created by them were golden and shone just like the stars in the sky twinkling. She enjoyed it but somewhere she felt empty because she couldn't see him and even that magical kisser didn't fill her emptiness instead of that he just made her more depressed and bought regrets in her mind. She almost started swimming in the ocean of million thoughts. Her life is incomplete without him. Suddenly she felt a large pair of arms covering her small body and followed by an electric shock circulating in her whole body equals to goosebumps but no fear instead of happiness and multiple questions. Those pairs of hands are caressing her breast and the head of the body rested on her light shoulders. She closed her eyes and chose to feel these moments. She didn't move her hands to stop because she already identified that person and this person is the magical kisser who changed her night mood. Understanding that she gave him permission he started planting soft kisses on her neck followed by a sweet hickey. She didn't think of asking about this but her mind couldn't resist asking "If you missed me then why you left me?" Which made him stop in his tracks and made her turn towards him. He stared deep into her eyes and everything went on pause like someone has hit the stop button on the screen. ________________________ Vanessa is a normal girl who was living a luxurious life with her boyfriend and everything which a normal girl imagines but suddenly her boyfriend disappears for months and again out of nowhere he comes back why did he disappear when eventually he was gonna come back to her! What will be his answer? What will Vanessa do when she will now his answer? ________________________

TheValQueen · Adolescente
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8 Chs

The Legend Of knight Alex

Bloody queen is a terror and a scary name, every time her name is mentioned, both parents and children will shiver in fear. It's not without reason that this happened, it all started with the legend of the life of the bloody queen which is full of tragic and bloody stories. Where during her lifetime, she was an ugly old woman who was thirsty for blood, killing and killing were what she enjoyed doing. Made many people afraid and hated her, until the peak of his cruelty occurred, when she succeeded in founding the red rose sect. A sect that adheres to a heretical sect with cruel black magic that they learn, there to make someone strong and powerful they need to kill innocent people. So once again bloody terror has returned to the world, led by the bloody queen, herself and her followers rampantly making many victims of innocent people. Small children, women, whether young or old died under his hands and also his followers, seeing this, a wise king of course could not remain silent. Immediately he ordered his powerful general to eradicate the existence of the bloody queen and her followers, only for the fact that the bloody queen could not die. She would continue to live as long as his corpse touched the ground, so certain methods were employed to seal her away. And in the end good always triumphs over evil, and the bloody queen was successfully sealed temporarily in a forgotten cave. Only as time passed hundreds of years later the story of the bloody queen was forgotten and used as a lullaby for disobedient children. Unfortunately, without realizing it, the seal was loose and once again the Bloody Queen was accidentally resurrected, and terror returned. Now she rises and prepares to take revenge on those who imprisoned her, she vows to destroy all their descendants. Then who will succeed in defeating the bloody queen again??? Or seal it again??? Now the world is waiting for the birth of a knight who can eradicate the evil that covers the world. ######## Novel updates Monday-Friday, with 5-10 chapters.

adi_gm · Fantasía
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