
Invading Your World

I left everything on my own. I attended school and tried to live a normal life. I put a safe distance at people but... The most generous and adored gentleman in the class continues approaching me... The friendliest guy in school who smiles a lot, but why does his smile looks scary? Then the most distant student starts paying attention to me... Around me, the cold and arrogant young master was reduced into a fool... And the girl who is the target of envy keeps following me... 'Why are you doing this? I'm not someone you can handle.' They are the people who is always in the spotlight, whereas I'm someone who should quietly watch in the sidelines. The filler. The observer but irrelevant. But once they break in on my small, bordered world and shed a light in the darkness where I was... They saw the wrong person. I am not someone who they thought I was.

Mj_Ferret · Adolescente
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36 Chs

Chapter 17: Mr. Lehman

The days went by with rehearsals of their graduation. On their way back after a break, a teacher called Dani in the faculty room.

"What did she say?" Kenneth asked her.

Dani frowned before answering. "They said that a teacher will take part on our graduation on behalf of my family."


"Mr. Lehman."


Last year, Mr. Lehman was their Physical Education instructor. But the issue is that he was always picking on Dani.

"I expected that a teacher would take the role, but I didn't think that they would assign Mr. Lehman." Jun pondered deeply.

"They said that he volunteered himself," Dani adds.

"Ha.. seriously?"

"He's very scary."

"But... he always gets involved with Dani though? He's a lone wolf and very strict to everyone, but I think that he pays more attention to you."

"Yeah. I didn't know what that old man is thinking." Dani said, thinking to herself. She wondered why that particular teacher always got himself involved with her.

"At one point, I even thought that you two might be blood-related." Belle intervened, which made them stop in their tracks. The rest looked at her as if she was being absurd.

"What? You know when someone gets into an elite school but has an unknown background, how people assume she's either very wealthy or has a backer? And then there's a teacher, one of the school's board directors, and a well-known snob, who pays more attention to that student, and it's later revealed that they're actually blood related! From then on, no one bullied her anymore because she was really wealthy and powerful!"

Belle sighed, "Sadly, that was not the case for you. When you're being picked by people, I was expecting a grand scene like that."

"You should stop watching too many dramas." Eugene makes fun of Belle.

Dani is reminded of the past. At first, everything is alright until a rumor spread doubting her identity. People continued to ask her about her family but she didn't say anything. The rumor was only resolved when another rumor spread out. It is said that she's living alone in a spectacular mansion.

It's true, but I think it's more a run-down mansion rather than spectacular.

Dani looked at her friends, the culprits of the rumor. She is certainly sure that they're the ones who pulled that off. Thanks to that, no one bothered her anymore. Her reputation becomes someone who has a powerful and mysterious background. Some even told stories that her family was maybe a part of gangs or Mafia. Shaking her head, they head back to their room and their classmates are rowdy as usual. But this time, they're noisy asking each other about their plans for college.

"Isn't it obvious? Most of us here plan to major in business."

"I'm interested in the arts, but I have no choice. It sucks."

"Certainly. If I didn't follow them, my parents would kick me out."

There is no need to mention the institution itself. Because it is obvious that everyone is going to Trinity University, the country's most prestigious college. The good part is, all freshmen have to take the basic classes and subjects for one year even though they're planning on going to different departments. That's why Dani and the rest have remaining one year of being together. In second year, that's when they will go on their own paths.

"By the way, have you already decided David and Dani?" Kenneth worriedly asked the two.

Eugene and Belle will study Business, whereas Kenneth will take a degree at Law. Jun, on the other hand, intends to go to IT department as planned. That left the two who were still undecided. Because his elder brother is the one who would succeed their family business, David can choose what he wants. He decided to become an actor like his second brother who is famous in neighboring country. But anyone can become an actor even without a diploma. And he just wants to focus on acting right now.

"I think I'm going to do performing arts. At least, that would help to fill up my lack in experience of acting." David is well aware that he lacks the skills. People praised him for being a good newcomer, but he knew that they were just fawning on his family name.

"What about you, Dani?"

"I still don't know."

"Can't you just go with me?" Belle asks her, hanging on Dani's sleeves. Seeing that, Eugene clicked his tongue.

"Don't make her choose you over what she wants, dumbass."

"What?! You're the one to talk. You simply want Dani out of competition, don't you? Tsk."

"He has a point, Belle." Kenneth lectured her.

"I know. But you don't have anything that you're interested in, Dani?"

"Hmm, I'm interested in writing a book."

"I think we already know that."

"Well... I can't think of anything else. I only think of writing because I can earn money while staying at home." Dani sat while contemplating.

"We also knew that."

The rest look at her knowingly. They know her habits very well. They would not find it surprising if they saw a headline like this in a newspaper 'Who is this famous writer who locks herself in a gloomy mansion?'

"You can do that without going to college, you know," David stated. He wants Dani to think too well about it.

"Then, should I not go to college?"


"Haha, I'm kidding," Dani immediately pulled back what she said after seeing their murderous expressions.

'Damn, should I crossed out that plan? They looked like they were really going to kill me...' Dani decided to put the idea that was bugging her at the back of her mind for now.

"You guys can recommend something to me... Who knows? I might think about it. Anyway, shall we hang out today? My place is not available though."


"Oh, you're all here?! You should have said in advance Belle, so we could've been prepared." getting up from his seat, Mr. Stein sternly chided his daughter.

"We're just here to hang out, dad." Belle determinedly answered while thinking.

Why is he here? He's supposed to be on his business trip.

Her father gave her a disapproving look, but she didn't back down. She met his gaze.

"How can you offer such low hospitality to your guest. That's not what I've taught you."

"It's fine, sir." Eugene butted in. Mr. Stein flashed him a fawning smile. It was obvious that he'd been frowning at Belle just a moment ago.

"It's been a long time, young masters. Come have a seat!" He guided the group to the living room.

'Ugh, we're supposed to head into my room.' Belle looked apologetic to the guys, especially to Dani. It was because his father greeted the boys personally one by one except her.

It's always like this. She heaved a sigh of relief when Dani only looked around in her house like it didn't affect her at all.

"What takes all of you here? You must have been very busy these days. But that's good! The truth is, I have an unfinished business with your father, Mr. Eugene."

After serving snacks and tea, Mr. Stein didn't waste time and immediately revealed his claws. For him, meeting these future successors is a great opportunity. His eyes flashed with greed. He persuaded his daughter to bring them here many times. But she only brings them occasionally and when he's not around. After saying pleasantries, Eugene and Mr. Stein started engaging in a serious talk. That made a way for the rest to excuse themselves and they went upstairs to Belle's room.

'You're unfair.' Eugene looked at them with those eyes. They giggled secretly.

"Why?" Plopping on the bed, Dani asked. Her eyes met with Belle's.

"I'm sorry. My dad is rude to you."

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."

The guys agreed. Dani wondered for how long this habit of Belle would cease to exist. She doesn't like it when she apologizes for someone. As for Belle's dad, she didn't mind it when he treats her like an air. For a long time, she knew what kind of person he is. He would stick like a glue to powerful people and he's busy achieving it. For someone like her who is not present in 'their society', it makes sense that he would not waste any time on her.

And it's not like I want him to. Dani sneered inwardly.

"Tsk, to be honest, I hope that he will ignore me too. Sorry Belle, but he's being too annoying." Jun said, feeling irritated.

"He talks too long and it's all nonsense," David agreed.

"I'm sorry guys."

"Stop saying sorry. It's not your fault." Kenneth kneaded his face.

"But it's about you guys, so I can't help it." Belle is disgusted at herself. She has no guts to confront him and can only say sorry to her friends. She curled her fist with frustration and mocked herself. 'What a coward.'

After a very long time, Eugene appeared. He looks burned out.

"You looked like you came from hell." Jun commented.

"My ears hurt."

"Here." Belle gave him a glass of water. And Eugene accepted it with 'thanks'.

Eugene is about to drink it when he asks, "Wait, what is wrong with you?"

"What!?" Belle asks incredulously.

"You're being kind to me. Are you feeling guilty?"

"What? Huh! No." Belle flinched. She answered belatedly. Realizing it, she flushed red. Eugene laughed at her.

"Hahahaha it's fine. Don't be sorry to me. I'm not used to it."

"Why would I feel sorry for you? You're delusional."

"Then why are you looking at me earlier like a lost lamb? It doesn't suit you at all."

"Ouch, That hurts!" Eugene shrieked as Belle hit him repeatedly with a pillow.

"Why are they always arguing?"

"Yeah right? I also wonder. How unbelievable."